英语搞笑短剧,5—10 分钟!7人左右!急!

非常急!要编一个搞笑的英语短剧,最好是根据童话故事改编的,或者是根据某部电影改编,5—10分钟即可,7个人!但不要太离谱,也不要太损人!帮个忙吧要有中文翻译!......... 非常急!要编一个搞笑的英语短剧,最好是根据童话故事改编的,或者是根据某部电影改编,5—10分钟即可,7个人!但不要太离谱,也不要太损人!帮个忙吧
2007-12-23 · TA获得超过681个赞
The jungle
rabbit, bird, elephant, bear, deer, mouse, dog, monkey, tiger
A rabbit, a rabbit,
Am I big or small?
I’m small, small, small.
Hello, bird.
Hello, rabbit.
What are you doing?
I’m playing. Let’s play together.
An elephant, an elephant.
Am I big or small?
I’m big, big, big.
Good morning, brown bear and little deer.
[Bear and deer]
Good morning, elephant.
Let’s play together.
A mouse, a mouse.
Am I big or small?
I’m small, small, small.
Good morning, Mr. Dog.
Good morning, little mouse.
What are you doing, Mr. Dog?
I’m playing with my friends.
Do you have any friends?
Yes, of course. Hello, my friends. Come here. Come here. Look, they are all my friends.
Hello, I’m a bird. I can sing songs. I have beautiful wings. I can fly in the sky.
Hi, I’m a monkey. I’m very clever. I can climb trees.
Hello, I’m a brown bear. I’m stronger than you. I can climb trees, too.
But you’re slow. I’m very, very fast.
Hello, I’m a deer. I can run. And I’m very fast. What can you do, little rabbit?
I’m wise and cute, and I can jump.
Hello, I’m an elephant. I’m the strongest animal in the jungle. And I can dance.
You dance poorly. I can dance very well. (The other animals laugh)
But you are heavy. You can carry a lot of things.
Nice to see you all. How do you do?
Nice to see you too. How do you do?
Let’s be friends.
Yes, let’s be good friends.
Let’s play together.
OK. Come on!
Look at the beautiful flowers.
Look out! There’s a trap.
(Suddenly, all the animals hear “Help! Help!”)
Quiet! Quiet! What’s that sound? What happened? My friends, my friends come here quick.
Who are you?
I’m a tiger - your friend. I fell into a trap and I can’t climb out. I beg you, help me, please.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Let’s help the poor tiger.
You can’t. He’s a tiger. He’s going to eat you!
No, no. I’m your friend. I’m very kind. I won’t eat you, I promise.
Oh, but he needs our help.
He needs help. I’ll help him. Let’s help him together.
OK. Don’t worry. Let’s make a rope and pull him out. (action)
Yes, yes. Let’s pull the tiger out.
Are you ready?
Yes. One, two, three.
Thank you, my friends.
Not at all.
But, I was very hot in there. Now, I would like to drink some water. Would you please get me some water?
I’m very clever and fast. Let me get you some water.
Thank you, my good friend.
Big tiger, please, sit down. Have a rest.
OK. I’m very tired.
Big tiger, I’m back. Here is your water.
Thanks a lot. (Tiger drinks water.) Now I’m not thirsty anymore.
Let’s go on playing.
Good. Let’s go on playing.
Good. Let’s go on playing.
Big tiger, let’s play together.
OK. Little rabbit. Now, I’m … I’m –
What is it?
Well, I’m very hungry now. I want to eat something. I think you look delicious. I want to eat you. (action)
Help! Help! Help me!
(cry) My friend, rabbit.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Oh no!
[Bear and dog]
We will remember this. You are a very bad tiger! You’ll be sorry!
You are a very mean tiger! You’ll pay!
I’m not thirsty or hungry anymore. I’m very, very happy. (laughs and laughs. He falls back into the trap.)
Help me! My friends, help me! Help me!
Sorry. Goodbye!
Sorry. Goodbye!
Sorry. Goodbye! (The animals look at one another. No one wants to help the tiger anymore.)
前台小姐:“you have what thing?”
老外:“can you speak English? ”
前台小姐:“if I not speak English, I am speaking what?”
老外:“can anybody else speak English? ”
前台小姐:“you yourself look. all people are playing, no people have time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go.” 老外:“good heavens. anybody here can speak English?”
前台小姐:“ shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing.”
老外:“I want to speak to your head.”
前台小姐:“head not zai.you tomorrow come.”
Will power意志力
Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates
地点:Scene----in the college dorm大学宿舍
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?
D: I am playing war craft.
M: Where is Tommy?
D: Shiiiii!
M:What? What's the matter?
D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.
M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?
D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.
M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!
T:five more minutes, please.
Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up.
T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)
M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.
D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.
D and T: what is will power?
M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.
D: You mean like trying not to play war craft?
Mike: right.
T: you mean like trying not to stay up late?
M: right.
Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom.
Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment.
Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work?
Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts.
Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!!
Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.

