这是什么意思啊 快帮忙翻译啊
很幸运得到成功人士/对你起重大作用的人 的帮助,你要善于把握机会,认真的,努力去奔向美好未来,光宗耀祖富贵昌盛云云。很有潜力的人,池中之龙--跟聂风步惊云差不多. 一旦机会来临,你就可以获得大的成功.你要性情温顺,保持平常心,就可以得到意料之外的福缘。你如果还没有遇到哪个让你成功的机遇的时候,那么当你你一遇到就能成功,所以要诚实,认真努力,有责任心,那么就会有贵人提拔你,这时你捕捉到机会就可以成功了,但是千万不要辜负和背弃了被提携、眷顾的恩惠,那样才能过的顺利发达,家门荣耀.这个是最吉祥的云数,平常人承受不起的.
我是网上找的 不懂
我是网上找的 不懂

2025-01-20 广告
作为深圳美辑编译信息咨询有限公司的工作人员,我回答:将中文文章翻译成英文后,可以再次发表在SCI期刊上,但需要注意以下几点:1. 翻译的质量要高,翻译后的英文文章应该符合英语表达习惯和语法规则,并且与原文意思保持一致。2. 翻译后的英文文章...
Help from luck, good catching the opportunity to have wealth, serious efforts to the future, the family home in Longchang Fu wing. The pool of the dragon, the meeting of wind and clouds, jumped into space, is expected to succeed. Gentle character, accident ford. The pool of the Dragon without will, once the meeting of wind and clouds can be ascended to heaven, it should be honest, hard, heavy duty, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but do not break my Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest number of people in the state, with. ( Ji ), the pool of the dragon is not of luck, but the party can be ascended to heaven, so because of honesty, hard, heavy duty concept in, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but not against Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest in number ordinary people, with the bear. " Windfall"
Help from luck, good catching the opportunity to have wealth, serious efforts to the future, the family home in Longchang Fu wing. The pool of the dragon, the meeting of wind and clouds, jumped into space, is expected to succeed. Gentle character, accident ford. The pool of the Dragon without will, once the meeting of wind and clouds can be ascended to heaven, it should be honest, hard, heavy duty, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but do not break my Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest number of people in the state, with. ( Ji ), the pool of the dragon is not of luck, but the party can be ascended to heaven, so because of honesty, hard, heavy duty concept in, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but not against Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest in number ordinary people, with the bear. " Windfall"
Help from luck, good catching the opportunity to have wealth, serious efforts to the future, the family home in Longchang Fu wing. The pool of the dragon, the meeting of wind and clouds, jumped into space, is expected to succeed. Gentle character, accident ford. The pool of the Dragon without will, once the meeting of wind and clouds can be ascended to heaven, it should be honest, hard, heavy duty, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but do not break my Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest number of people in the state, with. ( Ji ), the pool of the dragon is not of luck, but the party can be ascended to heaven, so because of honesty, hard, heavy duty concept in, can get noble promoted, good catching the opportunity of great success, but not against Gu Zhide, can successfully developed, the family home in Longchang, the largest in number ordinary people, with the bear. " Windfall"