马上要参加面试,希望高手帮我翻译下自我介绍。您好,我叫XX。非常荣幸能有这次面试的机会,让我先介绍我自己我来自辽宁沈阳,今年22岁,毕业于XX学校计算机专业。能熟练使用photoshop,ug,word等办公软件。生活中我是一个乐观、开朗和积极向上的人,喜欢打篮球,听音乐。还喜欢看书。工作中,我能脚踏实地的做我应该做的事,能与同事和睦相处。当周围的人遇到困难时,我总会力所能及的去帮助他们。真诚的对待每一个人。俗话说,经历过许多失败之后才会成功。我想我会解决所有在我成功路上的困难险阻,每一次挫折都会使我越来越成熟。非常感谢您给我这次机会,希望有机会为贵公司效力。我会尽自己最大的努力去做我的工作,我将是最好的。谢谢。PS:希望有高手能认真的帮我完成这个简介,不得体的地方帮我修改一下。要是机译的就算了。 谢谢,若果面试成功的话,追加200分。
Hello, my name is XX. I am very honored to have the opportunity of this interview, Please let me introduce myself first. I am from Shenyang, Liaoning. I am 22 years old, graduated from the XX school and I am a computer professional. I am familiar with photoshop, ug, word office and other commercial software. In life,I am an optimist, cheerful and positive hardworking man, I like playing basketball, listening to music. Also love reading. At work, I am a down to earth guy, doing what I should be doing, and I can get along with my workmates. When people encounter with difficulties, I will always do my best to help. I am sincere to everybody. As the saying goes, "Success only comes after many failure", I have every confidence of solving all the difficulties in my to success . Every setback will only make me more and more matured. Thank you for giving me this golden opportunity and hope to be given a chance to serve your company. I will try my best to do my job well, I would be the best.
Hello, my name is XX. I am very honored to have the opportunity of this interview, Please let me introduce myself first. I am from Shenyang, Liaoning. I am 22 years old, graduated from the XX school and I am a computer professional. I am familiar with photoshop, ug, word office and other commercial software. In life,I am an optimist, cheerful and positive hardworking man, I like playing basketball, listening to music. Also love reading. At work, I am a down to earth guy, doing what I should be doing, and I can get along with my workmates. When people encounter with difficulties, I will always do my best to help. I am sincere to everybody. As the saying goes, "Success only comes after many failure", I have every confidence of solving all the difficulties in my to success . Every setback will only make me more and more matured. Thank you for giving me this golden opportunity and hope to be given a chance to serve your company. I will try my best to do my job well, I would be the best.
Hello, my name is XX. I am so honored to have the opportunity of this interview, let me introduce myself first,I am from Shenyang, Liaoning,I am 22 years old,graduate from the XX school And I am a computer professional.I familiar with photoshop, ug, word office and other software. In life,I am an optimistic, cheerful and positive man, I like play basketball, listening to music. Also like to read.At work, I down to earth to do what I should do,And i can get along with my workmate.When people around the difficulties, I will always do my best to help them. Sincere to everybody.As the saying goes, Failure is the mother of success.I think I will solve all difficulties in my way to success, every setback will make me more and more mature. Thank you for giving me this opportunity and hope to have the opportunity to serve the Company. I will try my best to do my job well, I would be the number 1.
纯手工翻译,欢迎纠错 ··········
纯手工翻译,欢迎纠错 ··········
求英语大神翻译! 衣着时髦的人和喜欢表现的像那种黑人的亚洲人 关于CHIGGA 大意就是CHINESE和NIGGA的合成体。A person of Chinese decent who embraces