The nth Catalan number is equal to the number of binary trees on n vertices, of lattice paths from (0, 0) to (2n, 0) with
steps (1, 1) and (1,−1) that stay above the y-axis (Dyck paths), and of many other objects
If b :N → Z is a function and {bi}=b(i) is the corresponding sequence, we weight a vertex of a binary tree T by bi, where i is the number of left edges on the unique path from the vertex to the root of the tree, and we define the weight w(T ) of the tree to be the product of the weights of its vertices.
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steps (1, 1) and (1,−1) that stay above the y-axis (Dyck paths), and of many other objects
If b :N → Z is a function and {bi}=b(i) is the corresponding sequence, we weight a vertex of a binary tree T by bi, where i is the number of left edges on the unique path from the vertex to the root of the tree, and we define the weight w(T ) of the tree to be the product of the weights of its vertices.
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