i was not the least popular child in my school完

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When I was in junior high school, what my friends thought of me was really important to me.During those years, I grew much _1__ than most of my peers.Being so tall made me feel __2__.In order to keep the focus off my usual __3__ , I went along with the crowd who would __4__ other kids at school.It made sure that the tricks were __5__ at others, and not at me.Once before a __6__ class, my friends and I played a __7__ trick on one of the kids on the basketball team, which made him terribly embarrassed.I thought it was going to be funny, __8__ it all ended up that no one thought it was.My parents didn’t always think that __9__ was funny.They reminded me about “ The Golden Rule”: to __10__ others as I would like to be treated.What I was doing was __11__ other kids, and in turn hurting my __12__ as someone to be looked up to.My friends were looking up to me __13__ I was tall, but what did they see?My parents wanted me to be a leader who set a good __14__ to others.They taught me to set my own goals, and to do the __15__ at everything that I set out to do.They told me to be the leader that I was __16__ to be---to be a big man in my heart and actions, as well as in my body.I had to __17__ myself whether or not I would be the kind of leader and person my parents __18__ I was inside, but I knew in my heart that they were __19__.“Be a leader, Shaquille, not a(an) __20__.Since people already have to look up to you, give them a good reason to do so.”1.A.stronger                B.taller                   C.wiser                  D.braver2.A.independent           B.confident            C.uncomfortable     D.proud3.A.hair                      B.eyesight               C.weight                D.height4.A.have mercy on       B.join hands with     C.benefit from        D.play tricks on5.A.punished              B.directed               C.awarded             D.shouted6.A.music                  B.football                C.basketball           D.swimming7.A.kind                     B.magic                  C.clever                 D.hurtful8.A.so                        B.but                      C.and                    D.or9.A.behavior               B.dream                 C.nerve                 D.belief10.A.praise                 B.admire                C.treat                   D.hate11.A.threatening           B motivating             C.entertaining        D.hurting12.A.attitude               B.fame                   C.body                  D.feeling13.A.because              B.though                C .when                D.if15.A.biggest               B.least.                C.worst                 D.best16.A.chosen               B.meant                 C.born                   D.elected17.A.question              B.devote                 C.write                 D.risk18.A.promised            B.imagined              C.believed               D.forgot19.A.determined          B.wrong                 C.ambitious           D.right20.A.follower              B.learner                 C.organizer            D.inventor
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