
父母们总是把他们和其他的孩子比较。孩子们可能会发现自己规划事情是很困难的。UFO降落的时候(起飞的时候)你正在做什么?当外星人正在看纪念品的时候,店员给警察打了电话。星期... 父母们总是把他们和其他的孩子比较。孩子们可能会发现自己规划事情是很困难的。UFO降落的时候(起飞的时候)你正在做什么?当外星人正在看纪念品的时候,店员给警察打了电话。星期天我有一段不同寻常的经历。你能想象那是多么的奇怪吗!她的狗从箱子里出来跑走了。她没有考虑到车站外面去看看。我飞往纽约的航班从北京国际机场起飞了。这是美国现代历史中最重要的事件之一。我们正在操场上玩得高兴。我们老师让我们停下我们正在做的事情。他们一起沉默地走回了家。他的谋杀发生在30年前。1969年7月20日,人类第一次登上月球。Lana说她不会再生Marcia的气了。你们本应该今天早上在车站见面的。英语方面,我的阅读比听力好听说爷爷上周感冒了我很难过。我希望你身体健康。这学期我学习科学的确很费劲。我的数学老师说我很勤奋。另一个令人失望的消息是在历史学科。这些是目前我所知道的所有消息的情况。我的朋友英语学得很好,所有她经常在作业方面帮助我。抄作业会养成一个坏习惯。我相信她会想通的。对你来说,在贫困山村教中学生可能听起来不是有意思的事情。起初,稀薄的空气让她感觉很难受。她的妈妈和爸爸都同意她的决定。如果你今天下午开party,全班一半都不会来的。如果你穿牛仔裤,老师不会让你进去的。什么时候是个开party的好时间?如果你带食物,老师会把食物拿走的。不要在开party的时候又喊又跑。如果你参加敬老院之行,你会做什么?你将会做你喜欢的事情来谋生。然而职业运动员也可能有很多问题。如果你变得很富有,你就很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。反对(赞成)成为一个职业运动员的理由。这是一个很多人都没有的好机会。人们就时时关注你,处处跟着你。这可能使你的生活变得很困难。如果你以体育运动为生,你的工作有时候会很危险。 展开
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Parents are always put them with other children compared. The children may find themselves planning things is very difficult. UFO landing (take off) what are you doing? When the aliens are looking at the souvenirs, assistant called the police. On Sundays I have a unusual experience. Can you imagine what a strange! Her dog from the box out ran away. She doesn't take into account the outside the station to see. I flew to New York's flight from Beijing international airport. This is the United States in modern history, one of the most important events. We are playing on the playground to happy. Our teacher let us stop we are doing. Together they silently walk back home. His murder happened in 30 years ago. On July 20, 1969, the first time that human landing on the moon. Lana said that she would not renewable Marcia gas. You should have this morning to meet at the station. English, I'm better at reading than listening to hear that he caught a cold last week I was sad. I hope you are in good health. This semester I learn science does the effort. My math teacher said I was hard-working. Another disappointing news is in the historical subject. These are now all I know all of the news. My friend studies English very good, all she often helps me in the assignments. Copying assignments will be issued to develop a bad habit. I believe she will think. For you, impoverished village in teaching high school students may sound is not interesting. At first, the thin air made her feel sick. Her mom and dad have agreed to her decision. If you open party this afternoon, the class will not come half of all. If you wear jeans, the teacher won't let you in. When is a good time to a party? If you bring food, the teacher will put the food away. Don't open the party when called and run. If you join the trip home, what can you do? You will do the things you enjoy to make a living. But professional athletes may also have a lot of problems. If you become very rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends. Against (for) to be a professional athlete reason. This is a lot of people are not good opportunity. People are always concerned about you, everywhere with you. This may make your life become very difficult. If you by the sports for a living, you work sometimes can be very dangerous.
2012-06-27 · 超过10用户采纳过TA的回答
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Parents are always comparing them with other children. Children may find it difficult to plan things for themselves. UFO when landing ( off ) what are you doing? When the aliens are watching the souvenirs, the clerk phoned the police. Sunday I had an unusual experience. You can imagine how strange it was you! Her dog got out of the box and ran away. She does not take into account the station outside to have a look. My flight to New York took off from Beijing international airport. This is the United States of America in modern history and one of the most important events. We were having fun in the playground. Our teacher asked us to stop what we are doing. They walked home together in silence. His murder took place 30 years ago. On July 20, 1969, the first human to set foot on the moon. Lana said she never regenerated Marcia gas. You were supposed to meet at the station this morning. English reading than listening, I hear that grandpa had a cold last week and I was very sad. I hope you are in good health. This term I study really hard time with science. My math teacher said I was hard-working. Another disappointing result was in history. These are now all the information I know. My friend is good at English, she often help me with my homework. Copy homework will develop a bad habit. I was sure she would get over it. For you, teach students in a poor mountain village may not sound like fun. At first, the thin air made her feel sick. Her mother and father both agree with her decision. If you held this afternoon party, half the class won't come. If you wear jeans, the teacher won't let you in. When is a good time to open party? If you bring food, the teachers will take it away. Do not open party and shouting when running. If you go to the old people's home, what will you do? You will be doing something you love. However, occupation athletes can also have many problems. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends. Against ( for) became an occupation athlete reason. This is a lot of people have no chance. People always pay attention to you, with you everywhere. This may make your life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous.
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Parents are always put them with other children compared. The children may find themselves planning things is very difficult. UFO landing (take off) what are you doing? When the aliens are looking at the souvenirs, assistant called the police. On Sundays I have a unusual experience. Can you imagine what a strange! Her dog from the box out ran away. She doesn't take into account the outside the station to see. I flew to New York's flight from Beijing international airport. This is the United States in modern history, one of the most important events. We are playing on the playground to happy. Our teacher let us stop we are doing. Together they silently walk back home. His murder happened in 30 years ago. On July 20, 1969, the first time that human landing on the moon. Lana said that she would not renewable Marcia gas. You should have this morning to meet at the station. English, I'm better at reading than listening to hear that he caught a cold last week I was sad. I hope you are in good health. This semester I learn science does the effort. My math teacher said I was hard-working. Another disappointing news is in the historical subject. These are now all I know all of the news. My friend studies English very good, all she often helps me in the assignments. Copying assignments will be issued to develop a bad habit. I believe she will think. For you, impoverished village in teaching high school students may sound is not interesting. At first, the thin air made her feel sick. Her mom and dad have agreed to her decision. If you open party this afternoon, the class will not come half of all. If you wear jeans, the teacher won't let you in. When is a good time to a party? If you bring food, the teacher will put the food away. Don't open the party when called and run. If you join the trip home, what can you do? You will do the things you enjoy to make a living. But professional athletes may also have a lot of problems. If you become very rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends. Against (for) to be a professional athlete reason. This is a lot of people are not good opportunity. People are always concerned about you, everywhere with you. This may make your life become very difficult. If you by the sports for a living, you work sometimes can be very dangerous.
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