
谢绝在线翻译哦!  我所经历的公司重组2001年对于美国许多公司是极其糟糕的一年。由于经济衰退,各类公司,无论大小,上市的还是私营的,都遭到很大冲击。... 谢绝在线翻译哦!  我所经历的公司 重组2001年对于美国许多公司是极其糟糕的一年。由于经济衰退,各类公司,无论大小,上市的还是私营的,都遭到很大冲击。为求生机,渡过艰难的经济形势,许多公司决定削减开支。而一个公司削减开支最重要的方法就是裁员——这是美国公司历年采用的最常见的方式。我们公司也毫不例外地采取了这一应急的措施。 在正式宣布有关重组的消息之前,我们的办公楼就充溢着各种谣言。每天上班时,你总能看到一些聚集在格子间或办公室低声谈论着。虽然每天的工作仍然继续,你却感到某种非同寻常的事即将发生。整个办公楼笼罩在紧张的氛围里。人们明显地在等待事情的到来,眼神中还流露出一丝丝恐惧。作为公司新近雇用的职员,我对公司重组非常陌生,一开始没有丝毫惊慌。然而,在我从同事那儿听到越来越多的以前重组的故事后,我开始意识到重组是如何残酷无情。 当我们的上层管理人员在制定如何重组时,我那些在其他公司工作的朋友们已经给我讲了他们经历重组的故事。我认识的几个人已经被裁了。其中一个在公司才工作了两个月就被解雇了;另一个刚刚贷款买了一处颇为昂贵的房子。他们拿到的解雇费很可怜,只相当于两个月的工资。他们的经历让我恐惧,使我不得不设想我应该如何为最糟糕的情况作准备。在那些白天和黑夜,只要我和朋友在电话里聊天,我们就互相交流谁被裁的消息,为他们感到难过,自己也隐隐有不安定的感觉。 令人不安的一个月过去了,我们的上层管理人员终于正式宣布我们公司将如何进行重组。第一个阶段是ERP,就是提前退休计划。所有50岁以上在公司工作了至少15年的员工都可以申请。符合这些条件的人有一个月的时间来考虑他们是否愿意提前退休而又不丧失医疗和退休福利。第二个阶段是解雇工作表现差的员工或那些技能与公司所提供的职位不相匹配的人员。第一个阶段与我没什么关系,但我知道有好几个符合条件的同事都在进行思想斗争,考虑是否要接受ERP计划。如果他们接受该项计划,他们虽然可以继续享用医疗和其他退休福利,但他们会牺牲一定百分比的月薪。如果他们不接受这项计划,他们将面对被公司解聘,同时丢掉提供给自愿退休者的所有福利的危险。 第一阶段进行的比较顺利,大多数符合条件的员工都借这个机会提前退休,安享他们得来不易的退休生活。公司重组的第二阶段才真正令人注目。人们都焦急地等待着所谓的D-day的到来。在那天,公司要求所有员工在早上8点之前到办公室。然后一个接一个,每个员工都被叫进自己的主管经理办公室,在那里宣布他或者她的命运。 我终于松了一口气,自己在这次重组中幸存下来。但我的几个朋友被请走了。其中一个朋友在宣布的前一天,刚刚搬进所买的一座新房子里。现在他已经把这座房子放到了市场上出售。对我来说,那是既甜美又苦涩的一天,我很庆幸这个似乎是没完没了的过程终于结束了。我们还会有下一轮吗?我捉摸不定。   展开
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I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.
I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.
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2012-06-20 · TA获得超过7.2万个赞
Decline online translation oh! I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.
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2012-06-20 · TA获得超过458个赞
I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.
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2012-06-20 · TA获得超过7304个赞
I have experienced the reorganization of the company for the United States in 2001many companies was a terrible year. Due to the economic downturn, companies of all types, regardless of size, public or private, have been hit hard. For the sake of vitality, through tough economic situation, many companies decided to cut down expenses. While the company cut spending is the most important thing is the Usa Inc over the years by downsizing -- the most common way. Our company is no exception to this emergency measures. In the officially announced on the reorganization of news before, our office building was filled with all kinds of rumors. Every day, you will see some gathered in plaid or office croaks. Although the daily work continues, you feel a beautifully is about to happen. The whole office enveloped in intense atmosphere. People obviously waiting for things to come, the eyes also showed a trace of fear. As the company's newly hired staff, my company reorganization very strange, a start without the slightest panic. However, in my hear more from his colleagues before reorganization of the story, I began to realize that recombination is how cruel. When we top management personnel in the formulation of how to reorganize, I to those in the other company 's friends have told me they undergo reorganization of the story. I know some people have been laid off. One is in the company to work two months to be fired; another one just a loan to buy a very expensive house. They got the severance pay is very poor, only the equivalent of two months' salary. Their experiences make me frightened, so I had to imagine how I should prepare for the worst. In those days and nights, as long as my friend and I talk on the phone, we can communicate with each other who were cutting news, feel sorry for them, they also had a restless feeling. Disturbing for a month in the past, our upper management finally officially announced that our company will be how to restructure. The first stage is ERP, is the early retirement plans. All the above 50 years of working in the company for at least 15years staff can apply for. People who meet these conditions have a month to consider whether they wish to retire ahead of schedule without loss of health and retirement benefits. The second stage is fired for poor work performance of employees or those skills and provided by the company's position is not matched to the staff. The first stage and doesn't really matter to me, but I know that there are several qualified colleagues in the ideological struggle, to consider whether or not to accept the ERP plan. If they accept the plan, although they can continue to enjoy medical and other retirement benefits, but they will sacrifice a certain percentage of the monthly salary. If they do not accept the plan, they will face the fire, lost at the same time to provide voluntary retirement benefits risk. The first stage was relatively smooth, most eligible employees would like to take this opportunity to retire ahead of schedule, enjoy their hard-earned retirement. Company reorganization of the second stage real impressiveness. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the so-called D-day. On that day, the company requires all employees before 8 in the morning to the office. Then one by one, each employee are called into his manager office, where announced his or her fate. I breathed a sigh of relief, they survived in this reorganization. But several of my friends were invited to go. One friend in announced the day before, just moved into buying a new house. Now he has put the house on the market. For me, it is both sweet and bitter day, I am very glad that this seems to be endless process finally ended. We will have the next round? I am uncertain.
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