cancel中文意思有撤销;盖销;cancel作为名词意思是取消;(相)约;盖销;删略。取消是一个汉语词汇,读音为qǔ xiāo,释义是停止计划。“取消”亦作“取销”。使原有的制度、规章、资格、权利等失去效力。
1.No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.如果在10天以内取消,不收费用。
2.The obvious answer would be to cancel the party.明摆着的解决方法是取消聚会。
3.The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds.这个项目因缺乏资金已经撤销。
4.The advantages and disadvantages would appear to cancel each other out.看来是利弊参半。
5.You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order.如果撤销订单,保证金将不予退还。
6.They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。
7.Is it too late to cancel my order?我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?
8.The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.本公司保留在一定条件下取消这项协议的权利。
2023-07-11 广告