1. Create a new project with the form that is set to the color with RGB
values of (192, 168, 0) at design time, but that appears Blue when the
form displays.
2. Add two text boxes and a button to the form. Write
code that, when a button is clicked, places the text in the first text
box into the second text box.
3. Add a button to the form to print the width and height of all controls.
4. Add a button to imitate the behavior of Tab key. 展开
1. Create a new project with the form that is set to the color with RGB
values of (192, 168, 0) at design time, but that appears Blue when the
form displays.
2. Add two text boxes and a button to the form. Write
code that, when a button is clicked, places the text in the first text
box into the second text box.
3. Add a button to the form to print the width and height of all controls.
4. Add a button to imitate the behavior of Tab key. 展开