How to Improve Your English
How to Improve Your English.
If you want to be good at English, you have to be interested in it. Because interest can make it an enjoyment to study Enlish. You'll be happy for every progress that you've made. So if you have the interest to learn English and work hard to make progress and form a good habbit in studying it, remember that "practice makes perfect", then your level of English can be improved.
If you want to be good at English, you have to be interested in it. Because interest can make it an enjoyment to study Enlish. You'll be happy for every progress that you've made. So if you have the interest to learn English and work hard to make progress and form a good habbit in studying it, remember that "practice makes perfect", then your level of English can be improved.

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To improve your English, first, you need to take some time to learn it everyday, you can spend 10 minutes on reading: just a very short article in English, either from an English news paper or a teaching book; 10 minutes in writting: using an English phrase to make a complete sentence, 5 sentences a day is enough; 20 minutes in learning some new words by heart, they can be from your text book or the article you read everyday. Then, you can find some other time trying to talk with people in English. If you cannot find anyone to exchange in talking, you can read loudly one paragraph of the text and try to learn them by heart. In such case, you need to spend another 10 to 20 minutes.
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