求Adam Lambert 的《for your intertainment》歌词.

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2012-07-26 · TA获得超过499个赞
  For Your Entertainment   so hot out the box欲望 在出轨   can we pick up the pace? 我们能否加快步伐?   turn it up heat it up i need to be entertained 调高音量 解禁欲念 我需要一点激情消遣   push the limit are you with it baby don't be afraid 勇敢挣脱束缚 宝贝 别畏惧   i'ma hurt you real good 我要让你体验前所未有的痛快感   let's go, it's my show,baby do what i say 来吧,这是我的秀场 你只管照我说的去做   don't trip off the bits that i'm gonna display 睁大眼睛 不要错过我的表演   i told you i'ma hold you down until you're amazed 告诉你 我要抱紧你直到你全身颤栗   give it to you till you're screaming my name 全情为你演出直至你尖叫我的名字   no escaping when i start 当我开始就别想逃脱   once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略并占领你的心脏   there's no way to ring the alarm 即使拉响警钟也无济于事   so hold on until it's over 因此 好好配合我直到落幕吧   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你钻进的是什么体系吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do? 你确定你能招架我接下来的行动吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只为你释放   i'm here for your entertainment 让我来为你娱乐助兴   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我打赌你肯定认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是天使在使你神魂颠倒   but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如恶魔般点燃你体内的原罪   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你卖力演出   it's all right, you'll be fine,baby i'm in control 别害羞,你会习惯的,一切都在我的掌控之中   take the pain, take the pleasure,i'm the master of both 制造疼痛 撩动快感 都是我的拿手好戏   close your eyes not your mind,let me into your soul 闭上你的双眼 开启你的心房 让我入侵你的灵魂   i'ma work you till you totally blown 我会全力以赴知道你声嘶力竭   no escaping when i start当我开始了就别想逃脱   once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略并俘虏你的心   there's no way to ring the alarm 你就无处遁形   so hold on until it's over 所以乖乖坚持到落幕吧   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你钻进的是什么体系吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do?你确定你能招架我的疯狂吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只为你燃烧   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐消遣   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我确信你认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是天使在使你神魂颠倒   but i'm about to turn up the heat然而我要恶魔般穿过骨髓魅惑你   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐助兴   do you like what you see? 眼前的戏法能让你满足吗?   let me entertain you till you scream 让我来取悦你知道你惊声尖叫   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道自己正处于危险地带吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do? 你确定你能招架我接下来的进攻吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的粗野狂暴只为你存在   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐排遣   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我断定你认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是路西法在使你神魂颠倒(路西法曾是天堂中地位最高的天使,未堕落前任天使长一职)   but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如恶魔般引爆你深处的情欲   i'm here for your entertainment 我保证我们都会很快乐。
2012-07-26 · TA获得超过3157个赞
Music Again
  i want your body, mind, soul, et cetera   and one day you'll see, you should give it to me   and i don't want anyone instead of ya   oh babe i'm goin' crazy, come on and give it to me   and i ain't never met nobody betterer   you're someone else's baby   i'm so sick of living for other people   took meeting you to realise   i don't wanna lose ya, i wanna keep ya   put your little hand in mine and   look into my eyes very eyes   oh you make me wanna listen to music again   yeah you make me wanna listen to music again   there had been many moons before i met ya   and i ain't going nowhere   and now you give me back my raison d'être   and i'm inspired again   and i know in some ways i'm kinda evil   got my roots in you, got ties   but my heart's no stranger to upheaval   put your little hand in mine and   look into my eyes very eyes   oh you make me wanna listen to music again   yeah you make me wanna listen to music again   ahhh music again   look in to my eyes very eyes   i just wanna listen to music again   oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah wooh oh hey   i'm so sick of living for other people   took meeting you to realise   i don't wanna lose ya, i wanna keep ya   put your little hand in mine and   look into my eyes very eyes, whoa   oh you make me wanna listen to music again, whoa   yeah you make me wanna listen to music again, whoa
  For Your Entertainment   so hot out the box欲望 在出轨   can we pick up the pace? 我们能否加快步伐?   turn it up heat it up i need to be entertained 调高音量 解禁欲念 我需要一点激情消遣   push the limit are you with it baby don't be afraid 勇敢挣脱束缚 宝贝 别畏惧   i'ma hurt you real good 我要让你体验前所未有的痛快感   let's go, it's my show,baby do what i say 来吧,这是我的秀场 你只管照我说的去做   don't trip off the bits that i'm gonna display 睁大眼睛 不要错过我的表演   i told you i'ma hold you down until you're amazed 告诉你 我要抱紧你直到你全身颤栗   give it to you till you're screaming my name 全情为你演出直至你尖叫我的名字   no escaping when i start 当我开始就别想逃脱   once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略并占领你的心脏   there's no way to ring the alarm 即使拉响警钟也无济于事   so hold on until it's over 因此 好好配合我直到落幕吧   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你钻进的是什么体系吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do? 你确定你能招架我接下来的行动吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只为你释放   i'm here for your entertainment 让我来为你娱乐助兴   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我打赌你肯定认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是天使在使你神魂颠倒   but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如恶魔般点燃你体内的原罪   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你卖力演出   it's all right, you'll be fine,baby i'm in control 别害羞,你会习惯的,一切都在我的掌控之中   take the pain, take the pleasure,i'm the master of both 制造疼痛 撩动快感 都是我的拿手好戏   close your eyes not your mind,let me into your soul 闭上你的双眼 开启你的心房 让我入侵你的灵魂   i'ma work you till you totally blown 我会全力以赴知道你声嘶力竭   no escaping when i start当我开始了就别想逃脱   once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略并俘虏你的心   there's no way to ring the alarm 你就无处遁形   so hold on until it's over 所以乖乖坚持到落幕吧   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你钻进的是什么体系吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do?你确定你能招架我的疯狂吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只为你燃烧   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐消遣   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我确信你认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是天使在使你神魂颠倒   but i'm about to turn up the heat然而我要恶魔般穿过骨髓魅惑你   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐助兴   do you like what you see? 眼前的戏法能让你满足吗?   let me entertain you till you scream 让我来取悦你知道你惊声尖叫   oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道自己正处于危险地带吗?   can you handle what i'm about to do? 你确定你能招架我接下来的进攻吗?   cause it's about to get rough for you 我的粗野狂暴只为你存在   i'm here for your entertainment 我在这里为你娱乐排遣   oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我断定你认为我温柔又甜蜜   you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以为是路西法在使你神魂颠倒(路西法曾是天堂中地位最高的天使,未堕落前任天使长一职)   but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如恶魔般引爆你深处的情欲   i'm here for your entertainment 我保证我们都会很快乐。
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