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2022-07-22 · TA获得超过5089个赞


   Section A



  A:四会下列词汇:would, I’d, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, juice, drink, bowl, he’d, he would, size

  B:熟练掌握句型:-What kind of noodles would youhe she like ?

  -I’d / He’d/She’d like …… noodles.

  What size bowl of noodles would you /he/she like?




  Difficult points:

  1. Make the countable and uncountable nouns clear, and use them.

  2. Use the new language to order your food.




  1. There     (be) some   (beef )and    (egg) in the noodles.

  2. There   (be) some onions and     (mutton) in the bowl.

  3. I would like you       (come) to my house.

  4. Look, they        (buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.

  5. Would you like some juice       (drink)?

  6. She      (have) an egg, a small bowl of       (chicken) noodles and two       (apple)every day.

  7. I like      (listen) to the pop music and      (watch) TV.

  8. They would like       (see) the      (animal) in the zoo.

  9. Let them        (help) us with English.

  10. I with Jack         (do) homework in the classroom now.(二)情境导入


  Talk about the food.

  “Do you like apples?” “Yes, I do.”

  2 “Do you like tomatoes?” “No, I don’t.”

  I like… I don’t like…


  Learn the new vocabulary words

  1. Prepare some pictures of“ noodles, beef, cabbage, potatoes, mutton”. Show them to the students. Ask and answer. Learn the new words “noodles, beef, mutton, cabbage, potatoes, would like, bowl, size, special”.

  2. Practice reading the new words: (A) Get a student to read the new words.

  (B) Ask the class to repeat the new words after the teacher.

  (C) Then read them together/in parts/one by one.

  3. Remember the new words.

  4. Explain some opposite words:

  Countable nouns: cabbage; potato; special; tomato; apple; egg

  Uncountable nouns: beef; mutton; broccoli


  1. Show a picture of noodles. Ask “What kind of noodles would you like? Would you like beef noodles?” Students may answer “I’d like…; Yes, I’d like. / NO, I wouldn’t like.”

  2. Ask some students to answer the questions. The teacher writes the answers on the blackboard.

  “--What kind of noodles would you like?  “--I’d like mutton noodles.”

  Practice asking and answering the conversation.

  3. Make a new conversation with your classmates.

  4. 1a. Look and match

  (1) The teacher reads the instructions to the students. Look at the pictures first. Then get the students to complete it by themselves.

  (2) Check up the answers.

  5. 1b. Listening practice

  (1). The teacher reads the instructions to the students.

  (2). Get the students to look at three specials in the picture in 1a.

  (3). Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.

  (4). Play the recording again, try to check by themselves. And check up the

  answers.  Play the recording, let the students repeat after the recording. Then practice reading the conversation.


  1. 1c. Pair work

  (1). The teacher explains the instructions to the students.

  (2). The students practice reading the conversation below in 1c.

  (3). Make their own conversations. Ask “What kind of noodles would you

  like? ”Then work it in class.

  2. 2a Listening practice

  (1).The teacher explains the instructions to the students.

  (2). Get students to read the words and look at the pictures in 2a.

  (3). Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.

  (4). Play the recording again, students listen and try to check the words you

  3. 2b Listening practice

  (1). Students read the sentences in 2b.

  (2). Play the recording. Listen and try to fill in the blanks.

  (3). Check up the answers.

  (4). Play the recording again. Get the students to repeat after the recording.

  4. 2cPair work

  (1). The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Then students look at the pictures in 2a. Read the example to the students.

  (2). Try to make the conversation by on their own.

  (3). Check up the conversations in class.

  A: What kind of noodles would you like?

  B: I’d like beef and tomato noodles.



  1.What s_____ bowl of noodles would you like?

  2.Our playground is very l_____. We often play sports on it.

  3. I’m a little h        .Would you please give me something to eat?

  4.There are many k             of noodles in this shop.


  1.     --Would you like some_____________?  --Just a little.

  A. apple juices  B. carrots    C. orange   D. pears

  2.--__________________________?  --Yes, I’d like some green tea.

  A. What would you like?   B. What can I do for you?

  C. Can I help you?       D.A.B.C.

  3.Some ___________noodles are nice.

