What statement is true?
(a) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a RuntimeException will be cast.
(b) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a java.rmi.ConnectException will be cast.
(c) Clients don’t have to start RMI registry before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry
(d) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a NullPointerException will be cast.
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(a) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a RuntimeException will be cast.
(b) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a java.rmi.ConnectException will be cast.
(c) Clients don’t have to start RMI registry before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry
(d) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a NullPointerException will be cast.
Select one right answer 展开
(a) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a RuntimeException will be cast. //运行时抛出异常
(b) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a java.rmi.ConnectException will be cast. //如果拒绝远程主机对连接的远程方法调用,则抛出 ConnectException。
(c) Clients don’t have to start RMI registry before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry //不能注册
(d) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a NullPointerException will be cast. //name为null时抛出异常NullPointerException
(b) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a java.rmi.ConnectException will be cast. //如果拒绝远程主机对连接的远程方法调用,则抛出 ConnectException。
(c) Clients don’t have to start RMI registry before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry //不能注册
(d) RMI registry has to be started before attempting to bind the remote object to the registry. Otherwise, a NullPointerException will be cast. //name为null时抛出异常NullPointerException