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2022-10-12 · TA获得超过5619个赞

1. 作一篇关于理想的英文作文

Ideal, like the wings of the Eagles, if you have high ideals and willing to realize that ideal can fly with you on the other side of success, the glorious heights; if you have a lofty ambitions, but with "tomorrow To "mental, you just can not stand will be exposed to the elements of the *** all songbirds; if you have aspirations, not to mention the psychological struggle, then you can not always carry in the first. Proud to stand on the podium, with their own efforts to train up one of the pillars before, and this is my ideal. Why do I have to be a teacher's ideals? I am *** all, very much like to eat chicken every time my mother asked me want to do when they grow up, I naively asked: "That's where most of the chicken?" Mom told me: "As long as the chicken plant Breeder, you will have many of the chicken. "Serious, I told my mother:" I want to grow up as a breeder, raised a lot of chicken, then I will eat a lot of chicken. " Gradually, I grew up, and chicken for me, nothing has been a temptation. When I entered the classroom, sucking the knowledge of Mannan, I understand, at this time the teacher is the most tired, so I would have had to be a teacher of the people of the idea. Of course, words on a one-sided action, and only in exchange for efforts to succeed, therefore, I will make up its mind, for their own ideal. To struggle, we need a plan and goals, I have the goal, then "everything is in place, is money," Therefore, I have set for ourselves a plan, first of all, to be a teacher of the people must have a Fluent in Mandarin and strong word-based, in order to Enhancing this, I Tiantian Kan half an hour, and insist on reading the text. Only a long-term mitment to success. Friends, you struggle, in order to the success of their own ideals and struggle it! 理想 理想,就像雏鹰的翅膀,如果你有着高飞的理想,并且肯去实现,理想可以带着你飞向成功的彼岸,辉煌的高峰;若是你有着远大的志向,却怀着“明天开始努力”的心理,那么你将是只经不起风吹雨打的小燕雀;要是你胸无大志,更没有奋斗的心理,那么你将永远抬不起头。

站在光荣的讲台上,用自己的心血培养出一个个栋梁之才,这便是我的理想。 我为什么回有当老师的理想呢?我小的时候,十分喜欢吃鸡腿每当妈妈问我长大后想干什么时,我总天真地问:“那什么地方的鸡腿最多呢?”妈妈告诉我:“只要是养鸡厂的饲养员,那么你将会有许多鸡腿。”

我认真地告诉妈妈:“我长大后要当一个饲养员,养好多好多的鸡,那我就会有许多鸡腿吃了。” 渐渐地,我长大了,鸡腿对我来说已没有什么诱惑了。

当我步入课堂,吮吸着知识的甘露时,我明白了,此时的老师是最累的,于是,我便产生了当一名人民教师的念头。 当然,言语上的行动是片面的,只有努力才能换取成功,于是,我便下定决心,为自己的理想而奋斗。



2. 描述理想的自己英语作文

My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a famous journalist in the future. When I grow up, I'm going to be a journalist. Next year, I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. I'm going to a university in Beijing after senior school. Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I'm going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I'm going to travel all over the world. What is your dream in the future? Would you like to tell me ? 翻译: 人人都有梦想.我的梦想是在将来做一名著名的记者.当我长大的时候,我将做一个记者.明年,我将给杂志和报纸写一些文章.中学毕业后,我将去北京的某所大学上学.或许我将找一份 *** 工作来积攒些钱.下一步,我将作为记者为电视台工作.然后我将周游世界各地.你将来的梦想是什么?你愿意告诉我吗?。

