1.Antenna are generally composed of stacked of dipole bundling their radiated power to form a desired antenna pattern in vertical plains around the antenna.
2.Depending on the gain desired that wants to be achieved several of those diploes can be arranged on top of one another. 展开
2.Depending on the gain desired that wants to be achieved several of those diploes can be arranged on top of one another. 展开
1. 天线通常由一个个堆积在一起的双极构成, 双极的辐射能量合并在一起, 形成了一个可利用的,在围绕着天线的数个竖直平面上的 天线辐射轨迹. (后半句是说,辐射波轨迹是在 以天线为轴心 的数个竖直的面上, 这些面合在一起看起来就好像 一个圆柱体的侧表面)
2. 根据想要达到的效果, 像这样的几个双极可以一个压着一个安放,堆积起来.
个人觉得两个原句有些语病和拼写错误, 可改为
1.Antenna are generally composed of stacked dipoles, bundling their radiated power to form a desired antenna pattern in vertical planes around the antenna.
2.Depending on the effects/results that want to be achieved, several of those diploes can be arranged on top of one another.
2. 根据想要达到的效果, 像这样的几个双极可以一个压着一个安放,堆积起来.
个人觉得两个原句有些语病和拼写错误, 可改为
1.Antenna are generally composed of stacked dipoles, bundling their radiated power to form a desired antenna pattern in vertical planes around the antenna.
2.Depending on the effects/results that want to be achieved, several of those diploes can be arranged on top of one another.