请帮我翻译成英语 专业一点 谢谢
1. 凭票上车;
2. 听从导游或司机指引,等车辆停稳后按秩序上下车;
3. 要按车辆载人数落座,老人、儿童、残疾人和孕妇必须在监护人的陪同下方可乘车,严禁超载;
4. 乘车时要坐稳扶好,握紧扶手,以免车辆紧急刹车时碰撞受伤;
5. 请您不要在车辆上站立拍照、走动、互相碰撞;车辆行驶过程中请不要把手脚伸出车外,以免发生意外;
6. 车辆在行驶中严禁爬车、跳车;
7. 严禁携带易燃、易爆等危险物品上车;
8. 请保护环境,爱护花草树木,不要将废弃物品、垃圾扔在路边;
9. 请爱护车辆设施,不要躺卧和踩踏座垫,毁坏车辆设施应照价赔偿;
10. 请妥善保管好您的手机、照相机、包等随身携带的贵重物品;
11. 公园咨询、投诉、紧急救助电话:
12. 本须知最终解释权归潘安湖湿地公园管理处。 展开
1. 凭票上车;
2. 听从导游或司机指引,等车辆停稳后按秩序上下车;
3. 要按车辆载人数落座,老人、儿童、残疾人和孕妇必须在监护人的陪同下方可乘车,严禁超载;
4. 乘车时要坐稳扶好,握紧扶手,以免车辆紧急刹车时碰撞受伤;
5. 请您不要在车辆上站立拍照、走动、互相碰撞;车辆行驶过程中请不要把手脚伸出车外,以免发生意外;
6. 车辆在行驶中严禁爬车、跳车;
7. 严禁携带易燃、易爆等危险物品上车;
8. 请保护环境,爱护花草树木,不要将废弃物品、垃圾扔在路边;
9. 请爱护车辆设施,不要躺卧和踩踏座垫,毁坏车辆设施应照价赔偿;
10. 请妥善保管好您的手机、照相机、包等随身携带的贵重物品;
11. 公园咨询、投诉、紧急救助电话:
12. 本须知最终解释权归潘安湖湿地公园管理处。 展开
The Embarkation Notice of Battery Cars
For the safety of you and others, please pay attention to the following items:
1.Get on with your ticket
2.Follow the guidance of the guide or driver, please get on or get off after the vehicle has stopped.
3.Be strict to the number of seats. The eldly, children, disabled, and pregnant women should be accompanied by their guardians before getting on. Overload is strictly forbidden.
4.Hold the secure hand and sit stable to avoid being injured by collision caused by emergency brake.
5.Please do not stand taking pictures, walking or running into one another; please do not stretch your hands or feet out of window while advancing of the car.
6.It is strictly prohibited to climb or jump the car while running.
7.It is strictly prohibited to get on the car with dangerous flammable or explosive goods.
8.Please protect the environment, caring for plants and trees. Do not abandon the waste and garbage to the road.
9.Please care for the facilities, do not lie-down or tread on the cushion; You are to pay according to the set price for any damages.
10.Please safekeep your valuables such as mobile phone, camera and bags.
11.The consulting, complaining and emergency telephone number of the park:
12.The final right of explanation of this notice belongs to the administrative office of the Pan An Lake and Wetland Park.
For the safety of you and others, please pay attention to the following items:
1.Get on with your ticket
2.Follow the guidance of the guide or driver, please get on or get off after the vehicle has stopped.
3.Be strict to the number of seats. The eldly, children, disabled, and pregnant women should be accompanied by their guardians before getting on. Overload is strictly forbidden.
4.Hold the secure hand and sit stable to avoid being injured by collision caused by emergency brake.
5.Please do not stand taking pictures, walking or running into one another; please do not stretch your hands or feet out of window while advancing of the car.
6.It is strictly prohibited to climb or jump the car while running.
7.It is strictly prohibited to get on the car with dangerous flammable or explosive goods.
8.Please protect the environment, caring for plants and trees. Do not abandon the waste and garbage to the road.
9.Please care for the facilities, do not lie-down or tread on the cushion; You are to pay according to the set price for any damages.
10.Please safekeep your valuables such as mobile phone, camera and bags.
11.The consulting, complaining and emergency telephone number of the park:
12.The final right of explanation of this notice belongs to the administrative office of the Pan An Lake and Wetland Park.
Sanya take noticeIn order to you and others safety, please pay attention to the following items:1. Get on demand;2. Listen to guide or driver guidelines, stationary vehicle such as the good order;3. According to the number of vehicle places, the old man, children and disabled people and pregnant women in the guardian must be accompanied by bus can be below, it is strictly prohibited to overload;4. Go by car to sit tight hold, hold armrest, lest vehicle braking when collision hurt;5. Please don't stand up to the vehicle photograph, walking, collided with each other; In the process of vehicle and please don't send out of the car, lest produce an accident;6. Vehicles in driving car, it is strictly prohibited to climb jump a car;7. It is strictly prohibited to carry inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, such as car;8. Please protect the environment, love flowers and trees, don't will junk, garbage in the road;9. Please take good care of vehicle facilities, don't lie down and trample the seat cushion, destroyed vehicles facilities shall be liable for all;10. Please take good care of your mobile phone, camera, bags and other carry valuables;11. Park consulting, complaints, emergency telephone:12. The final interpretation guidelines PanAnHu wetland park management office.