may your night give you tender kisses and daring dreams.
i will let the night meet me now, late and candles here. Cold and windy, dark as hell outside. I can smell the salty the sea from here. sweet music, late night tunes shivering quietly here close to the fireplace. It is a good night for the spirits.
I don’t think you have to anesthetize yourself. What makes you think and feel is important ;-) I do dare to be here, and finding you. It calms me that you are here, and your universe and mind makes me curious. Where you are right now, what you drink, how you move when you get up from the sofa. How you smell ?? how do you look like and do you have a picture of me in your mind ? - And is there a reason for that ? I don’t know. But I am not sure I need to know. I let your words come to me as mine to you 展开
i will let the night meet me now, late and candles here. Cold and windy, dark as hell outside. I can smell the salty the sea from here. sweet music, late night tunes shivering quietly here close to the fireplace. It is a good night for the spirits.
I don’t think you have to anesthetize yourself. What makes you think and feel is important ;-) I do dare to be here, and finding you. It calms me that you are here, and your universe and mind makes me curious. Where you are right now, what you drink, how you move when you get up from the sofa. How you smell ?? how do you look like and do you have a picture of me in your mind ? - And is there a reason for that ? I don’t know. But I am not sure I need to know. I let your words come to me as mine to you 展开
may your night give you tender kisses and daring dreams.
i will let the night meet me now, late and candles here. Cold and windy, dark as hell outside.
I can smell the salty the sea from here. sweet music, late night tunes shivering quietly here close to the fireplace. It is a good night for the spirits.
I don’t think you have to anesthetize yourself. What makes you think and feel is important ;-) I do dare to be here, and finding you.
It calms me that you are here, and your universe and mind makes me curious.
Where you are right now, what you drink, how you move when you get up from the sofa.
How you smell ?? how do you look like and do you have a picture of me in your mind ? - And is there a reason for that ? I don’t know.
你的身上是何种气味?你看上去什么样子?你的大脑里有我的形象吗?- 又是因为什么才那样想?我不知道。
But I am not sure I need to know. I let your words come to me as mine to you
i will let the night meet me now, late and candles here. Cold and windy, dark as hell outside.
I can smell the salty the sea from here. sweet music, late night tunes shivering quietly here close to the fireplace. It is a good night for the spirits.
I don’t think you have to anesthetize yourself. What makes you think and feel is important ;-) I do dare to be here, and finding you.
It calms me that you are here, and your universe and mind makes me curious.
Where you are right now, what you drink, how you move when you get up from the sofa.
How you smell ?? how do you look like and do you have a picture of me in your mind ? - And is there a reason for that ? I don’t know.
你的身上是何种气味?你看上去什么样子?你的大脑里有我的形象吗?- 又是因为什么才那样想?我不知道。
But I am not sure I need to know. I let your words come to me as mine to you