
2012-05-13 · TA获得超过6204个赞
我来为你解忧: 这是最全的了:

1. take up 占据。既可以指时间上的占据,也可以指空间上的占据。
eg. The job takes up all my time.
This table takes up too much time.
注意:1)take off 脱下,起飞(区别:put on; wear)
2)take out 拿出,提款(区别:take out sth of sp\ take sth out of sp)
Eg,Take out your hands of your pockets.
How much do you need to take out (of your bank.)
3)take away 拿走
2. a bit & a little
1) 两者都可以用作副词词组,用来修饰形容词,副词(原级或者是比较级)或动词。
2) 做定语时,a little 后面可以直接接不可数名词;a bit of + u
3) Not a bit = not at all; not a little = very
注意:a little & little; a few & few
3. All the time 总是, 一直
注意:On time 准时,按时; in time 及时; at times 有时;
from time to time 不时; kill time 消磨时间
Keep time (一般指时钟)走得准;
Some times 有时 some time 一段时间
Sometimes 几次 sometime 将来的某一个时间
4. interested surprised amazed bored tired excited
interesting surprising amazing boring tiring exciting
注意:be interested in 对…感兴趣
5. play 后接乐器时,乐器前面加定冠词the;后面接球类名词时,名词前不加任何冠词。
Play the piano play basketball
6. 四看三使动词后面长接不带to的动词不定式。
四看:look at, make, watch, observe
三使:have, make, let
两听:hear, listen to
半动词:help 即可接带to的动词不定式也可接不带to的动词不定式 (help sb to do sth/ help sb do sth)
注意:see sb do sth 指看的全过程
See sb doing sth 指看的时候正在进行的一个动作
Eg. Tom made Jane cry just now on the playground.
Jane was made to cry by Tom juast now.
7. Give sb sth & give sth to sb
注意:类似give能接双宾语的动词还有:pass, lend, show.
8. There be 句型中动词be 与后面相邻的名词在数上保持一致。随后面名词单复数形式的变化而变化。
Eg. There is a little water in the bottle.
There are some apples on the table.
注意:1)there be 表示某处有某物,表示存在。
2)have 表示所有,拥有。表示“有”时,可直接在后面加not 表示否定。
9. 现在进行时表示将来时,主要用于go, leave, come, start 等表示去向的短暂性动词。
Eg. I am leaving tomorrow.
10. 1) Such as 用于列举前面概述过的同类事物,后面不需要用“,”号隔开,所列举的事物在两个或两个以上。
2) For example 用于列举说明,后面一般要用“,”隔开,所列举的事物一般只有一个,位置比较灵活,可位于句首,句中,句末。
Eg. We all like ball games, such as basketball and football.
Jim has many friends here, for example, Liulei.
11. Look after = take care of = care for
Eg. He spent years (in) caring for his sick mother.
12. Make sb do sth 使、让某人做某事
Make sb + adj 使某人...(处于某种状态)
Make sb + n (表示职位,头衔等名词)
Eg. My dog's death made her sad.
We all made her our monitor.
13. Spend money\time on sth
Spend money\time (in) doing sth
It takes sb some time to do sth 表示某人花费多少时间做某事
Sb + pay + money for sth
Sth + cost + money 或者 sth + cost + sb +money
Eg. This chair costs too much.
This meal costs us $40.
14. As well as = besides 或in addition to "除了"
Eg. As well as visiting Beijing, we spent a day in Tianjin.
注意:beside = next to 在......旁边
15. Ask sb to do sth & let sb to do sth 让某人做某事
16. Enjoy + doing; finish + doing; enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time
Can’t help, mind, + doing
17. It is + adj + to do sth
It is + adj + of sb to do sth (此类形容词是可以修饰人的)
It is + adj + for sb to do sth (此类形容词是不可以修饰人的)
18. Remember to do sth forget to do sth
Remember doing sth forget doing sth
19. Try to do sth = try one's best to do sth 尽力做某事
Try doing sth 尝试着做某事
20. 形容词修饰something, anything, everything, somewhere, anywhere 等复合不定代词或不定副词时,须放在这些不定代词或不定副词的后面。
Something interesting; would you like something hot to drink?
21. Be good at 擅长... = do well in
注意:do better__?__
Be good for 对......有益,对......有用
Be good to 对......友好 = be friendly to
22. Come out 出版,刊出; 出现,显露,长出。
23. Find out 找出,查明(真相),弄清(缘由),强调经过周折调查到最后得到的认证。
Find 找到,发现(强调的是结果)
Look for 寻找(强调的是过程)
24. Dress +sb 给某人穿衣服
Put on +衣服 指穿上(强调穿衣的动作)
Wear 穿着 (指的是状态);戴着(手套,手表,眼镜,首饰,戒指);留着(长发,胡须)。
(be) in 穿着 (指的是状态);宾语可以是衣服,帽子,又可以是颜色。
2012-06-07 · TA获得超过109个赞
Book 8 Module 1 Deep South
1 close to 接近于,几乎
2 adapt to 适应
3 in the form of 以…的形式
4 stand out 突出,显眼
5 set foot on 进入,踏上,涉足
6 in particular 尤其,特别
7 aim to 目标是,目的在于
8 reply to 回答,回复
9 come up with 想出
10 keep one's promise 许诺,信守承诺
11 come into sight 进入视野,看得见
12 break up 分裂;分散;(学校)开始放假
13 take a risk 冒险
14 in a …state 处于…状态中
15 care for 关心,喜爱
16 open one's heart 敞开心扉
17 have eyes for 只向…看
18 as follows 如下
19 so what 那又怎么样
20 keep in mind 记住
21 make it short 长话短说
22 in want of 需要
23 get it all wrong 误解
24 want a day off 想请一天假
25 above/below average 高于/低于平均水平
26 at a depth of 在…的深处
27 free from 免受
28 represent …as 把…描述成
29 set up 建立
30 get sunburnt 被晒伤
31 in case of 以防,万一
32 cut …in/into 超车抢道;打断,打搅某人
33 have in common 有共同之处
34 set off 开始

天街夜色冷 最先回答!

moudle 1 deep south 就只有这些词组了
本人好不容易写的 望其他人别复制回答。
祝你英语越学越好! 谢谢诶!
请 问主 看清回答时间给第一个这样回答的人悬赏分!!!
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