插入语interjectional remarkinterjected remark例句:
1.插入语和对外汉语口语教学The Parenthesis and Oral Teaching for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language2.经常使今天压力更加过重的公众恼怒的频繁性插入语(b詹姆斯怀尔考克斯)Frequent asides that are often exasperating to today's more stressed-out public ( bJames Wilcox)
2.传统语法对插入语的定义和分类有很多模糊之处。There are some vague definitions and classifications about the inserted clause.
3.在我看来,这是个很重要的问题。(介词短语作插入语)This, in my opinion, is a very important question.
4.对英语演讲语篇中插入语的功能研究A Functional Analysis of Parentheses in English Public Speeches.
5.如果我可以这样说的话,你做这工作并不合适。(从句作插入语)You are not quite fit for the job, if I may say so.
中中释义:插入语[chā rù yǔ][parenthesis] 在一个句子中间插入一个成分,它不作句子的何种成分,也不和句子的何种成分发生结构关系,同时既不起连接作用,也不表示语气,这个成分称之插入语。如这堆砂土,充其量有十辆卡车就运去了我家后面有一个很大的园子,相传叫做百草园中的充其量和相传即是插入语