快快快 英语作文 I Will Never Forget____________
Sept. 10th was an unusual day I will n ever forget. I got a prize—some money as an English contest winner. I was so happy and so excited. This was the fir st time I had got a prize. It was really a n exciting day for me. I can't forget it. Do you know why? It is not for the prize but for an importan t decision. Before I got the money I tho ught a lot. I thought of buying a pair of sports shoes, so I could play basket- ball , wearing them, and for sure my friend would be eaten up with envy. M aybe, I thought, I would buy a Spice Girls CD, thus I could listen to the mus ic every day. Maybe I could buy some English tapes or some small gifts for my teacher and my parents. How wonderf ul it would be! At noon while I was wat ching TV, I saw a great sight on the sc reen. Many people, factories, scho ols and governments all over the countr y were donating money to the flooded ar eas. Floods destroyed many bridges, farms and schools. And hundreds of s tudents had to study in the open air or s tay at home. The students were eager to go to school, but they had no place to go to. After watching TV, I made a decisi on. I would donate the money to the " Hope Project "to help the students. Th ey needed money most. So I did as so on as I got the prize. There, I also sa w many students and teachers donating their money to the "Hope Project". Wh at an exciting and moving sight! I see med to see, in my mind, many new s chools being built and the students hap pily studying at the newly-built
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