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2016-06-02 · TA获得超过1001个赞

(1) Hu, Y., Liu, H.L., Prausnitz, J. M. Equation of state for fluids containing chainlike molecules, J. Chem. Phys.,104, 1996: 396-404
(2) Yan, Q.L., Liu, H.L., Hu, Y. Simulation of phase equilibria for lattice polymers, Macromolecules, 29, 1996: 4066-4071
(3) Hu, Y.,Jiang, J.W.,Liu, H.L.,Prausnitz, J. M. Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Solutions: Non-symmetric sticky electrolytes with overlap between ions in the mean-spherical approximation, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 1997: 2718-2727
(4) Jiang, J.W.,Yan, Q.L.,Liu, H.L.,Hu, Y. Monte-Carlo simulation of liquid-liquid equilibria for ternary chain molecule systems on a lattice, Macromolecules, 30, 1997: 8459-8462
(5) Jiang, J.W.,Liu, H.L.,Hu, Y., Prausnitz, J.M. A molecular-thermodynamic model for polyelectrolyte solutions, J. Chem. Phys., 108, 1998: 780~784
(6) Jiang, J.W.,Liu, H.L.,Hu, Y. Polyelectrolyte solutions with stickiness between polyions and counterions , J. Chem. Phys., 110, 1999: 4952~4962
(7) Chen, T., Liu, H.L.,Hu, Y. Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Equilibria for Random Copolymers, Macromolecules, 33, 2000: 1904~1909
(8) Chen, T., Liu, H.L.,Hu, Y.. Monte Carlo Simulation for the Adsorption of Diblock Copolymers (I) In Non-Selective Solvent, J. Chem. Phys., 114(13), 2001: 5937-5948
(9) Meng S. H., Cai J., Liu H.L., Hu Y.. Fluids of Hard-Spheres with Two Sticky Thin Layers, Liquid-Liquid Transition for Pure Substances, J. Chem. Phys., 115(2), 2001: 970-976
(10) Han X., Xu J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A new approach to thick films of a block copolymer with ordered structures, Macrom. Rapid Comm., 26, 2005: 1810-1813
(11) Ye Z. C., Cai J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Density functional theory for density and chain conformation profiles of square-well chains confined in a slit, J. Chem. Phys., 123(19), 2005: 194902
(12) Han X., Hu J., Liu H.L., Hu Y., SEBS aggregate patterning at surface studied by atomic force microscopy, -3433
(13) Jiang J. W., Feng J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Phase behavior of polyampholytes from charged hard-sphere chain model, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 2006: 144908
(14) Ye Z. C., Chen H. Y., Cai J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Density functional theory of homopolymer square-well-chain mixtures confined in a slit, J. Chem. Phys., 125(12), 2006: 124705
(15) Yang J. Y., Xin Q., Sun L., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., A new molecular thermodynamic model for multicomponent Ising lattice, J. Chem. Phys., 125(16), 2006: 164506
(16) Chen H. Y., Ye Z. C., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A density functional theory for recognition of polymer at nanopatterned surface, J. Chem. Phys., 125(20), 2006: 204708
(17) Zhou M., Liu H. L., Yang H. F., Liu X. L., Zhang Z. R., Hu Y., Spontaneous crystallization at the air-water interface: an unusual feature of gemini surfactant with rigid spacer, Langmuir, 22(26), 2006: 10877-10879

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