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2022-06-11 · TA获得超过7541个赞




  (A/D) Peopleshould take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are verydifferent from what they do at work. 【2014.7.6 ML】




  1. 让人全面发展:well-rounded: mentally and physically active

  2. 扩大社交圈people from all walks of life / like-minded peers

  3. 放松:relax=unwind = loosen up by doing something/ take their mind off their busy work/refreshed and recharged


  1. Workers would be much happier if they aredoing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.(130412NA)

  2. It is more likely for people with moreskills to succeed.


  1. 让人全面发展:well-rounded:

  Developinghobbies or physical activities different from daily work can make peoplebetter-rounded. In other words, those people who are used to a sedentary lifestylewill become mentally and physically active.

  2. 认识各行各业具有相同兴趣的人make acquaintance with like-minded peersfrom all walks of life.

  People withhobbies or physical activities different from their jobs will have the chanceto make acquaintance with like-minded peers from all walks of life.

  3. 更好的放松方式a better outlet of loosening up (relax=unwind = loosen up by doing something/ take their mind off their busy work/refreshed and recharged)

  Pursuing a hobbywill be a better outlet of loosening up for people with tight and boring workschedule.

  4、stress relief n. 压力的消除,解压

  *Hobbies canconnect you with others, which can bring stress relief and social support. 兴趣能让你和别人联络,这就能让压力消除,并且有助于人际关系。

  5、be overwhelmed by sth. 压力山大,不知所措

  *Those who feeloverwhelmed by work can benefit from hobbies because they provide an outlet forstress.那些被工作压得喘不过气来的人能从爱好中受益良多因为爱好能提供一种解压的方式。

  6、besusceptible to sth. 易患…;易受…影响

  *People with asedentary lifestyle are more susceptible to obesity and heart diseases. 久坐生活习惯的人更可能罹患肥胖症和心脏病。

  7、a remedyfor sth. …的解决办法

  *A hobby canserve as a remedy for stress and restore your vitality and whenever you arestressed out. 兴趣爱好可以作为压力的解决办法,在你压力山大的时候恢复精力。

  8、sharea lot/much/something in common 有共通之处

  *When two peopleshare something in common, they are more likely to get along. 如果两个人有共同点,那么就比较容易相处。

  9、chaseaway 赶走;驱逐

  *While you pursuea hobby, you may discover that you have a talent for something unusual, whichcan chase away any work-related stress. 在你培养一个爱好的时候,你可能会发现你对于某个特别的事物有天赋,这就能驱散你工作的压力。


  A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?


  这道题目是一个三选一的题目,这类题目最简单的思考方式,就是从A,B,C三个选项中,选出其中一项,然后说出这一项的好处,然后说出另外两种的缺陷,就可以了。此题,笔者建议选择managing personal finances,具体思路如下


  理由一:获得理财能力,可以帮助学生形成理性的消费观,避免攀比心理,从而合理分配自己的零用钱。众所周知,形成合理消费的习惯对于学生现在和未来的生活都起到非常重要的作用。(To begin with, Acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form a rational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thus making them allocating money properly. As we know, the formation of distributing one’s financial resources has a great influence on students’ current and future life. )

  理由二:学习做饭会存在安全隐患,因为学生缺乏安全意识,很容易引起火灾。而且,会浪费时间,因为学生完全可以去餐厅吃饭,而不需要自己做饭。(Secondly, there are a few advantages of learning cooking. For one thing, potential safety hazards may accompany the process of cooking, because students usually lack the awareness of safety, which may result in the outbreak of fire. For another, cooking by students themselves may waste much precious time which can be saved by eating in canteen.)

  理由三:学习修车对学生来说实用性不强,因为学生出行的方式主要是自行车或做公交车。(Thirdly, learning auto repair is not useful for students because most of them usually go to school by riding bike or taking public transportation.)

  结尾段:综上所述,我认为学校应该开始的课程是理财课。(Judging from what has been discussed above, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that schools should require their students to take the course of managing finance. )


  It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.