3. 一篇关于理想的英语作文

4. 关于理想的英语作文



YoungPeopleShouldHaveIdeals Whatareyougoingtodowhenyougrowup?WhenIwasachild,peopleoftenaskedmethisquestionabouttheideal.Undoubtedly,everyindividual,especiallyayoungperson,shouldhaveanideal.Hardlycanwefindanygreatpeopleweknowidealwhentheywereyoung. Anidealisavitalimportancetoone'sgrowthandsuccess.Ontheonehand,anidealisthetargetofone'slife.Onceyoudecidewhatyouridealis,youknowwheretogo,andwhichwaytotake.Otherwise,youmightbeepuzzledinmanythingsinyourlife.Ontheotherhand,anidealisliketheengineofvehicles.Onlywhenwehaveourownideals,canwefindtheoriginofenergyandenthusia *** inlife,andbeeactiveandperseverant.Whateveryouridealis,carefulplanandpreparationisvitaltoitsrealization.Ofcourse,thepathfromwhereyouaretowhereyouwanttogetisnotalways *** oothandstraight.Therefore,anoptimistic,positivemindisindispensableintheprocessofyourperseveringyourideal.Inaword,onlyifyouhaveanideal,youwillhavethechanceofrealizingit.年轻人应该有理想你长大后打算做什么?当我还是个孩子的时候,人们经常问我关于理想的问题

5. 一篇关于理想的英语作文

My dream

I have a dream.And this is the goal for me. I want to be a doctor.I think that the doctor can help lots of people .I can help people from illness.What's more, I like helping others.Helping others to solve problems is my happiness.From now on,I must study hard.The most important,I will make a plan for me and that I will follow it every day.Even if I can't be the best,i will try my best to make my dream e true.

6. 英语作文 描述自己的理想

my future plani would like to be an English teacher in the future becuase i am fond of reading English books and watching English movies. and I would love to live in suburb because i can breathe fresh air there. my hobbies are playing football and climbing moutains, and i hope i can travel around the world one day with my friends。

7. 我的理想生活(英文作文)

My Ideal Life

I have ever dreamed of my ideal life many times, in the night or day time. They are so perfect that I even doubt if they could e true one day.

In the ideal life, I am going to have a nice job, passionate and challenging. I would meet customers and guests ing from all over the world, and negociating on our business solution for them. People admire me, even envy me, because I am girl and better than themselves, with successful career, man seldom have chance to catch up with me, say nothing of looking down upon me.

Also, as a result of my hard working, I receive an unbelievable payoff, which allows me to live freely and fortably. Serveral boxes of formal suits and geous shoes make me appear much more successful and professional. I love this feeling.

Moreover, I am gonna spend plenty of time with my parents and my family, they are part of my life too. When I feel lonly at night, or need a nest to lick my wounds, there they are.

This is my Ideal life.

