下面的这两句话其他的表达方式,只要意思不变语法正确就行 越多越好? 90
1. 当我意识到自己揪心于她这些年月的成长往事时,我的心真如刀绞一般。
At the thought of / Thinking of / When I think of my concern about her growth in all these years,my heart is really aching.
Once I think that I am concerned about her growth in all these months and years, I have a sharp pain in my heart.
2. 一看到他们,我就愈加思念你。
At the sight of them / Seeing them / Once I see them / Whenever I see them , I miss you all the more.
They remind me of you all the more.
Seeing them , I am missing you more and more.
1. 当我意识到自己揪心于她这些年月的成长往事时,我的心真如刀绞一般。
At the thought of / Thinking of / When I think of my concern about her growth in all these years,my heart is really aching.
Once I think that I am concerned about her growth in all these months and years, I have a sharp pain in my heart.
2. 一看到他们,我就愈加思念你。
At the sight of them / Seeing them / Once I see them / Whenever I see them , I miss you all the more.
They remind me of you all the more.
Seeing them , I am missing you more and more.