Frederick William I, king of Prussia, could never have imagined that his generous gifts to the Russian people would have such a surprising history. This gift is the amber room. It has this name because it used tons of amber to build the house.
The selected amber is bright in color and presents a yellowish brown like honey. The design of the Amber Room adopted the chic architectural style popular at that time. It is also a treasure decorated with gold and silver jewelry. It took a group of the country's best artists about ten years to finish it.
In fact, the amber room was not built as a gift. It was designed (made) for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next king of Prussia, Frederick William I, the owner of the amber room, decided not to use it.
In 1716, he gave the amber room to Peter the great. In return, the Czar gave him a team of his best soldiers.
In this way, the amber room became part of the Czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The amber room is about four meters long and is used as a small reception room for important guests.
Later, Ekaterina II sent people to move the amber room to her summer palace on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. She asked her craftsmen to add more fine decorations to the original design.
In 1770, the amber room was completed according to her request. Nearly 600 candles lit up the room, and the mirrors and pictures glittered like gold. Sadly, although the amber room is considered one of the wonders of the world, it has now disappeared.
In September 1941, Nazi German troops approached St. Petersburg. This is a period of war between the two countries. Before the Nazis arrived at the summer palace, the Russians had to remove some furniture and small works of art from the amber room.
But the amber room itself was secretly transported away by some Nazis. In less than two days, 100000 parts were packed into 27 wooden boxes.
There is no doubt that the boxes were later loaded on a train to Konigsberg, a city in Germany on the Baltic Sea. Since then, the whereabouts of the amber room has become a mystery.
Recently, Russians and Germans have built a new amber room in the summer palace. By studying the original photos of the amber room, the heart amber room they built looks very similar to the old one.
In 2003, the people of St. Petersburg used it to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city.