帮忙翻译一下.把下列句子翻译成英语
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1.People
should
not
kill
mild
animals
for
money
人们不应该为了赚钱而猎杀野生动物
2.We
can
do
nothing
except
waiting
in
the
storm
除了在暴风中等待,我们什么都不能做
3.They
would
survive
if
we
come
to
protect
pandas
together
.如果大家都来保护大熊猫,他
们将会幸存下来.
4.Do
you
agree
if
drive
你同意教我开车么?
5.London
is
a
foggy
city,it
often
rains
all
the
year.伦敦是一个多雾的城市.这里一年到头
经常下雨.
正解!
should
not
kill
mild
animals
for
money
人们不应该为了赚钱而猎杀野生动物
2.We
can
do
nothing
except
waiting
in
the
storm
除了在暴风中等待,我们什么都不能做
3.They
would
survive
if
we
come
to
protect
pandas
together
.如果大家都来保护大熊猫,他
们将会幸存下来.
4.Do
you
agree
if
drive
你同意教我开车么?
5.London
is
a
foggy
city,it
often
rains
all
the
year.伦敦是一个多雾的城市.这里一年到头
经常下雨.
正解!
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