希望对你有帮助,不懂的可以追问,望采纳 O(∩_∩)O~

8. 写我的理想英文作文,写律师的

我的理想 万物都有一扇门,而且每扇门的钥匙应该都不同。但是,却有一把万能钥匙可以打开任意一扇门,它就是"理想",远大的理想就是开启万物的钥匙。 "理想"是一个再普通不过的话题,可是每个人却仍然无法不去想它,因为她与我们的生命交织在一起。我们常在讨论"理想",有人的理想是想当一名出色的医生,有人的理想是想当一名杰出的商人,而我的理想是当一名歌手。其实,我以前有想过当服装设计师,作家,商人,演员,我真的很喜欢这些职业,可是身边的人总说我不切实际,在他们的劝说下我放弃了这些我所衷爱的职业。虽然我放了它们,但仍抱有一丝幻想,而有时也为无法实现而悲伤,。这也捆扰了我好长一段时间,使我找不到人生的目标。不过,现在我再次找到了我的理想,它就是音乐。 相信每一个喜爱音乐的人都会认为音乐是世界上最迷人的一件事物,而这只是我被音乐征服的原因之一。更重要的是,音乐是医治心里创伤的良药。音乐不仅可以医治歌者的伤痛,也可以医治和安慰听者。表达情感的方法有很多,有的人选择写,有的人选择说,还有的人选则演,而我选择唱。这也许跟我的性格有关吧!虽然我性子比较急,说话比较直,但却不善于表达情感,因而含蓄迷人的音乐更适合我。而且,从小我就是一个"垃圾回收站",身边的人无论遇到什麽都会告诉我,我也习惯了安慰他们,选择一种好的方式帮助他们,对人对几都很好,所以音乐很适合我。 尽管我很确定我的理想是音乐,却还是遭到家人的反对,他们只希望我读好书,不允许我为别的分心可我仍然坚持我的理想,我也证明给他们看,我无论做什麽都不会影响我的学业。我也相信"心之所愿,无所不成",终于我获得了家人的谅解,更得到了母亲的支持,这也给了我很大的动力。 欧文曾经说过:"目标决定你成为什麽样的人。"所以,我的目标也就是我的理想就是成为一名音乐人。不过我也相信,如果我等待,发生的只是我变老了,而且,我只对未来感兴趣,因为我将在那里度过余生。这样,我就不得不插上翅膀飞向未来了。 我的理想 每个人都有自己的理想,当然我也不例外。小时候,在我那小小的百宝箱中,也装着五彩缤纷的理想。今天我就打开我的百宝箱,把里面的宝贝一一拿给你看。 很小的时候,我就有了我的第一个理想。当一名女警察。小时候的理想现在想起来既可笑又幼稚。当时的我其实是喜欢上了女警察们漂亮的警服,和她们站在马路中央指挥交通时的飒爽英姿。可是不久,我的理想就发生了改变,因为我逐渐了当一名女警察的辛苦与困难。 于是,当一名画家成为了我的第二个理想。从小我就对绘画很敏感,很喜欢画画,经常自己画出一些“大作”,然后拿给爸爸妈妈看。爸爸妈妈得知了我喜欢画画,马上就给我报了美术班。可能是因为小孩子贪玩儿的天性。上了美术班后的我变得不怎么喜欢画画了。甚至上美术课时逃跑去和同学玩儿。就这样,我的第二个理想便又化为泡影。 直到我有了第三个理想时,我已经上了小学4年级。那时的理想是当一名老师。从小到大我接触过好多好多老师,有年龄大的、资历老的;也有年轻的、经验少的。但不管他们是什么样的老师,教哪一门学科,我都非常喜欢他们。将来也想像他们一样站在高高的讲台上给我的学生们授课。 如今我已经是一个六年级的学生了。快要步入中学的殿堂。如今的我,已不是一个什么都不懂的小孩子;如今的我,对一些事已有了自己独到的见解和想法。现在我的理想是——做一个对社会有贡献的人。或许你会说,这并不算是什么理想。但是在这漫长的学习生涯中,我不敢肯定我的理想会不会再改变。但是我敢肯定的是,我始终不变的,就是要做一个对社会、对全人类有贡献的人。 现在有不少学生经常高谈阔论自己的远大理想和抱负。但往往没有做好身边一些应该做好的小事。甚至对一些基本的社会公德都没有做到。我们要实现自己的理想,就要从身边的小事做起,从自身做起,不能有着“不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。”的想法。要脚踏实地地为自己的理想奠定基础。最终才能实现它! 可能你的理想多如繁星,可能你的理想永世不变,但是不管我长大要做什么职业,做什么工作,对自己的要求唯有一条永远不会改变,那就是,要从小事做起,总自身做起。做一个对社会和全人类有贡献的人!

9. 帮我写一篇有关理想的英语作文

hi ~ I am very glad to help u to solve the problem~

Let's talk about dream

Everyone has a dream. Now I'll talk about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. When I was a little girl, my dream was really simple, just like other kids who were at my age, I dreamed of being a teacher. I wanted to play with my students every day.

Now I am a young girl with a new dream —— to be a psychologist. Maybe that sounds unusual and amazing, but I really want to be a famous psychologist who can help the sick people and save their lives. Why did my dream change? Well, my father always told me about his stress. I wanted to help him and tried to cheer him up. But it didn't work. Also, I have seen more and more people have pain in their psychology but they can't get help. So I decided to bee a psychologist.

Besides it, another dream I want is that I hope the world can be peace one day. I really hate war, because it makes many people bee homeless and be hurt.

Would you like to talk about your dream? You can join this discussion at once!

10. 关于理想的80字的英语作文

Everyone has an ideal, everyone wants to achieve their ideal. I also have a great ideal.

My ideal is to bee a game designer in the future, designed for people to learn, one side of the game sofare game. No matter what kind of difficulties encountered, I would go with head high and chest out to face.

There are three words: if you choose the sky, don't want sunny. If you choose to the earth, do not want flat road. If you select the sea, do not want Everything is going *** oothly. I have fully prepared for, any difficulty can be like "balls" as I stepped on the foot of. I want to realize my ideal -- lock bees a famous game designer. I want tothrough the realization of this ideal, to repay the parents of my love. To train on my return the country and the people and education, I will redouble our efforts to study, I would like to: through my efforts I dream will e true.


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