there be句型定语从句

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2022-06-23 · TA获得超过5386个赞

  there be句型定语从句

  在由"there be +主语名词"引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的分词或分词短语在意思上相当于一个定语从句。例如:

  There were 200children studying(=who were studying)music,dancing,or dram atics.

  Is there anything planned(=that has been planned)for tonight?

  有关There Be句型的几个问题

  人们在交际中使用的语言是丰富多彩的,然而万变不离其宗,变来变去,不外乎几个基本句型的扩展。there be句型是英语基本句型中的一个。在学习和应用这一句型时,必须弄清楚以下几个基本问题:

  A、there be句型的主语

  一些语法学家认为,在there be句型中存在着两个主语:实意主语(notional subject),即表示客观存在的事物的名词或代词;假主语(pseudo-subject)或者称之为形式主语(formal subject),即该句型的引导词there。然而,大多数语法学家认为,there应看作是引导词,该句型的真正主语则是be后面的名词(词组)或代词,而且作其主语的通常是表示泛指的名词或代词。这些名词可以用泛指限定词(indefinite determiner)修饰。例如:

  Is there anybody in the room?房间里有人吗?

  There are two boys playing basketball on the sportsground.操场上有两个学生在打篮球。

  There’s a pleasure in the pathless woods,

  There’s a rapture on the lonely shore,

  There’s a society ,where none intrudes,

  By the deep sea, and music in its roar.





  在这个句型中,主语一般不能是专有名词、人称代词,也不可是跟有特指限定词(definite determiner)的名词。例如不能说:

  *There is John in the office.

  *There was the window open.


  A: Who came this morning?今天上午谁来了?

  B: There’s Janny or Bob.不是珍妮就是鲍勃。


  There’s the oddest-looking man standing at the school gate. 在学校门口站着一个样子很古怪的人。

  在there be句型中,动名词也可作主语。例如:

  There’s no joking about the matter.不要拿这件事情开玩笑。

  There’s no telling why he didn’t come last night.他昨晚没来的原因没有说明。

  There’s no knowing who took it away from the room.不知道是谁把它从房间拿走的。

  B、there be句型的谓语

  there be句型中的谓语动词除了be以外,还可以是表示状态的动词(如exist,remain,live,lie,stand等),表示发生或运动等的动词(如occur,happen,seem,appear,come,rise,follow,enter,go等)。例如:

  There existed a number of similar animals on the island.这个岛上有许多类似的`动物。

  There lies a big mountain at back of the city.这个城市的后面有一座大山。

  There remained in the village only women and children.村里只剩下妇女和儿童。

  Not long after that, there occurred an earthquake in the area.不久以后,那个地区就发生了地震。

  这一结构亦可用含有半助动词的短语动词(如be likely to,happen to,seem to,be bound to,be going to,used to等)做谓语。例如:

  There is likely to be many people walking in the park.可能有很多人在公园里散步。

  There used to be a department store round the corner.这个转弯处过去有个商店。

  there be句型中动词be的数必须与后置的主语保持一直。试比较:

  There is a pencil-box on the desk.桌上有一个铅笔盒。

  There are two pencil-box on desk.桌上有两个铅笔盒。

  有时,be后面的主语不止一个,而有两个甚至更多的并列成分作主语,那么动词be 的数通常与最靠近的一个主语一致。试比较:

  There is an orange,two apples and three bananas on the table.桌上有一个桔子、两个苹果和三个香蕉。(当然,is也可换成are)

  There are two apples, three bananas and one orange on the table.桌上有两个苹果、三个香蕉和一个桔子。

  C、there be句型的非谓语形式

  there be句型中的be不但可以是谓语形式,而且也可以是非谓语形式,这时,其引导词there可作动词不定式(to be)或-ing形式(being)的逻辑主语。

  a. there to be结构可用作主语、状语或动词的宾语。作主语和状语时,通常位于引出不定式逻辑主语的介词for后面;作动词宾语时,其前不需要介词for。例如:

  In such case it is impossible for there to be an escape of air from the container.在这种情况下,不存在空气从容器逸出的可能性。(作主语)

  We must get prepared for there to be a splendid banquet tomorrow.我们一定要为明天的盛大宴会作好准备。(作状语)

  The author doesn’t wish there to be any misinterpretation of his argument.作者不希望对他的论据有任何误解。(作宾语)

  b.there being结构可以是独立主格结构,在句中用作状语,其中的being是现在分词,there作being的逻辑主语。例如:

  There being no evidence of his crime, the prisoner was set free. 由于没有罪证,犯人获释。

  There being no buses, we had to walk home.因为没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。

  c.there being结构可以作动词或介词的宾语,其中being是动名词,there为being的逻辑主语。例如:

  He denied there being a quarrel between them.他否认他们争论过。

  She was disappointed there being so little to do .她对没有多少事做感到失望。

  D、there be句型与have构成的存在句的互换

  there be结构常常译为“有”,动词have也常译为“有”。一般说来,在表示某人“占有”时,通常用have;在表示在某地点“有”时,一般用there be。例如:

  They have three cars.他们有3辆小汽车。

  There are two pens in the pencil-box.铅笔盒里有两支钢笔。

  但是,当主语是表示物或时间等的名词,而且表示整体与局部的关系时,there be结构与动词have存在句可以互换。例如:

  The building has twenty rooms. →There are twenty rooms in the building .这栋楼有20个房间。

  A week has seven days. →There are seven days in a week.一星期有7天。

  Although Princeton , New Jersey, has a world famous university , it is still a small quiet town. →Although there is a world famous university in Princeton , New Jersey, it is still a small quiet town.新泽西州普林斯顿是一所世界闻名的大学所在地,然而它却仍是一个幽静的小城镇。

  当have的宾语后有介词短语、现在分词、动词不定式或定语从句来修饰,而have表示的“所有”的意义已相当弱时,尽管主语是表示人的名词或代词,但只要宾语是泛指的,则可以与there be句型互换。例如:

  She picked up the wallet and saw that it had a lot of pound notes in it. →She picked up the wallet and saw that there were a lot of pound notes in it.她拣起钱包,看到里面有许多钞票。

  I have a pain in my stomach. →There is a pain in my stomach.我肚子有点痛。

  I have nowhere to go. →There is nowhere for me to go.我无处可去。

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