Out of puff:cops lower entrance fitness bar
Becoming a police officer just got a little easier with police lowering the physical standard of one of its toughest tests.
The dreaded " beep test"has shattered the dreams of many young hopefuls over the years, with many would-be recruits commissioning personal trainers to try and overcome the test.
Since its introduction , successful recruits needed to achieve a 6.1 level to become a police officer, compared to 9.6 to become an MFB firefighter.That target has been lowered to 5.1 and has divided opinion among police ranks. You don't often chase people on foot over great distances-that's why we have motor cars.
Victoria Police's Facebook page for recruits has been bombarded with criticism over the changes. Much of the criticism appears to have come from existing officers and new recruits . "absolute disgrace ",one man posted."It's a joke they lower the standards instead of people having to push harder . People were failing at 5.10!'"It was to low at 6.1",one women posted. " That's crazy , isn't the point to weed out the unfit??If you can't run faster than 5.1, you've got buck leys of being able to chase while kittled up, Work em harder!'
A police spokeswoman said the change was made to align the fitness entrance requirement for police and PSOs with other police jurisdictions across the country.
"The agreement was approved on 1 December, 2011 with the implementation of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement which took affect at the start of July, 2012. Applications from those who did not meet the previous fitness standard between those dates are being reviewed,’’ she said.
Police Association secretary Sen-Sgt Greg Davies said the change made sense.
"The beep test in our view is a totally inappropriate measure for policing. It’s a measure for elite athletes and AFL footballers, not for police officers,’’ he said.
``If you’re a firefighter and you’re running up and down ladders and wearing breathing apparatus and running up and down stairs in multi-storey buildings and carrying victims out, that’s a different physical requirement than being a police officer. You don’t often chase people on foot over great distances – that’s why we have motor cars.’’
The 20 metre shuttle run test involves running back and forth over a 20 metre course, keeping in time with auditory ‘beeps’ emitted from a CD player.
Participants must continue to run for as long as they can keep pace with the beeps.
The test finishes when participants either reach volitional exhaustion or they record two consecutive misses at reaching the lines in time for the beep.
字数少点没问题,但一定是总结,急求啊!!!给个靠谱点就采纳了···速度求··· 展开
Out of puff:cops lower entrance fitness bar
Becoming a police officer just got a little easier with police lowering the physical standard of one of its toughest tests.
The dreaded " beep test"has shattered the dreams of many young hopefuls over the years, with many would-be recruits commissioning personal trainers to try and overcome the test.
Since its introduction , successful recruits needed to achieve a 6.1 level to become a police officer, compared to 9.6 to become an MFB firefighter.That target has been lowered to 5.1 and has divided opinion among police ranks. You don't often chase people on foot over great distances-that's why we have motor cars.
Victoria Police's Facebook page for recruits has been bombarded with criticism over the changes. Much of the criticism appears to have come from existing officers and new recruits . "absolute disgrace ",one man posted."It's a joke they lower the standards instead of people having to push harder . People were failing at 5.10!'"It was to low at 6.1",one women posted. " That's crazy , isn't the point to weed out the unfit??If you can't run faster than 5.1, you've got buck leys of being able to chase while kittled up, Work em harder!'
A police spokeswoman said the change was made to align the fitness entrance requirement for police and PSOs with other police jurisdictions across the country.
"The agreement was approved on 1 December, 2011 with the implementation of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement which took affect at the start of July, 2012. Applications from those who did not meet the previous fitness standard between those dates are being reviewed,’’ she said.
Police Association secretary Sen-Sgt Greg Davies said the change made sense.
"The beep test in our view is a totally inappropriate measure for policing. It’s a measure for elite athletes and AFL footballers, not for police officers,’’ he said.
``If you’re a firefighter and you’re running up and down ladders and wearing breathing apparatus and running up and down stairs in multi-storey buildings and carrying victims out, that’s a different physical requirement than being a police officer. You don’t often chase people on foot over great distances – that’s why we have motor cars.’’
The 20 metre shuttle run test involves running back and forth over a 20 metre course, keeping in time with auditory ‘beeps’ emitted from a CD player.
Participants must continue to run for as long as they can keep pace with the beeps.
The test finishes when participants either reach volitional exhaustion or they record two consecutive misses at reaching the lines in time for the beep.
字数少点没问题,但一定是总结,急求啊!!!给个靠谱点就采纳了···速度求··· 展开
AS we can see from the present situation,such kind of test has raised popular atteion. Though being a good approach to testing participants abilities by marks ,it is certainly against the meaning of police officers of the 21 century. With high technology, such thing can be funny in some way.
Hency, the debate goes on. And all we can do is wait,Only time will see who is right.
Hency, the debate goes on. And all we can do is wait,Only time will see who is right.
0.0~我自己写完了···写了400多- -大哥你这个不够看啊~不过已经死最好的答案了~谢谢哈