(100分)(急)跪求英语语法题目解答。学哥学姐。。 20

请回答,分析给我听为什么Youcantakeasmanyasyoulikebecausetheyarefreeof(money/charge)我选money错了,钱才可以... 请回答,分析给我听为什么

You can take as many as you like because they are free of (money/charge)我选money错了,钱才可以免费,charge是收费的意思根本翻译不过来的,

His name was on the (edge/tip) of my tongue, but i just couldn't remember it.我选edge错了,我听过话在嘴边,没听过话在舌尖的、
We'll have PE this afternoon but i forgot bring my (sports clothes/clothes of sports)我选clothes of sports错了。这里不应该用属格?
These days i hire two(man servants/ men servants) in my house.我选的是man servants是错的,我在想后面有复数。他们前面那个man应该是形容词,为什么错?
The editor told the newsman to write (a two-thousand-words/a two-thousand-word)report.我选的是前者,因为两千是形容词,字不应该是形容词吧?
Though i spoke to him many times,he never took any (attention/notice) of what i said.这两个词语都有注意的意思,可是我选attention错了,可是为什么呢。
We've missed the last bus,I'am afraid we have no (way/choice)but to take a taxi.这里选way错了。其实我觉得way更加贴近,除了打的没有别的办法,为什么我错了
We have worked out a plan,but i'm not sure whether it will do in (fact/practice)这两个词意思也很近,in fact 实际上,in practice 在实践
I've got an"A" in the examination,That's a good (result/news),You will surely win a second。为什么news错的、
The (sight/look) makes me feel sick.我选的是look,一个是这个场景让我恶心,一个是样子让我恶心,两个都通顺的,可还是错唉。
I am afraid that there is no (position/room) for you in my car, because there are already five people.这句我当然选position,想不明白为什么答案是room,车里怎么会是房间,应该是position位置才对
(What fun/what a fun) it is to go swimming on on such a hot day。我记得what a 和how是感叹词开头,可是我选what a fun错了
Heavy trucks which run day and night are doing damage to our houses and shop of historical (scene/interest)我选的是scene错了唉,怎么想都不可能是历史的兴趣。
Last nigt the president made a speech on TV to the (country/nation)这里也是。Country和nation都有国家的意思,可是为什么选country错了
(The evens/The evenses) will make a trip to China during the summer holidays.其实我压根看不懂evens什么意思但是我觉得evenses看起来好奇怪就选了evens,可是还是错了
I'd like you to meet David's a (dark,tall and handsome/tall, handsome and dark) cowboy.这里不知道为什么错了
The young student is (a success/success) as a writer.It's ( a surprise/ surprise) to all his teachers.我选的是a success因为我觉得名词应该都要有限定才行,后来发现错了以后觉得可能抽象名词不用限定,可是suprise也是抽象名词吧?可是我选a suprise对了哦。这是怎么回事。
Many old houses are being pulled down to make (space/area) for the apartment buildings. 其实我搞不懂space和area的区别,两个都有地区的意思但是选space错了
Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying makes any (sence/excuse) 我选excuse错了,不明白为什么
 我来答
2012-08-09 · TA获得超过204个赞
1.charge在这里表支付,free在这里表不需要的,free of charge,固定搭配,不用支付,即是免费的,你得记住啊!固定搭配哈。
4.记住,这道题中 man,women在使用中,特别是在固定搭配中,要瞻前顾后,前看主语,后看搭配(或宾语),所以都要使用复数形式。
5.这个简单,记住规则就行,连字符后用单数(涉及到数字等), a nine-year old girl.
6.attention太过于口语化,留意,比如:大会上,可以说,attention,please,军队中,attention(表立正),notice较为正式,且take notcie of sth(注意什么) 是固定搭配。
7.别无选择,这里更多强调的是选择的多样性,所以我们选choice,而且 have no choice but to(别无选择,只有。。)也是固定搭配啊。
8.in fact 和in practice差别大,首先意思差别就大,一个表示一种状态,在实际中,一种表在行为下的状态,强调的是行动下的结果,注意根据题意选择哈。
9。至于这道题吧,我倒是和你是同样的选择,我也觉得news 要更符合语境些。
11.room可以表位置哈,别单单理解为房间,position可以用于具体和抽象的位置,比如:a pose,表姿势,动作,下道题,fun指在这么热的天去游泳很有趣,有趣肯定不能有单复数来表示吧,所以是不能用a的,除非表其他意思,比如:what a pretty girl she is.How pretty she is(注:How表感叹时,后不加a/an).
14.这里应该表姓氏哈!姓氏后加s或es表一家人,比如:the Smiths,当然是加哪个,看哪个姓氏的单词了,如果后面是元音字母结尾一般加es.