  理由一:对老年人重要:因为可以锻炼思维,预防记忆力反应力的退化,或者老年痴呆症。(On the one hand, there is no denying that learning new things plays an important role in practicing the thinking of the old and is beneficial for their health. As we all know, it’s easier for old people to suffer from the lapse of memory and Alzheimer disease, and mental labor can contribute to preventing these illness.(+具体事例))

  理由二:对年轻人重要:学习新的技能可以让年轻人在学习工作中表现优异,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。(On the other hand, it’s also indisputable that acquiring new knowledge is crucial for the young due to the fierce competition today. In order to outcompete others, youngsters have to develop more skills through learning new things.(+具体事例))


  It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.




  理由一:对老年人重要:因为可以锻炼思维,预防记忆力反应力的退化,或者老年痴呆症。(On the one hand, there is no denying that learning new things plays an important role in practicing the thinking of the old and is beneficial for their health. As we all know, it’s easier for old people to suffer from the lapse of memory and Alzheimer disease, and mental labor can contribute to preventing these illness.(+具体事例))

  理由二:对年轻人重要:学习新的技能可以让年轻人在学习工作中表现优异,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。(On the other hand, it’s also indisputable that acquiring new knowledge is crucial for the young due to the fierce competition today. In order to outcompete others, youngsters have to develop more skills through learning new things.(+具体事例))


  The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.




  让步段:诚然,大学教授的一个重要的职责是去教育学生,为了帮助他们为将来的事业打下基础。(Admittedly, one of the vital roles of university professors is to educate students for helping undergraduates to lay the foundation for their careers in the near future.)古语有云,师者,传业授道解惑也,上面这句话表明老师是学生获得知识的重要来源。这对于大学生即将踏入职场而言尤其如此。具体而言,一个英语专业的学生需要老师教授正确的`发音和基本的听说读写能力;一个金融专业的学生需要从老师那里获得财会知识。

  转折段:但不管怎样,教授的另外一个关键的职责是去做学术研究,这样不仅可以推动科研的进步而且还可以提升老师的名气。(Nevertheless, another crucial role of professors is doing academic research in order to promote the advances in scientific research and promote the fame of teachers.)一方面,在大多数国家科研人员主要组成就是高校教师。如果老师集中精力在科研上,国家的科研成果将会更加丰富,也有可能取得更多突破。另一方面,科研领域的成果将会在很大程度上提升老师的名气,因为现在评判老师的一个很重要标准就是科研成果的多少。

  递进:在我看来,做研究其实比仅仅传授知识更有意义。实际上,很多研究能够让学生参与到研究过程中,从而有效地培养学生们对于某一领域的兴趣,进而激发他们更积极地学习更多知识。(From my perspective, doing academic research is virtually more significant than merely imparting knowledge. In fact, some research can effectively cultivate students’ interests in a certain field and can thus motivate them to acquire more knowledge in this realm energetically. )


  1.Just as a saying goes,正如谚语所说:

  Just as a saying goes, a teacher is the one who could propagate thedoctrine,impart professional knowledge and resolve doubts, which indicates that teachers are the main source of gaining knowledge.

  2.Faculty from institution of higher education来自高等院校的教职工

  The researchers and scholars in most countries are mainly composed of faculty from institution of higher education, especially prestigious universities.

  3.The same is true of .. 对… 同理

  The same is true of college students who are to enter into the employment.

  4.Spawn research fruits in various fields 在诸多领域产生丰富科研成果

  More time and energy of professors are dedicated to scientific research, which spawn research fruits in various fields.


  Government should pay more attention to economic development than to environmental protection.





  Admittedly, economic development can provide people with job vacancies and thus meet their basic need of life. For example, reforms and opening up policy.


  However, protecting environment is very important for government to improve public health, since a clean environment plays a key role in helping people maintain good health.



  Actually, it depends on the development stage of a country whether economic development is more important than environmental protection.


  1.Government should pay more attention on health care issues than on environmental issues.

  2.The most important things for governments to improve public health are to clean the environment.


  1. maintain good health= stay in shape 保持健康

  Importance should be attached to environmental issues by the government, since a clean environment plays a key role in helping people maintain good health.

  2. car exhaust emission 汽车尾气排放

  However, with the increasing number of private car and proliferation of chemical factories, car exhaust emission and waste gas from industries will produce atmospheric pollution and lead to the poor air condition.

  3. wreak havoc on 对..产生巨大伤害

  All of these are the causes of environmental deterioration, which will in turn wreak havoc on the health of people.

  4. the surge of the unemployment rate 失业率激增

  The surge of the unemployment rate accompanied by the economic recession will incur the social disorder and even chaos.

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