  A. tomato and eggs   B. tomatoes and eggs

  C. tomato and egg    D. tomatoes and eggs

  4.--Would you like to go swimming with us?  --______________________.

  A. No, I wouldn’t  B. Yes, I would C. Yes, I’d love   D. Yes , I’d love to

  5.--What _____ do you have ? -- We have small, medium, large bowls.

  A. kind   B. size   C. color   D. other



  I’d____________ a __________ _______  ___________noodles.


  Would you_________ two________ ________  ______noodles?


  What______ bowl __________noodles would you ___________?


  Linda ______________like __________and____________noodles.


  Woman: Hello, Hamburger Express.

  Boy: Oh, hello. I want to order a hamburger, please.

  Woman: Sure.(1)            ?

  A. What would you like?

  B. What's your phone number?

  C. What's your address?

  D.What size hamburger would youlike?

  Boy: I’d like a medium hamburger.

  Woman:(2)      on it?

  Boy: Tomatoes and mushrooms.

  Woman: Okay…Anything else?

  Boy: No, thanks.

  Woman:(3)           ,please?

  Boy: 65 Zhongshan Street.

  Woman: And (4)      ?

  Boy: It's 272-8656.

  Woman: That'll be 2 dollars. And we'll deliver your hamburger in 20 minutes.


  1.– I don’t like mutton         beef.

  – I don’t like mutton ,         I like beef a lot.

  A. and, but                         B. and, and      C. or, but   D. or, and

  解析:本题考查and , or, but的用法及其区别。 and用于肯定句,连接两个并列的成分,表示并列。翻译为“和”。 And用于否定句必须变成or来表示并列。Or也可以表示选择,翻译为“或者”。 But表示转折,but 的前后句子部分意思上相反。根据题意,本题选C

  2.—Would you like some tea? — ________.

  A. Yes, please.   B. No, please.                              C. No, I don’t    D. Yes, I would

  解析:本题考查情景交际。别人询问你是否需要什么东西时,如果需要就回答“Yes, please.”如果不需要就回答,”No,thanks.”就算不需要也应该感谢别人。CD两项不符合题意。本题选A。


  1、(2009河南)I like__ a lot ,and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.

  A. fish    B. butter    C. potatoes    D. noodles

  解析;本题考查名词的用法。可数名词不能单独使用,名词前边必须有数词、冠词或形容词性物主代词来修饰,或者用复数,不可数名词可以单独使用。排除D,noodle为不可数名词。“我妈妈经常用各种方式烹饪它”,排除B,butter为“黄油” 并且句子中的 “it”只能代指可数名词单数或者不可数名词所以排除C。根据分析,本题选A

  2、(2009 石家庄)Would you like ______ tea?

  A. a    B. any    C. some    D. an

  解析:tea 是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词a或an;再,虽然是疑问句,但是这里是表达说话人的建议,希望听到肯定的回答,所以应该选C。




   Unit 8I’d like some noodles?

   Section B

  Teacher’s word: Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.



  1. knowledge languages:  In this part students will learn some words of food and how to order food. Learn to ask for and give personal information.

  Orange juice,green tea,onions,dumplings,rice,fish,porridge,soup,

  2. Ability goal:Be able to order the food.Can ask for and give personal information.

  3. Emotion goal: Learn to order your favorite food.


  Important points:

  1.Use the new language to order your food.

  2.Orange juice,green tea,onions,dumplings,rice,fish,porridge,soup,

  Difficult points:

  how to order food ;ask for and give personal information.


  1. 预习导学及自测


  1.Who ___ (have) brown shoes  in  our class?

  2.Please give me some _________ (fruit).

  3. He ______ (would) like to sit here.

  4.How many _____ (piece) of bread do you have?

  5. They are in the ________ (teacher) office.

  6. We must _____ (open) the door and go out.

  7. There are some ____ (fish) in the bottle.

  8. It’s time _____ (go) home.

  9. She sometimes ______ (drink) coffee at home.

  10. Let’s go and ask ___ (she).

  2. 情境导入

  1.Make a survey

  A report like this:

  Tom likes dumplings, porridge and fish, but he doesn’t like soup,rice or onion.

