Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back up, it let's roll, roll, roll
Girl let's go
You sexy thing, you turn me on,
I need a private show, here on the lawn, in my garage
I think you on a row, hey Porsche girl
I think you know what I wanna do
Come on let me under slide so I can work on, work on you
I wanna take your top off, celebrate this champagne pop-off
Yeah, we could turn the clocks off
No rush, baby we could just park somewhere
I don't need nobody's permission
No keys, push start to ignition, say
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
Girl you know,
Damn I've been dreaming about the day you let me take you home
Just for a week and maybe more
Just say it, say I've never seen an ass like that
You gon' make a nigga crash like that
Since I seen you in the window, knew what I was in for
Spending every rack on that
I wanna take your top off, celebrate this champagne pop-off
Yeah, we could turn the clocks off
No rush, baby we could just park somewhere
I don't need (I don't need) nobody's permission
No keys, push start to ignition, say
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
I wanna see how fast you can go
See how you handle as I'm losing control
As I make you turn away
Hey, let me turn up your sun
T-t-turn it up and now here we go
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back up, it let's roll, roll, roll
Girl let's go
You sexy thing, you turn me on,
I need a private show, here on the lawn, in my garage
I think you on a row, hey Porsche girl
I think you know what I wanna do
Come on let me under slide so I can work on, work on you
I wanna take your top off, celebrate this champagne pop-off
Yeah, we could turn the clocks off
No rush, baby we could just park somewhere
I don't need nobody's permission
No keys, push start to ignition, say
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
Girl you know,
Damn I've been dreaming about the day you let me take you home
Just for a week and maybe more
Just say it, say I've never seen an ass like that
You gon' make a nigga crash like that
Since I seen you in the window, knew what I was in for
Spending every rack on that
I wanna take your top off, celebrate this champagne pop-off
Yeah, we could turn the clocks off
No rush, baby we could just park somewhere
I don't need (I don't need) nobody's permission
No keys, push start to ignition, say
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
I wanna see how fast you can go
See how you handle as I'm losing control
As I make you turn away
Hey, let me turn up your sun
T-t-turn it up and now here we go
Hey little Porsche, I wanna try ya
Crazy baby girl, there ain't nothing like you
Hey little Porsche, so right I had to get ya
B-b-back it up, let's roll, roll, roll, roll
Hey Porsche
I want you
Hey Porsche
I, I want you
喔 顺便提一下,我现在学的ABC天卞英语的导师和我们说过 如果想学会英语是轻松的;坚持要有一个好的研习情境及进修口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正才可以 持续天天口语学习 1v1家教式辅导才会有.好.的学习成效~学习后还要重复复习课堂音频 帮助加强记忆!然后要是真的没人帮忙的状况下 可以上旺旺或沪江取得课外教材学习,多问多听短时间口语就加强起来 学习成效会非常快速显着的 钙是生命之源,一般人以为补充钙(钙食品)只是为了预防骨质疏松症,不知道钙与全身的神经传导,细胞讯息传递,智力发展,内分泌平衡.都有密切的关系,还好的是,现代多知道要服用钙片或由饮食中增加钙的摄取,对于-岁的幼儿来说,由于他们的消化(消化食品)肠道刚刚脱离婴幼儿(幼儿食品)时期的发展期,对于食物的吸收尚未功能完整,所以仍然很娇嫩,对于像钙片这种营养补充品的吸收是一个最大的问题,到底儿童(儿童食品)应该如何补钙呢? 一般营养学家多建议儿童以牛奶来当作最佳的钙质补充来源,因为牛奶易于消化吸收,且富含钙质,并含多种蛋白质(蛋白质食品),矿物质与维生素(维生素食品)等营养,但是面临的问题是许多儿童并不喜欢喝牛奶,或是喜欢喝加味的调味奶,以增加喝牛奶的适口性与口感接受度,但如此一来又摄入多余的糖类,而会担心有儿童肥胖的问题发生,另一方面,许多东方儿童有乳糖耐受症的体质,喝牛奶(尤其是营养保存较佳的鲜奶)会发生腹泻,因而对于喝牛奶这件事永远裹足不前 如果小孩不喝牛奶,可以选择一些吸收较佳的钙片补充剂来为儿童补钙,目前市面上多种的钙片,柠檬酸钙是比较新一代的介廉物美产品,因为柠檬酸钙不需胃酸活化吸收,吸收率最佳,又不会如碳酸钙产生二氧化碳胃胀气的缺点,且柠檬酸盐在血中的溶解度比产生结石的草酸盐为高,因此柠檬酸根会抢夺结石成份中的钙,多了一个预防结石的功能,比其它的钙更佳,对于肠胃功能尚未完全发育完成的儿童,可以得到较好的补钙效果,目前在国内外营养医学界已开始风行 除了补充牛奶或钙片以外,应该多让儿童到户外运动(运动食品),除了可以增进骨骼强健的发展,也让小孩接触日光而生成维它命D,以增进钙在肠道中的吸收度 另外要注意的是,市面上许多标榜"天然活性钙", "珍钙"的天然产品,对于儿童的使用更应十分注意,因为这些天然产品多半因为原料采自海洋,由于环境污染,制造过程若没有小心处理可能会有重金属污染的疑虑,重金属对于儿童幼小身体的危害,将远远超过成年人 根据WHO世界卫生组织的统计,全世界包括先进国家的儿童,钙的摄取量只有需要量的0%-0%,大部份国家(尤其是饮食中缺钙的东方国家与第三世界国家),生长中最需要钙的儿童大多处在严重缺钙的状况下,因此,除了生长迟滞,佝偻病,牙齿发育不全,过动症这些发生在儿童缺钙的症状以外,甚至影响到大脑智力发展与将来一生的降(降食品),如果能够从儿童时期就开始补钙,就能让骨骼,内脏,大脑...,的发育都达到最佳的状态,为将来一生的降打好基础