高手指点,AKG K450和Q460的区别。哪个更值得购买。请详细说明
K450 和 Q460 相差大概200元左右,依本人愚见,460比450多那200元完全是卖的那颜色而已,看起来比较潮,细细分析下,450在低音上丝毫不逊色460,虽说两者听后都有闷的感觉,460低音甚至有点过头了,不如450的收放,中频上可以说450完胜460,450各种细节表现淋漓尽致,不凸不凹,错落有致,460在这上面显然根450有差距,说道高音,有人说450有时候有破音,我可以明确告诉你,那是你前端不够给力或者音源本身问题,450高音较460还是比之通透许多,或许是煲机后的潜力表现(400+小时),总体来说450三频,细节,质量都胜出460,一句话,买450绝对值得,460也就卖那点颜色,而且不太便携。不过450现在水深得很,要买就雅登行货的,我也是过来人,完全经验手打,希望对你能有帮助
Hello again. This review is for anyone of you who aren't really sure about the differences between the AKG K450 and Q460. If you have read my previous post you will know that i own a pair of 460, and now i have the privilege of also hearing the AKG K450 after I helped my roommate make his decision in buying a pair. Before i start anything, let me say that the AKG K450's sound gave me the impression of "IN YOUR FACE, i got what it takes!" Right out of the box they sounded laud. Now after a burn in of about 60 hours. I must say, there is quiet a difference between them.
The K450 is -to my supprise- easier to drive than the Q460, good news for those who use portable players for music. The 450 were lauder by a notch or two at the same volume level when compared to the 460. Other than that, the 450 also has a slightly more pronounced and warm mid frequency response. The characteristics that i have mentioned are what i like about the 450. Now the stuff that it did not do better or sound the same as the 460.
When i said "in your face", i literally mean the sound is in your face, in this case, in your ears. Although both the 450 and 460 are closed back but when they are side by side, the 450 sounded more mashed up then the 460 did. i remember that i mentioned i dislike the fact that the 460 weren't spacious sounding enough. The 450 are worse, not really much separation unless its the simple separation of left and right, there's not much depth and airiness in the music through the 450, some details are lost. When i listened back to the 460, in my mind "oh gosh, you sound good right there". Don't think of it as a bad thing though, cause it depends to what music you listen to, if you listen to the likes of B.E.P, Akon or T-Pain more, you won't notice it, as those genres use more digital stuff then analog instruments. The 450 excel in those genres better then the Dre's Solo HD or the 460. But if you listen to a lot of vocals and instrumentals, you may want to take a step back or go for the 460. The reason the 450 sound good when playing any hip hop, dance or trance is because the 450 has even brighter highs then the 460. The 450 also has a slightly muddier low end than the 460, its boomier and lauder. Which both are required in those music genres. As i said in my last post, the 460 really has great sounding lows, smooth, rich and deep. The 460 is an improvement in that area. 460 also has better control in the highs. However, the 450 were really good at representing the mid frequencies than 460 did. 460 were too neutral in the mids and lack what the 450 has - warmth.
Now, the Q460 really sounds more refined in most aspects albeit needing a bit more juice to drive. The K450 are true to what others have posted in other forums, sounding very exciting indeed with the up front highs and lows with clear mids.
This review is just to point out that there is a difference between the two other then the Q logo on the side.
Verdict is, you wont be wrong getting either 1. The improvements in the 460 over the 450 is entirely up to you, if they justify the extra money you pay for them. The 450 are great value for money. IMHO i still prefer the AKG on the side than a Q. Sound is something that depends on your preference too, so pick the 1 that suits you most.
Cheers. take it easy.
Hello again. This review is for anyone of you who aren't really sure about the differences between the AKG K450 and Q460. If you have read my previous post you will know that i own a pair of 460, and now i have the privilege of also hearing the AKG K450 after I helped my roommate make his decision in buying a pair. Before i start anything, let me say that the AKG K450's sound gave me the impression of "IN YOUR FACE, i got what it takes!" Right out of the box they sounded laud. Now after a burn in of about 60 hours. I must say, there is quiet a difference between them.
The K450 is -to my supprise- easier to drive than the Q460, good news for those who use portable players for music. The 450 were lauder by a notch or two at the same volume level when compared to the 460. Other than that, the 450 also has a slightly more pronounced and warm mid frequency response. The characteristics that i have mentioned are what i like about the 450. Now the stuff that it did not do better or sound the same as the 460.
When i said "in your face", i literally mean the sound is in your face, in this case, in your ears. Although both the 450 and 460 are closed back but when they are side by side, the 450 sounded more mashed up then the 460 did. i remember that i mentioned i dislike the fact that the 460 weren't spacious sounding enough. The 450 are worse, not really much separation unless its the simple separation of left and right, there's not much depth and airiness in the music through the 450, some details are lost. When i listened back to the 460, in my mind "oh gosh, you sound good right there". Don't think of it as a bad thing though, cause it depends to what music you listen to, if you listen to the likes of B.E.P, Akon or T-Pain more, you won't notice it, as those genres use more digital stuff then analog instruments. The 450 excel in those genres better then the Dre's Solo HD or the 460. But if you listen to a lot of vocals and instrumentals, you may want to take a step back or go for the 460. The reason the 450 sound good when playing any hip hop, dance or trance is because the 450 has even brighter highs then the 460. The 450 also has a slightly muddier low end than the 460, its boomier and lauder. Which both are required in those music genres. As i said in my last post, the 460 really has great sounding lows, smooth, rich and deep. The 460 is an improvement in that area. 460 also has better control in the highs. However, the 450 were really good at representing the mid frequencies than 460 did. 460 were too neutral in the mids and lack what the 450 has - warmth.
Now, the Q460 really sounds more refined in most aspects albeit needing a bit more juice to drive. The K450 are true to what others have posted in other forums, sounding very exciting indeed with the up front highs and lows with clear mids.
This review is just to point out that there is a difference between the two other then the Q logo on the side.
Verdict is, you wont be wrong getting either 1. The improvements in the 460 over the 450 is entirely up to you, if they justify the extra money you pay for them. The 450 are great value for money. IMHO i still prefer the AKG on the side than a Q. Sound is something that depends on your preference too, so pick the 1 that suits you most.
Cheers. take it easy.
参考资料: http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/343375/+1600
K450性价比高 这两个我都有 K450 658元 Q460 998元。参数的话可以百度搜索看。音质方面真的是,仁者见仁智者见智,不好说,你可以去 收货 听听看对比一下