  3. 自主探究


  Li Xianyang _______ at 146 Hangzhou Road. His pen pal is coming to eat dinner. He doesn’t know how to cook food, so he wants ___________ some food from the house of dumpings. He would like chichen, fish and cabbage. For dumplings, he’d like dumplings ______ mutton and carrots.For soup, he’d like ______ tomato soup. He also would like one large green tea and one small orange juice. All the food costs him 50_______.

  4. 合作探究



  (1)Excuse me!

  (2)What kind of food would you like?

  (3)What kind of dumplings/noodles/soup/dessert/drinks woulkd you like?


  订餐参考句子:请参考课本86页Unit 8 Section B 2a,2b听力材料

  5. 拓展创新 Have a show!


  6. 达标检测


  ( )1. --I don’t like mutton    beef.--I don’t like mutton ,  I like beef a lot.

  A. and, but  B. and, and                  C. or, but    D. or, and

  ( )2. Some chicken       in the bowl. And some eggs       on the table.      A. is, is    B. are, are    C. is, are      D. are, is

  ( )3. --Is that apple large ?  -- ______

  A. Yes. It’s. B. No, it’s small apple. C. No, it isn’t. D. No, that’s a small.

  ( )4. I’d like some          and         .

  A. porridge, vegetable       B. broccoli, tomatoes

  C. potatos, bananas         D. French fries, orange juices

  ( )5. Andrew usually has fruit          dinner.

  A. of  B. for   C. at    D. with

  ( )6. We often eats ice cream in a dessert          .

  A. home     B. shopping    C. house    D. family

  ( )7. --         of shoes do you wear?      -- Size 7.

  A. What     B. What size   C. What kind    D. What color

  ( )8. The oranges in the fruit store are good         cheap.

  A. as      B. or   C. with     D. as well as

  ( )9. --Would you like some tea?    --_______

  A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. No, I don’t.   D. Yes, I would.

  ( )10.  ________ is your address?

  A. Where      B. Which       C. What    D. How


  1. kind, what, they, like, of, would, noodles(连词成句)

  2. She has a strawberry.(用they替换she)

  They            some           .

  3. Nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)

  Nancy                      some salad.

  4. He’d like a medium bowl.(改为一般疑问句)

  like a medium bowl?

  5. My phone number is 62885151.(对划线部分提问)

  phone number?



  I want to          two                  .


  What                            on it?


  How do you                  ?


  We’ll deliver your                   about ten         .


  1.I’d like some        and        .

  A. porridge, vegetable     B. broccoli, tomatoes

  C. potatos, bananas       D. French fries, orange juices

  解析:本题考查可数名词和不可数名词的用法。Some可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词接。可数名词本身不能单独使用,必须有冠词、数词或形容词性物主代词的修饰,或者以复数形式出现。不可数名词本身可以单独使用,可以不需要冠词数词等的修饰。A项中vegetable最好用复数。C项中potatos应改为potatoes. D项中orange juice为不可数名词,应去掉s。本题选B.

  2.--Would you like _______ tea?    --Yes, _______.

  A. some, please  B. any, please  C. any, I will  D. some, I would

  3. Julie would like       TV.

  A. watch      B. watches    C. watching                             D. to watch

  解析:这两个题考查would like sth.和would like to do sth.的用法。第二题中

  would like sth..意为“需要、想要…….” 本题考察情景交际回答时语气要委婉,所以用some,any 用于否定句中。第三题中would like to do sth.意为“想要做…….”


  1.(2009济南)--Is there ______in today’s menu?

  --Yes.We have Beijing Duck.

  A.anything special    B. special  anything

  C. nothing  special    D. special nothing

  2.(2009济南)--Would you like some ice cream,Vera?

  --_____.I’s my favorit.

  A. No,I’m not thirsty.       B. No,thanks

  C. Yes, I do.               D. Yes, please

  3. (2009黄冈)--Good morning,madam.Can I help you?

  --I’d like___for cooking vegetables.

  A.two cups of tea    B. three pieces of bread

  C.one bowl of dumplings  D.five kilos of oil

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