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(这个很酷的男孩)英文歌是哪一首?
1个回答
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1、the
magic
key
(cool、one)
2、tonight
i
feel
close
to
you
(仓木麻衣)
3、mirror
mirror
(m2m)
4、i
wanted
you
(ina)
5、u
make
me
wanna
(blue)
6、where
is
the
love
(黑眼豆豆、贾斯丁)
7、smiling
tears
(merories)
8、grown
man
(miss
b
ft.
torica)
9、the
crazy
things
i
do
for
love
(sammie)
10、summer
sunshine
(the
corrs)
11、over
my
head
(sum
41)
12、即使知道要见面
(sara)
13、留在我身边
(青山黛玛)
magic
key
(cool、one)
2、tonight
i
feel
close
to
you
(仓木麻衣)
3、mirror
mirror
(m2m)
4、i
wanted
you
(ina)
5、u
make
me
wanna
(blue)
6、where
is
the
love
(黑眼豆豆、贾斯丁)
7、smiling
tears
(merories)
8、grown
man
(miss
b
ft.
torica)
9、the
crazy
things
i
do
for
love
(sammie)
10、summer
sunshine
(the
corrs)
11、over
my
head
(sum
41)
12、即使知道要见面
(sara)
13、留在我身边
(青山黛玛)
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