
反方:对方辩友听过“实践是检验真理的唯一标准吗”?现在有很多高分低能的学生,对方辩友认为该如何解决呢?您在喝可乐时是先化验它是否好喝还是,尝尝它是否好喝呢?为什么许多高效... 反方:对方辩友听过“实践是检验真理的唯一标准吗”?现在有很多高分低能的学生,对方辩友认为该如何解决呢?您在喝可乐时是先化验它是否好喝还是,尝尝它是否好喝呢?为什么许多高效毕业生也找不到工作呢?为什么当代毕业大学生就业难?    就是因为没有实际工作经验的空架子金融危机使就业压力更大,那么我们当然是有实践能力的人好找工作了实践是认识的基础,实践是认识的目的和归宿,实践是认识的来源,而理论是通过对事物的认知总结概括得到的我们的祖先在没有任何理论根据的前提下,学会了如何运用火烹食物、将锋利的石头制成兵器,从石器到陶器到青铜器、由原始社会过渡到封建社会,他们不了解各种岩石的化学成分,不清楚金属冶炼的化学原理,更没有人告诉他们哪一种社会制度更加完善,但是他们在接连不断的实践中摸索经验,使人类前进道路中的许多困难和障碍得到了解决,推动了社会的进步,战胜了种种天灾人祸,从而令人类成为了地球的主宰,成为万物之灵。弗兰克林在雷雨天中放飞风筝从而发现了电,爱迪生经历了数千次的实验才发明了白炽灯,李时珍尝启遍百草写下震惊世人的《本草纲目》,这些伟人终其一生致力于实践,也因此为人类社会的发展做出巨大贡献,名留青史。 展开
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反方:对方辩友听过“实践是检验真理的唯一标准吗”?现在有很多高分低能的学生,对方辩友认为该如何解决呢?您在喝可乐时是先化验它是否好喝还是,尝尝它是否好喝呢?为什么许多高效毕业生也找不到工作呢?为什么当代毕业大学生就业难? 就是因为没有实际工作经验的空架子金融危机使就业压力更大,那么我们当然是有实践能力的人好找工作了实践是认识的基础,实践是认识的目的和归宿,实践是认识的来源,而理论是通过对事物的认知总结概括得到的我们的祖先在没有任何理论根据的前提下,学会了如何运用火烹食物、将锋利的石头制成兵器,从石器到陶器到青铜器、由原始社会过渡到封建社会,他们不了解各种岩石的化学成分,不清楚金属冶炼的化学原理,更没有人告诉他们哪一种社会制度更加完善,但是他们在接连不断的实践中摸索经验,使人类前进道路中的许多困难和障碍得到了解决,推动了社会的进步,战胜了种种天灾人祸,从而令人类成为了地球的主宰,成为万物之灵。弗兰克林在雷雨天中放飞风筝从而发现了电,爱迪生经历了数千次的实验才发明了白炽灯,李时珍尝启遍百草写下震惊世人的《本草纲目》,这些伟人终其一生致力于实践,也因此为人类社会的发展做出巨大贡献,名留青史。
2012-05-24 · TA获得超过674个赞
The opposition: the friends of the other debates heard of" practice is the sole criterion for testing truth "? There are a lot of low grades students, the other contestants think how to solve? You drink cola is the first test whether it is good or not good to drink, taste it? Why do many efficient graduates cannot find a job? Why the contemporary graduate students employment? Because there is no practical work experience in the financial crisis, employment pressure shell of bigger, so of course we are a practical ability of the people to look for a job practice is the base of knowledge, practice is the understanding of the purpose and a home to return to, practice is the understanding of the origin, and the theory is based on the cognitive summary thing from our ancestors in the absence of any theory under the premise, learn how to use the fire cooked food, the sharp stone weapons, from the Neolithic pottery to the bronze, from the primitive society to the feudal society, they do not understand the various rock chemical composition, unclear metal smelting chemical principle, no one told them what social system is more perfect, but they are continuously in the practice experience, make the mankind in the road many difficulties and obstacles are solved, promoted social progress, overcome a variety of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, thereby causing humans to become the master of the earth, become the intelligent part of the universe. Franklin flies a kite in a thunderstorm thus discovered electricity, Edison experienced many thousands of experiments before the invention of incandescent lamp, and Li Shizhen tasted Baicao write shocked the world 's" compendium of Materia Medica", these men devoted all his life to practice, and thus for the development of human society to make enormous contribution, go down.
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Negative side: the other side argue the Friends have heard "Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth"? Now, there are many students Gaofendineng each other Friends of the debate how to solve it? When you drink Coke is the first laboratory, if it tastes or taste if it is to drink it? Why many of efficient graduates can not find a job? Why do contemporary graduate students difficult job? Because the shell of the financial crisis with no practical work experience so that greater pressure on employment, then we of course have the practical ability Haozhaogongzuo practice is the basis for the understanding, practice is the understanding of the purpose and destination of, the practice is a source of understanding, while The theory is summarized get through the cognitive summary of things our ancestors in the absence of any theory based on the premise, learned how to use fire, cooking food, made of sharp stone weapons to pottery from the Neolithic to the Bronze, from primitive society the transition to a feudal society, they do not know the chemical composition of various rocks, do not know how metal smelting, chemical, and no one to tell them what kind of social system is more perfect, but they seek experience in the practice of successive, so that human progress many difficulties and obstacles in the road has been resolved, and to promote social progress and to overcome all sorts of natural disasters, which makes the class become the master of the Earth, and become the soul of the universe. Franklin flying the kite in a thunderstorm days to discover electricity, Edison experienced thousands of experiments before the invention of the incandescent lamp, Li tasted Kai over a hundred herbs write shocked the world, "Compendium of Materia Medica", these great men in their lives committed to the practice make a significant contribution for the development of human society, therefore, go down.
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