是不是时长2:05 的那支预告片?
Got a lot apologies to make 我这一生有太多遗憾
Nothing's been the same since New York 纽约集结后一切都不同了
They experience things and then they are over 事情发生了,也结束了
I can'y sleep and when i do i have nightmares 我无法入眠,噩梦连连
Honestly, there's a hundred pepole who want to kill me
I hope, i can protect the one thing i can't live without
"Ladies, children, sheep. 女士们,孩子,迷途的羔羊们
some pepole call me a terrorist. 有人说我是恐怖分子
I consider myself a teacher.我自认为是你们的精神导师
Lesson Number 1 :Heros , there is no such thing"
第一课:超级英雄 不存在