
中华民族繁衍生息于黄河中下游。由于此地的气候土壤条件非常适宜于农业生产,故产生了农耕文明。农业生产既需人力的辛勤劳作,亦需天时地利的配合,故中国人易有一整体的世界观。西方... 中华民族繁衍生息于黄河中下游。由于 此地的气候土壤条件非常适宜于农业生产, 故产生了农耕文明。农业生产既需人力的辛 勤劳作,亦需天时地利的配合,故中国人易 有一整体的世界观。 西方文明来源于希腊。古希腊民族所居 地域不适宜于农业生产,惟有跨海经商。商 业人生,必先揣度他人需求而后投其所好, 精于算计,而又风险莫测,盈亏自负,故易 产生个人主义。 以此为滥觞,中国文化有重群体之倾 向,西方文化的个体倾向则十分明显。 如日常生活中,西方人是名在前,姓在 后;中国人是姓在前,名在后。名在前,重 视的是“我”;姓在前,说明氏族、家族、 “我们”更重要。 西方父母从小就训练孩子的独立意识, 小小年纪就分床独睡,成人后更是要自力更 生;孩子也以再接受父母的帮助为耻。中国 传统的大家族意识则需对孩子终生负责,帮 完儿子帮孙子;反过来,子孙亦需对家族负 责。群体性十分明显。 西方文化讲人权,中国文化讲人道。人 权是维护自己的权益,靠斗争,典型的个人 主义。人道则强调每个人尽自己的责任义 务,重谦让。每个人都能尽自己的道义,则 大群自安,从而每个人的权益也自在其中 了。 西方近代文化强调独立、自由,认为社 会、人群是一种外在的束缚,从而使个人的 天性不能充分伸展。西方文化的终极理想也 是个人的充分解放。但依中国文化的观点, 任何个人都不能离开人群而独存,一定要视 社会为束缚,不过是无视现实、自讨苦吃。 真正的自由,一定是脱离物质层面的精神自 由。重视道德修养,富贵不能淫,贫贱不能 移,威武不能屈,就是最大的独立自由。 中国文化里的理想人物,一定是道德人 物。有道德才会使人群和睦,重视的是群 体。西方文化的理想人物,更推崇能力,认 为有能力才能显示出个人价值,重视的是个 体。如对曹操的评价。中国传统认为其才有 余而德不足,该批;现代中国人受西方观念 的影响,看重的是此人的能力和业绩,该 捧。 从道理上说,没有整体就不会有个体, 整体比个体更重要。但人类自私自利的天性 往往是将个体凌驾于整体之上。也许我们该 做的,就是通过道德的提升和制度的设计, 求得二者之间的平衡吧。 展开
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2012-06-06 · TA获得超过6190个赞
The Chinese people have lived and multiplied on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Due to the climate soil condition is very suitable to agricultural production, resulting in the farming civilization. Agricultural production should not only human hard working, also need the right place at the right time, so the Chinese is easy to have a holistic world view. Western civilization originated in greece. The ancient Greek in the region are not suitable to agricultural production, but the sea of business. Business life, must infer that the needs of others and then hit on what one likes, calculating, and risk, its own profit and loss, so it is easy to generate individualistic. On the origin of Chinese culture, have heavy group of inclined, western culture the individual tendency is very obvious. Such as daily life, Westerners in front, last; Chinese is the surname of the former, in the name of. In the former, as is "I"; the name before, that clan, family," we" is more important. Western parents train their independent consciousness, small age on sub-bed sleep alone, after the adult is to force more students; children to accept the help of their parents. Chinese traditional clan consciousness is required for children life-long responsibility, help out help grandson son; in turn, children also need to family responsibility. The group is very obvious. Western culture Chinese culture talk talk about human rights, humanitarian. Human rights is to protect its own interests, through struggle, typical individualism. Humanism emphasizes everyone do their duty obligations, heavy humility. Everyone can do his moral self, is large, so everyone's interests are free. Modern western culture emphasizes the independence, freedom, think social, the crowd is an outward bound, so that the person's nature cannot be fully extended. The western culture is also the ultimate ideal of full emancipation of individual. But according to Chinese cultural point of view, it is impossible for any individual to leave the crowd to live, must see society as the bound, but ignore reality, get into. Real freedom, must be separated from the material level of spiritual freedom. Attach importance to moral cultivation, immune to temptations, poverty can not be changed, not to be subdued by force, is the largest independent free. Chinese culture of the ideal figure, must be a moral person. Moral will make people harmony, attach importance to the group. Western cultural ideal character, more respected, that have the ability to show personal value, value is a body. As for the evaluation of Cao cao. Chinese traditional thought the only while De is insufficient, the group; modern Chinese under the influence of Western ideas, value is the person's abilities and performance, the holding. Logically speaking, there is no overall do not have individual, overall than the individual is more important. But human nature is often egoistic individual will override the overall. Maybe we should do, is through the moral improvement and system design, achieve equilibrium between the two.

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