如题。 2)早餐后游览被誉为“人类文明发展的总牵引”的卢浮宫。大巴将在8:30前往Le Meurice Hotel接大家。整个卢浮宫的游览时间为2个小时。游客们将在卢浮宫看到约40万件的艺术品。中餐将在巴黎有名的Fontainebleau restaurant 就餐。大约下午一点继续驱车前往巴黎圣母院。参观时间约为45分钟。之后继续前往凯旋门游览。在游览凯旋门的同时可以在香榭丽舍大道漫步,并进行购物。傍晚,自由活动。3)8:30前往埃菲尔铁塔。上、下塔约1小时。塔上可以游览1.5小时。然后驱车前往塞纳河。在塞纳河上可以欣赏到优美的风景和别致的公园遍布沿岸。此游览时长约2个小时。之后到巴黎的特色餐厅吃中餐。下午将在Forum Des halles购物。4)早上9点从巴黎乘坐高铁TGV到普罗旺斯。然后在普罗旺斯的开心酒店休息。在12点将会驱车前往普罗旺斯的薰衣草天堂进行拍照。拍照分别由顶级的摄影师以及化妆师配合完成。 麻烦大家了。。不想考虑那么多了。。时间也不允许。。大家知道的请帮帮忙。。先在此谢谢大家。。。
After breakfast visit as the "total traction of human civilization," the Louvre. 8:30 bus will take you to the Le Meurice Hotel. Tour of the Louvre for 2 hours. Visitors will see at the Louvre some 400,000 works of art. Chinese food in Paris famous Fontainebleau restaurant dining. About one o'clock to drive to Notre Dame. Tour takes about 45 minutes. Proceed to the Arc de Triomphe after the tour. Visit the Arc de Triomphe at the same time you can stroll the Champs Elysees, and the shopping. In the evening, free.
3) The Eiffel Tower at 8:30. Upper and lower tower about 1 hour. 1.5 hours to tour the tower. Then drive to the Seine. On the Seine to enjoy the beautiful scenery and unique to the park around the coast. When this tour is about 2 hours. Specialty restaurant in Paris after eating Chinese food. Afternoon shopping at the Forum Des halles.
4) 9 am TGV high-speed rail travel from Paris to Provence. Then the fun in Provence hotel. 12 points will be driven to take the picture of Provence lavender heaven. The photographers were taking pictures from the top and with the completion of make-up artist.
3) The Eiffel Tower at 8:30. Upper and lower tower about 1 hour. 1.5 hours to tour the tower. Then drive to the Seine. On the Seine to enjoy the beautiful scenery and unique to the park around the coast. When this tour is about 2 hours. Specialty restaurant in Paris after eating Chinese food. Afternoon shopping at the Forum Des halles.
4) 9 am TGV high-speed rail travel from Paris to Provence. Then the fun in Provence hotel. 12 points will be driven to take the picture of Provence lavender heaven. The photographers were taking pictures from the top and with the completion of make-up artist.