15这道题没看懂。it's 后直接接surprise的话,主语是it,it会主动惊喜?肯定不会,除非主语是人,这里表一个惊喜(对他的老师来说是一个惊喜)。
17.make any sense,表有意义,原句中表他说的没有任何意义。固定搭配,一定注意躲积累,
2012-08-09 · TA获得超过1113个赞
You can take as many as you like because they are free of (money/charge)我选money错了,钱才可以免费,charge是收费的意思根本翻译不过来的,
1. free of charge 免费 (习惯用语)
His name was on the (edge/tip) of my tongue, but i just couldn't remember it.我选edge错了,我听过话在嘴边,没听过话在舌尖的、
2. on the tip of one's tongue (理由同上)
We'll have PE this afternoon but i forgot bring my (sports clothes/clothes of sports)我选clothes of sports错了。这里不应该用属格?
3. sports clothes 运动衣 sports meeting 运动会 (词组)
These days i hire two(man servants/ men servants) in my house.我选的是man servants是错的,我在想后面有复数。他们前面那个man应该是形容词,为什么错?
4. 不知Why
The editor told the newsman to write (a two-thousand-words/a two-thousand-word)report.我选的是前者,因为两千是形容词,字不应该是形容词吧?
5. 复合词一般不加s, 又如: a three-year-old girl
Though i spoke to him many times,he never took any (attention/notice) of what i said.这两个词语都有注意的意思,可是我选attention错了,可是为什么呢。
6. pay attention to , take notice of (搭配不同)
We've missed the last bus,I'am afraid we have no (way/choice)but to take a taxi.这里选way错了。其实我觉得way更加贴近,除了打的没有别的办法,为什么我错了
7. have no way out but...; have no choice but to take...
We have worked out a plan,but i'm not sure whether it will do in (fact/practice)这两个词意思也很近,in fact 实际上,in practice 在实践
8. 意思相距甚远!in fact=actually 。whether it will do in practice实践中是否能行得通;He seems very honest, but in fact he is a liar
.I've got an"A" in the examination,That's a good (result/news),You will surely win a second。为什么news错的、
9. 说的是考试结果,成绩
The (sight/look) makes me feel sick.我选的是look,一个是这个场景让我恶心,一个是样子让我恶心,两个都通顺的,可还是错唉。
10. look 不这样用
I am afraid that there is no (position/room) for you in my car, because there are already five people.这句我当然选position,想不明白为什么答案是room,车里怎么会是房间,应该是position位置才对
11. 没法子,老外就这么用!
(What fun/what a fun) it is to go swimming on on such a hot day。我记得what a 和how是感叹词开头,可是我选what a fun错了
12. fun 不可数名词
Heavy trucks which run day and night are doing damage to our houses and shop of historical (scene/interest)我选的是scene错了唉,怎么想都不可能是历史的兴趣。
13. interest--重要性; 影响 如:Are there any places of historical interest here?
Last nigt the president made a speech on TV to the (country/nation)这里也是。Country和nation都有国家的意思,可是为什么选country错了
14. nation 主要意指人民
(The evens/The evenses) will make a trip to China during the summer holidays.其实我压根看不懂evens什么意思但是我觉得evenses看起来好奇怪就选了evens,可是还是错了
15. 查不到evenses,看句子应该指“...一家人”,不过你也没大写呀?
I'd like you to meet David's a (dark,tall and handsome/tall, handsome and dark) cowboy.这里不知道为什么错了
16. 名词前有好几个形容词时顺序是:参看http://edu.qq.com/a/20111012/000238.htm
The young student is (a success/success) as a writer.It's ( a surprise/ surprise) to all his teachers.我选的是a success因为我觉得名词应该都要有限定才行,后来发现错了以后觉得可能抽象名词不用限定,可是suprise也是抽象名词吧?可是我选a suprise对了哦。这是怎么回事。
17. success--成功者 It's a surprise to.../ It's surprsing to... 。surprise--令人吃惊的事
Many old houses are being pulled down to make (space/area) for the apartment buildings. 其实我搞不懂space和area的区别,两个都有地区的意思但是选space错了

Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying makes any (sence/excuse) 我选excuse错了,不明白为什么
19. make sense--讲得通,有意义 excuse--借口,理由

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