watson wyatt中文翻译
Sara yang is a senior consultant at watson wyatt beijing office
Watson wyatt manager watch , december 31 , 2004 . award reflects fund performance as of december 31 , 2004
Watson wyatt manager watch ,二零零四年十二月三十一曰。
Watson wyatt remends the benefit choices concept , which has achieved successful framework in asia - pacific and global areas , in order to meet employees ' demands under the employers ' fixed cost
According to the annual mpf watch report 2003 pubpshed by watson wyatt , the top 10 mpf service providers in hong kong account for more than 86 per cent of the market share - with manupfe in second spot
With the help of an investment consultant watson wyatt , efil has agreed on a framework for appointing external managers , having regard to their professional expertise , track record and presence in , and mitment to , hong kong
At the panel meeting , the following motion proposed by hon wong kwok - hing was passed : " that this panel urges the civil service bureau to accept the general request of civil service organizations to replace watson wyatt hong kong pmited , the phase o consultant for conducting the pay level survey for the civil service .
在事务委员会会议上,王国兴议员提出的下述议案获得通过: "本事务委员会促请公务员事务局接纳公务员团体普遍的要求,撤换华信惠悦顾问有限公司进行公务员薪酬水平调查第二阶段顾问。

2023-07-11 广告