Kip and his friends wanted to boosted a very valuable car from the store.After he boosted it, he used the stolen car to race with some play boy , but the police found out and tracked to their hideout.So all the car stealer was began to pack up their stuff before the cops coming, but some idiot break the black light and the peaces scattered around. Finally, all the people escaped, and Kip was in serious trouble. Kip's boss was very angry and he was going to kill Kip if his brother Memphis don't boosted 50 cars for him in 3 days. So Memphis accept the mission . In the first two days Memphis call his friends for help and prepare the tools. at third day night they began to boosted the 50 cars, after they boosted 49 cars , Memphis was going to boosted the last car: Eleanor, But boosted this car didn't come easy, Because the cap were on to them, they were trying to caught Memphis, so Memphis was having a race with the caps, but Memphis was run out of time, And Kip's boss was going to kill Kip.Finally, the cap was coming and they were trying to stop the big boss. At last the big boos was going to kill the chief of the police, but Memphis save him, so he didn't arrested him.
to boost (to 后加动词原形)
some play boys (some 修饰可数名词复数)
all the car stealers (all 意义同上)began(前不加was,加了表被动了)
do not do something (don't boost )
in the first two days 这句话不太好理解,用通俗易懂点的好:in two days
call 要用过去式called
be going to do something ,to 后不加过去分词或其它形式
But boosted this car didn't come easy (这句话可能在语法上不好理解,如果你是用boosting 的话,至少知道行使这个动作的是由人发出)
the caps were on to sb or the cap was on to sb 表在在意某人
try to done?try to do sth or try to doing sth
……最后一句,do or don't sth ,后面的动词一定是用原形的。
这位同学,其实你可以看到我总结出来的很多东西都是有关于搭配的问题,什么句型后面要用什么时态,根据语境要用什么词修饰,这很重要,你如果想在作文上拿高分,首先句段要分明,让评分人一看知道你是有条理的,其次,用点搭配的语句比如说first second third 等连词会让作文看起来不会像流水账,跟我们写中文作文一样的呀,多用点成语读起来感觉都会好很多的!
some play boys (some 修饰可数名词复数)
all the car stealers (all 意义同上)began(前不加was,加了表被动了)
do not do something (don't boost )
in the first two days 这句话不太好理解,用通俗易懂点的好:in two days
call 要用过去式called
be going to do something ,to 后不加过去分词或其它形式
But boosted this car didn't come easy (这句话可能在语法上不好理解,如果你是用boosting 的话,至少知道行使这个动作的是由人发出)
the caps were on to sb or the cap was on to sb 表在在意某人
try to done?try to do sth or try to doing sth
……最后一句,do or don't sth ,后面的动词一定是用原形的。
这位同学,其实你可以看到我总结出来的很多东西都是有关于搭配的问题,什么句型后面要用什么时态,根据语境要用什么词修饰,这很重要,你如果想在作文上拿高分,首先句段要分明,让评分人一看知道你是有条理的,其次,用点搭配的语句比如说first second third 等连词会让作文看起来不会像流水账,跟我们写中文作文一样的呀,多用点成语读起来感觉都会好很多的!
wanted to boost
with some play boys
all the car stealers began to pack up
Memphis don't boost
Memphis called his friends for help and prepared the tools
they began to boost
these 50 cars
But boosting this car didn't come easy
they were trying to catch Memphis
so he didn't arrest him.
wanted to boost
with some play boys
all the car stealers began to pack up
Memphis don't boost
Memphis called his friends for help and prepared the tools
they began to boost
these 50 cars
But boosting this car didn't come easy
they were trying to catch Memphis
so he didn't arrest him.
改了一下 时态太混乱了,标点错误也很多,But这个词不能出现在句首除非用However代替,而且内容不妥。。Mary掉河里了,怎么Jerry那么高兴啊?居心不良
Kip and his friends wanted to boost a very expensive car from the store.Before he boosted it, he used the stolen car to race with some play-boys , but the police found out and tracked to their hideout.So all the car stealers began to pack up their stuff before the cops' coming, but some idiot break the black light and the peaces scattered around. Finally, all the people escaped, but Kip was in serious trouble.
Kip's boss was very angry and he was going to kill Kip if his brother Memphis couldn't boost 50 cars for him in 3 days. So Memphis accepted the mission . In the first two days Memphis called his friends for help and preparing the tools. at the third night they began to boost the 50 cars, after they had boosted 49 cars , Memphis was going to boost the last one: Eleanor, But boosted this car didn't come easy-- the cops were on to them, they were ready to catch Memphis, so Memphis had to race with the caps in order to escape. But Memphis was running out of time, Kip's boss was going to kill Kip.At the end of this story, the caps came and they were trying to stop the big boss. At last the big boss was going to kill the chief of the police, but Memphis saved him, so he didn't arrest him.
Well,it's a happy ending,thanks for listening.
Kip's boss was very angry and he was going to kill Kip if his brother Memphis couldn't boost 50 cars for him in 3 days. So Memphis accepted the mission . In the first two days Memphis called his friends for help and preparing the tools. at the third night they began to boost the 50 cars, after they had boosted 49 cars , Memphis was going to boost the last one: Eleanor, But boosted this car didn't come easy-- the cops were on to them, they were ready to catch Memphis, so Memphis had to race with the caps in order to escape. But Memphis was running out of time, Kip's boss was going to kill Kip.At the end of this story, the caps came and they were trying to stop the big boss. At last the big boss was going to kill the chief of the police, but Memphis saved him, so he didn't arrest him.
Well,it's a happy ending,thanks for listening.
参考资料: 尼古拉斯凯奇 耶!