
巴黎市是法国的首都和最大城市,欧洲第七大城市,也是法国的政治文化中心。四大世界级城市之一,与美国纽约、日本东京、英国伦敦并列。欧洲三大都市之一:与伦敦,米兰并列。同时尚之... 巴黎市是法国的首都和最大城市,欧洲第七大城市,也是法国的政治文化中 心。四大世界级城市之一,与美国纽约、日本东京、英国伦敦并列。欧洲三大都市之一:与伦敦,米兰并列。同时尚之都米兰一样,巴黎也是世界的时尚中心。巴黎同时也是法国的第75省,属于法兰西岛大区。巴黎大都会为欧洲最大的都会区之一。


埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)

巴黎圣母院(Cathedral of Notre Dame)
凯旋门(Arc De Triomphe)
 凯旋门建成于1836年。高50米,宽45米,凯旋门的每一面上都有巨幅浮雕。  其中最著名的一幅描绘了1792年义勇军出征的情景,这一名作取名《马赛曲》。
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Paris city is the capital and largest city of France, Europe 's seventh-largest city, is also the French political culture center. In four world-class city of the United States, and New York, Japan Tokyo, London juxtaposition. Three European Metropolis: Milan and London, parallel. With the fashion capital of Milan, Paris is also home to the world 's fashion center. Paris is also the seventy-fifth French province, belongs to the Ile de France region. The Paris Mets as one of Europe's largest metropolitan area.
Founded in the end of twelfth Century, after a series of renovation and expansion is becoming a beautiful decoration. The palace. Today the museum has a collection of works of art in 400000 parts, including sculptures, paintings, and ancient art in the East, ancient Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome and other 7 categories.
Eiffel Tower
Founded in 1889, the city had maintained the world's tallest building record for more than 40 years tower has become one of Paris's most important symbol.
Romantic Paris people give tower took a beautiful name -- " cloud at ". In order to design the famous French architect Gustav Eiffel name, and under the tower for the plastic a bronze bust.
Was a royal hunting place, the back is a huge Imperial Garden. Palace of Versailles is located 20 kilometers west of Paris, built by Louis Xiv, with its luxurious rich and imaginative architectural design is well known in the world. Buildings overall length 580 meters, including the Royal Castle, garden, Trianon palace.
Cathedral of Notre Dame
Located in the west of Dai Island, was built in 1163, took four hundred years to finish, is a Gothic church representative. Notre Dame de Paris interior strict silence, stained glass window design of fetching, flying buttresses and outlet as the monster.
Arc De Triomphe
Triumphal Arch was built in 1836. 50 meters high, 45 meters wide, Triumphal Arch of each side have huge relief. One of the most famous picture of 1792 volunteers battle scenarios, this masterpiece is named " La Marseillaise "
Paris city is the capital and largest city of France, Europe 's seventh-largest city, is also the French political culture center. In four world-class city of the United States, and New York, Japan Tokyo, London juxtaposition. Three European Metropolis: Milan and London, parallel. With the fashion capital of Milan, Paris is also home to the world 's fashion center. Paris is also the seventy-fifth French province, belongs to the Ile de France region. The Paris Mets as one of Europe's largest metropolitan area.
Le Louvre Museum ( Louvre )
Founded in the end of twelfth Century, after a series of renovation and expansion is becoming a beautiful decoration. The palace. Today the museum has a collection of works of art in 400000 parts, including sculptures, paintings, and ancient art in the East, ancient Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome and other 7 categories.
Eiffel Tower ( Eiffel Tower )
Founded in 1889, the city had maintained the world's tallest building record for more than 40 years tower has become one of Paris's most important symbol.
Romantic Paris people give tower took a beautiful name -- " cloud at ". In order to design the famous French architect Gustav Eiffel name, and under the tower for the plastic a bronze bust.
Versailles ( Versailles )
Was a royal hunting place, the back is a huge Imperial Garden. Palace of Versailles is located 20 kilometers west of Paris, built by Louis Xiv, with its luxurious rich and imaginative architectural design is well known in the world. Buildings overall length 580 meters, including the Royal Castle, garden, Trianon palace.
Notre Dame de Paris ( Cathedral of Notre Dame )
Located in the west of Dai Island, was built in 1163, took four hundred years to finish, is a Gothic church representative. Notre Dame de Paris interior strict silence, stained glass window design of fetching, flying buttresses and outlet as the monster.
Triumphal Arch ( Arc De Triomphe )
Triumphal Arch was built in 1836. 50 meters high, 45 meters wide, Triumphal Arch of each side have huge relief. One of the most famous picture of 1792 volunteers battle scenarios, this masterpiece is named " La Marseillaise ".
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