急求大学英语作文200字左右 题目是:do you prefer a life of stability or a life of changes? why? 5

 我来答
I would prefer stable predictable life . But in order to get a better and stable life , every person has to go through lot of changes. To prove my perspective , I will give some examples here.

Life is very uncertain . But everyone expects to happen some good things to them in every move of life.So they can live happily by giving happiness to their family.

Most of the people wants to get higher education to obtain long and healthy career in life.To achieve their dream they find suitable job for themselves. There they learn and gain some experiences , After some time they changed their job again to earn more experience in particular field. That's how they go through lot of changes to reach their final destination where they can earn enough money and respect for their family.

moreover, some people are not that lucky to get stable life. They has to go through lots of changes in their life but not able to get settle down. Likewise , one of my friend got a good job at very known and big company where he thought to start his career in a new way but unfortunately he got laid off because of poor economy. He started searching again for the new job but he did not succeed . Other friends advised him to change his career to different field. He changed his field 2 -3 times to get settle down in life. So because of lot of changes he and his family suffered alot.

I think very less people likes the life with lots of changes. Few people loved to obtain different experiences related work .So they change their job at every couple of years or soemtime people do multiple kind of business to reach on certain goal. These all are the examples related to work and career.But there are other things too people does to get stable in life. Likewise marriage , so they can start their new life. Buy a house , so they don't have to move one to another place.

In conclusion , sometimes circumstances force for the change in life and we have to accept it whether we like it or not. Or sometimes we prefer changes to get better things in life.So one or another way people seek stability in their life.
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