
请帮忙翻译以下内容!谢谢!2012年是本人在****公司担任会计工作的第二年,在这两年多时间里,本人积极学习相关业务知识,努力工作,认真履行工作职责,圆满地完成了各项工作... 请帮忙翻译以下内容!谢谢!
一、 财务职能的完善与扩展
1、 为提高工作效率和质量,我司在成立初期采用了会计电算化系统。这不仅为财务人员节约了时间,还大大提高了数据的查询功能,为财务分析打下了良好的基础。
2、 建立和完善各项报销单据及报销流程,为加强内部管理做好前期工作。
3、 定期做好资金预算工作,为公司规范化管理、统筹及高效地运用资金、提高运营绩效等铺下了良好的基础。
4、 随着公司“****”项目进行,成本支出不断加大,我对项目发生的直接成本和期间费用严格按照中国会计准则的规定做了合理的归类。并将其会计二级、三级明细科目进行梳理,保证数据归集及分析对比前后一致。
5、 严格按照母公司的财务内控要求,对每笔需经批准方能付费的项目及时准确的发送费用申请单,待批准后再付费。
6、 及时整理所有财务付款、报销单据,保证原始单据准确齐全。
7、 财务知识的进一步学习。利用业余时间加强会计理论知识学习,给财务工作带来很大帮助。
二、 具体职能管理
1、 及时准确地编报会计凭证、月度各财务报表、统计报表及费用明细表,并及时发送母公司审核。待批准后,及时完成月度、季度纳税申报等工作。
2、 由于房地产行业的特殊性及我司目前正处于筹建阶段,故公司成立第一年房产税等税款的征收界限比较模糊。针对此事,我司积极与税务机关沟通,组织接待了专管员对项目楼的考察工作。最后采取缓缴的方式来减轻公司的现金流负担。
3、 我作为公司的会计,在组织企业会计核算中,在处理一系列税务关系中,都积极主动,努力把工作做好,尽力让税务检查顺利通过。例如,在***年的税务检查中,针对一笔业务的调账处理,我运用已掌握的会计知识,据理力争,向检查员解释不能按照他所说的方法处理的原因,并最终在经理与事务所审计员的共同努力下,说服了检查员,通过了税务检查。
4、 加强货币资产的管理。随时掌握资金收付的动态和库存余额,认真核对银行存款账户余额,及时盘查库存现金余额,保证账实相符和资金安全。每日编制日报表,并发送经理审核
5、 安排并按时进行每年的年终审计、汇算清缴及各部门的年检工作。

 我来答
2012-06-13 · 超过12用户采纳过TA的回答
2012is my * * * * company as a accountant working second years, in this two years of many time, I actively study the relevant business knowledge, hard work, conscientiously perform their duties, the successful completion of the task, a specific representation of the work as follows:
One, financial function improvement and extension
Because our company is newly established enterprises, financial and accounting management system is not very perfect. The manager and I are in short time inner parent financial system in accordance with the requirements of the premise, the financial department in the entire financial functions on a positive improvement.
In 1, to improve the working efficiency and quality, Division I in the early days of the computerized accounting system. This is not only the financial personnel to save time, but also greatly improve the data query functions, for the financial analysis to lay a good foundation.
2, establish and perfect the various claims and reimbursement process, to strengthen the internal management do the preliminary work.
3, capital budget to work regularly, for the standardization of company management, planning and efficient use of funds, improve operational performance and laid a good foundation.
4, with the company's" * * * *" project, cost increasing, I project direct cost and period cost in strict accordance with the Chinese accounting standards made a reasonable classification. And the two class, three class detail accounting subjects undertake combing, guarantees the data collection and analysis and comparison of consistency.
Because of the clarity of the account, in Division I has paid the last installment after the developers, developers have not yet returned to Division I discover before paying a fee, and promptly notify the developers refund refund, although less than1000 yuan, but also indicates that our accounting regulation is clear, Bibi clearly.
5, in strict accordance with the parent company's financial internal control requirements for each subject, approved the project payment timely and accurate transmission costs for a single, to be approved after the payment.
6, timely organize all financial payment, reimbursement, ensure the accurate range of original documents.
7, financial knowledge to learn. The use of spare time to strengthen the accounting theory study, to the financial work of great help.
In two, the specific functions of management
1, timely and accurately report the accounting vouchers, monthly financial statements, statistical statements and fee schedule, and send the parent company audit. After approval, the timely completion of monthly, quarterly tax returns etc..
2, because the real estate industry particularity and division is currently in the planning stage, the company was founded in the first year of property tax and other tax levy limits of comparison of fuzzy. In this matter, I Division positive connection with tax authorities, the organization received exclusive members of project building inspection work. Finally, take over the way to alleviate the burden of company cash flow.
In 3, I as the company's accounting, in the organization of enterprise accounting, in the processing of a series of Taxation relationship, proactive, strive to do a good job, try to make the tax inspection pass. For example, in the years of tax inspection, according to a business accounting adjustment process, I use the mastered knowledge of accounting, argued, to the inspector cannot be interpreted according to what he said method for dealing with the causes, and finally in the manager and firm auditor 's efforts, convince inspector, through the tax inspection.
4, strengthen monetary assets management. Keep the receipt and payment of funds dynamic and balance inventory, carefully check the bank account balance, timely inventory inventory cash balance, ensure consistent accounts and financial security. Daily preparation daily table, and sends the manager for review
5, arrange and on time the annual year-end audit, settlement and various departments of the inspection work.
At present, our financial completed * * year-end audit, the audit process very smoothly, and has issued unqualified audit report; final settlement also successfully completed. With the CPA were * * * years foreign currency accounts for the annual audit and government departments inspection work will be the next focus. Due to our staff, so do a good job in the financial work, daily administration and project work I will be as in the past efforts to cooperate with the manager to do better! In addition, due to accounting work is a need to continue learning industry, so after work, I adhere to the accounting occupation qualification attestation examination for self-taught, deepen their understanding of accounting standards and its application to understand, to bring a great help.
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