AD域控制器只在win server系统做么?LINUX可以吗?
Windows 活动目录 :Windows ActiveDirectories
这个是windows 独有的,linux是实现不了的.
AD 简单来说,活动目录的首要任务或者说主要目标是 客户端的安全管理,然后是客户端的标准化管理。
高级层次,活动目录将成为企业基础架构的根本,所有的高级服务都会向活动目录整合,以利用其统一的身份验证、安全管理以 及资源公用。
Active Directory存储了有关网络对象的信息,并且让管理员和用户能够轻松地查找和使用这些信息。Active Directory使用了一种结构化的数据存储方式,并以此作为基础对目录信息进行合乎逻辑的分层组织。
------Active Directory 的架构-
Active Directory的架构(Schema)是一组定义,它对能够存储在Active Directory中的各种对象——以及有关这些对象的各种信息——进行了定义。因为这些定义本身也作为对象进行存储,Active Directory可以像管理目录中的其它对象一样对架构对象加以管理。架构中包括了两种类型的定义:属性和分类。属性和分类还可以被称作架构对象或元数据。
NIS+ NIS+ is a directory service developed by Sun Microsystems to replace its older 'NIS' (Network Information Service). It is designed to eliminate the need for duplication across many computers of configuration data such as user accounts, host names and addresses, printer information and NFS disk mounts on individual systems, instead using a central repository on a master server, simplifying system administration. NIS+ client software has been ported to other Unix and Unix-like platforms.
Prior to the release of Solaris 9 in 2002, Sun announced its intent to remove NIS+ from Solaris in a future release and now recommends that customers instead use an LDAP-based lookup scheme.
NIS+ was present in Solaris 9 and 10 (although both releases include tools to migrate NIS+ data to an LDAP server)[1] and it has been removed from Solaris 11
这个是windows 独有的,linux是实现不了的.
AD 简单来说,活动目录的首要任务或者说主要目标是 客户端的安全管理,然后是客户端的标准化管理。
高级层次,活动目录将成为企业基础架构的根本,所有的高级服务都会向活动目录整合,以利用其统一的身份验证、安全管理以 及资源公用。
Active Directory存储了有关网络对象的信息,并且让管理员和用户能够轻松地查找和使用这些信息。Active Directory使用了一种结构化的数据存储方式,并以此作为基础对目录信息进行合乎逻辑的分层组织。
------Active Directory 的架构-
Active Directory的架构(Schema)是一组定义,它对能够存储在Active Directory中的各种对象——以及有关这些对象的各种信息——进行了定义。因为这些定义本身也作为对象进行存储,Active Directory可以像管理目录中的其它对象一样对架构对象加以管理。架构中包括了两种类型的定义:属性和分类。属性和分类还可以被称作架构对象或元数据。
NIS+ NIS+ is a directory service developed by Sun Microsystems to replace its older 'NIS' (Network Information Service). It is designed to eliminate the need for duplication across many computers of configuration data such as user accounts, host names and addresses, printer information and NFS disk mounts on individual systems, instead using a central repository on a master server, simplifying system administration. NIS+ client software has been ported to other Unix and Unix-like platforms.
Prior to the release of Solaris 9 in 2002, Sun announced its intent to remove NIS+ from Solaris in a future release and now recommends that customers instead use an LDAP-based lookup scheme.
NIS+ was present in Solaris 9 and 10 (although both releases include tools to migrate NIS+ data to an LDAP server)[1] and it has been removed from Solaris 11