
1.WhyisEnglishimportanttoyouandhowwillyouuseitinthefuture?2.TalkaboutthebestChristmas... 1. Why is English important to you and how will you use it in the future?
2. Talk about the best Christmas you ever celebrated and why it’s becoming popular in China?
3. What are the pros and cons of Chinese families having more than one child?
4. Should English be taught formally kindergarten in China? Why or why not?
5. It you could make a dinner party for any 4 famous people, how would you make it? What question would you ask them to make a conversation?
6. What are the pros and cons of all young Chinese men and women joining the army when they turn 20?
7. What is your new year’s resolution for 2008? What was it in 2007? Did your resolution come true?
8. What do your plan to do in the spring and summer vacation?
9. In what ways do you think China is both a developing and developed nation?
10. Talk about your family what do your mother and father do? Do you have any sibling? Do your grand parents live with your parents?
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2008-01-10 · TA获得超过3138个赞
1.Why is English important to you and how will you use it in the future?
During my school years,i believe that english is very important.at least it can help you find a better job if you have a good command of it.now ,i have a different idea.i begain to doubt whether it's really important in our life?whether it really worth learning?we spent too much time on it,however,we can't find a place to display ourselves!we even don't need to master it coz we never use it in our daily life.of course,maybe you can find you can understand the fault of a computer which display in an english way.it's common.most of people knows that.nowdays ,colleges still take english test as a way to require student's ability.but they would n't think about whether their student can use it in the future.that's a pity.i feel very disappointed.the only thing that satisfy me is i am a little in love with english.so i still on my way to study it.although i am puzzled by it's main use.i just enjoy the way it bring to me!maybe that's enough.as a famous man said.a foreign language is a useful weapon in struggle with life.i do believe that.but i never think it's a neccessity in our life.
2. Talk about the best Christmas you ever celebrated and why it’s becoming popular in China?
I am still remember I and my college frinds get together to celebrate our the first Christams day.What a wonderful day it is.
Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular to celebrate Christmas Day. Although I can not decide whether it is good for Chinese culture, in my eyes, I think it has many advantages to celebrate Christmas Day.

Firstly, it can urge us to understand foreign culture. In the course of celebrating Christmas Day, we are likely to know something we are not familiar with about the festival. Secondly, it can enrich our college life. When Christmas Day comes, we may hold a Christmas party to celebrate it. In the party, we can sing, dance and play games together. How wonderful! Thirdly, meanwhile, it can strengthen the relationship among friends and classmates. In the party, we may give Christmas gifts to each other. Maybe sometimes we may receive a big surprise. Last but not least, it can bring great benefit to the economic development of our country. In order to hold a Christmas party, we can not avoid buying some necessary things such as Christmas Trees and some small gifts.

Therefore, I support the idea of celebrating Christmas Day

3. What are the pros and cons of Chinese families having more than one child?
In my opinion,it is good,although it has some shortcoming.The whole country's economic develops.People have better life than before.But the children in each family are quite different from the children in the past.They think more of themselves. It seems that children are harder to teach at school.Children hve to help four old parents.Their burdon are heavier than before.

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