求一首游戏风云dota精彩回放的背景音乐 隐约记得一句歌词是:it is me,it is you之类的
See Who I Am_Within Temptation Truth beneath the rose_Within Temptation(这两首是老公司时的 一首是对阵面板时的音乐 一首是结束后放WINNER的音乐) 第六赛季: Fighting_YellowCard Data Line_YellowCard Takedown_YellowCard Light Up the Sky_YellowCard(4首都是REPLAY音乐) Burning Games_Kosinus Records Street Predator_Kosinus Records Fight Games_Kosinus Records(对阵板音乐) Papercut _Link Park(演播室背景音乐) 羊驼乐队:Through the fire and flames 第七赛季: Sahara_Nightwish(Winner音乐) Master passion greed_Nightwish 7 days of the wolves_Nightwish(REPLAY音乐) The poet and the pendulum_Nightwish Dark Chest Of Wonders Amaranth_Nightwish(对阵板音乐) She Is My Sin_Nightwish(这首我记不清是那个赛季的了 反正是夜愿唱的 放在第七赛季算了) 第八赛季: down with you(REPLAY音乐) 备注:第八赛季我就知道这一首 抱歉 12-5月的音乐: bad news_Orianthi holy thunderforce_rhapsody emerald sword_rhapsody only my railgun_fripside(REPLAY音乐) 风云争霸赛音乐: superheroes_edguy why do you love me_garbage(REPALY音乐) Disturbed_Decadence 由MDUYE32提供 down with the sickness_Disturbed 由EvilTianzi提供(两首均为对阵板音乐)
See Who I Am_Within Temptation Truth beneath the rose_Within Temptation(这两首是老公司时的 一首是对阵面板时的音乐 一首是结束后放WINNER的音乐) 第六赛季: Fighting_YellowCard Data Line_YellowCard Takedown_YellowCard Light Up the Sky_YellowCard(4首都是REPLAY音乐) Burning Games_Kosinus Records Street Predator_Kosinus Records Fight Games_Kosinus Records(对阵板音乐) Papercut _Link Park(演播室背景音乐) 羊驼乐队:Through the fire and flames 第七赛季: Sahara_Nightwish(Winner音乐) Master passion greed_Nightwish 7 days of the wolves_Nightwish(REPLAY音乐) The poet and the pendulum_Nightwish Dark Chest Of Wonders Amaranth_Nightwish(对阵板音乐) She Is My Sin_Nightwish(这首我记不清是那个赛季的了 反正是夜愿唱的 放在第七赛季算了) 第八赛季: down with you(REPLAY音乐) 备注:第八赛季我就知道这一首 抱歉 12-5月的音乐: bad news_Orianthi holy thunderforce_rhapsody emerald sword_rhapsody only my railgun_fripside(REPLAY音乐) 风云争霸赛音乐: superheroes_edguy why do you love me_garbage(REPALY音乐) Disturbed_Decadence 由MDUYE32提供 down with the sickness_Disturbed 由EvilTianzi提供(两首均为对阵板音乐)