The end


On The Way Home回家的路上
Six high school students are walking on their way home, talking, laughing, ...
A: hey, guys, what are you going to do when you get home?
B: I'm going to watch the soccer game replay.My parents won't let me watch in the early morning.I'm so mad at them.
All:(sing)If you're mad and you know it stamp your feet(everybody stamps his feet)
大伙(唱) 如果你知道你生气你就跺跺你的脚(跺脚)
C: I think I'm going to get something to eat first. I'm so hungry.
ALL:(Sing) If you're hungry and you know it touch your tummy,mmm...(everybody toches his tummy)
A:(to D) what about you?
A(对D说) 你呢?
D:(pretend to yawn)I can't wait to lie down on my sofa. I'm so sleepy.(yawn again)
All except E:(sing)If you're sleepy and you know it take a nap(pretend to take a nap while yawning)
all of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found.
突然,A 意识到E不见了.
A:(to F)E,where is E?
A(对F说) E, F 呢?
F: I have no idea. He was with us one minute ago.
Eeverybody turns around looking for E.
B: Look! there he is! (pointing )
在那! 他在那!(手指远处)
C: oh oh, he is with a stray dog.
D: I know he likes dogs.
F: but that dog looks mean.
A: we’d better tell him to stay away from that mean looking dog.
Everybody: (shouting) E! Come back! Come Back!
大伙(大声叫)E! 回来!回来!
B: Oh my god! He is bleeding!
D: The dog bit him!
F: Hurry up!
Everybody runs to E. E moans in pain.(pretend moaning)
大伙跑过去.E 疼痛地叫着(装疼叫)
ALL: (to E)are you all right?
E: (shakes his head and keeps moaning)
A: let’s call for help!
All: help! Help!
They can not find any help nearby.
B: Let me carry him to the hospital.
All: let’s go!
B picks up E and carries him on his back.
B 背起E.

They go to the hospital.
The End
不知道你们会不会唱那首歌”If you’re happy and you know it”, 如果不会就照读好了.唱歌的话效果会好些.

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/17594672.html

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Will power意志力
Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates
地点:Scene----in the college dorm大学宿舍
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?
D: I am playing war craft.
M: Where is Tommy?
D: Shiiiii!
M:What? What's the matter?
D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.
M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?
D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.
M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!
T:five more minutes, please.
Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up.
T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)
M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.
D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.
D and T: what is will power?
M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.
D: You mean like trying not to play war craft?
Mike: right.
T: you mean like trying not to stay up late?
M: right.
Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom.
Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment.
Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work?
Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts.
Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!!
Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.

The end前台小姐:“hello?”
前台小姐:“you have what thing?”
老外:“can you speak English? ”
前台小姐:“if I not speak English, I am speaking what?”
老外:“can anybody else speak English? ”
前台小姐:“you yourself look. all people are playing, no people have time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go.” 老外:“good heavens. anybody here can speak English?”
前台小姐:“ shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing.”
老外:“I want to speak to your head.”
前台小姐:“head not zai.you tomorrow come.”
Will power意志力
Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates
地点:Scene----in the college dorm大学宿舍
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?
D: I am playing war craft.
M: Where is Tommy?
D: Shiiiii!
M:What? What's the matter?
D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.
M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?
D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.
M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!
T:five more minutes, please.
Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up.
T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)
M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.
D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.
D and T: what is will power?
M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.
D: You mean like trying not to play war craft?
Mike: right.
T: you mean like trying not to stay up late?
M: right.
Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom.
Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment.
Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work?
Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts.
Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!!
Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.

The end


On The Way Home回家的路上
Six high school students are walking on their way home, talking, laughing, ...
A: hey, guys, what are you going to do when you get home?
B: I'm going to watch the soccer game replay.My parents won't let me watch in the early morning.I'm so mad at them.
All:(sing)If you're mad and you know it stamp your feet(everybody stamps his feet)
大伙(唱) 如果你知道你生气你就跺跺你的脚(跺脚)
C: I think I'm going to get something to eat first. I'm so hungry.
ALL:(Sing) If you're hungry and you know it touch your tummy,mmm...(everybody toches his tummy)
A:(to D) what about you?
A(对D说) 你呢?
D:(pretend to yawn)I can't wait to lie down on my sofa. I'm so sleepy.(yawn again)
All except E:(sing)If you're sleepy and you know it take a nap(pretend to take a nap while yawning)
all of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found.
突然,A 意识到E不见了.
A:(to F)E,where is E?
A(对F说) E, F 呢?
F: I have no idea. He was with us one minute ago.
Eeverybody turns around looking for E.
B: Look! there he is! (pointing )
在那! 他在那!(手指远处)
C: oh oh, he is with a stray dog.
D: I know he likes dogs.
F: but that dog looks mean.
A: we’d better tell him to stay away from that mean looking dog.
Everybody: (shouting) E! Come back! Come Back!
大伙(大声叫)E! 回来!回来!
B: Oh my god! He is bleeding!
D: The dog bit him!
F: Hurry up!
Everybody runs to E. E moans in pain.(pretend moaning)
大伙跑过去.E 疼痛地叫着(装疼叫)
ALL: (to E)are you all right?
E: (shakes his head and keeps moaning)
A: let’s call for help!
All: help! Help!
They can not find any help nearby.
B: Let me carry him to the hospital.
All: let’s go!
B picks up E and carries him on his back.
B 背起E.

They go to the hospital.
The End
不知道你们会不会唱那首歌”If you’re happy and you know it”, 如果不会就照读好了.唱歌的话效果会好些.
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Will power意志力
Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates
地点:Scene----in the college dorm大学宿舍
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?
D: I am playing war craft.
M: Where is Tommy?
D: Shiiiii!
M:What? What's the matter?
D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.
M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?
D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.
M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!
T:five more minutes, please.
Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up.
T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)
M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.
D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.
D and T: what is will power?
M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.
D: You mean like trying not to play war craft?
Mike: right.
T: you mean like trying not to stay up late?
M: right.
Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom.
Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment.
Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work?
Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts.
Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!!
Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.

The end
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2007-12-23 · TA获得超过2918个赞
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