急求高手翻译成英文,不要机器翻译。 10
2.交际测试的实施需要具备一定条件,各级教育主管部门 应组织专门的队伍进行交际测试试卷的设计、抽样试测和分析。
3.培训合格的考官,考官必须对所测量的语言能力有一致 的看法,对评分标准有一致理解,且对评分标准的掌握始终保持一致。
交际法的引入丰富了我国的外语教学理论与实践,改变了 人们对外语教学的看法,加深了对外语教学的认识。对于交际 语言测试,近年来我国测试界也作了一些有益的探索,开发了 一些以交际测试理论为指导的测试,如全国公共英语等级考试 (PETS)和大学英语四、六级口试(CET—SET)等等。然而,交际 测试的理论和实践还有待于进一步完善,特别是交际测试的命 题、评判标准的科学性和有效性等问题尚未得到很好的解决。 我国的广大外语工作者应投身于外语测试法的改革当中,从我国外语测试的实际出发,借鉴和发展交际测试理论,找出一种适合我国国情的交际语言测试模式。 展开
2.交际测试的实施需要具备一定条件,各级教育主管部门 应组织专门的队伍进行交际测试试卷的设计、抽样试测和分析。
3.培训合格的考官,考官必须对所测量的语言能力有一致 的看法,对评分标准有一致理解,且对评分标准的掌握始终保持一致。
交际法的引入丰富了我国的外语教学理论与实践,改变了 人们对外语教学的看法,加深了对外语教学的认识。对于交际 语言测试,近年来我国测试界也作了一些有益的探索,开发了 一些以交际测试理论为指导的测试,如全国公共英语等级考试 (PETS)和大学英语四、六级口试(CET—SET)等等。然而,交际 测试的理论和实践还有待于进一步完善,特别是交际测试的命 题、评判标准的科学性和有效性等问题尚未得到很好的解决。 我国的广大外语工作者应投身于外语测试法的改革当中,从我国外语测试的实际出发,借鉴和发展交际测试理论,找出一种适合我国国情的交际语言测试模式。 展开
嘿嘿1. Modify syllabus, explicitly pointed out that implementing the necessity and urgency of communicative test. 2. Communication test implementation need to satisfy certain conditions, all levels of education departments should organize special team communication test paper design, sampling test and analysis. 3. Training qualified examiners, the examiner must be measured language ability to have the same view on the score standard have understandings, and to score standard master always consistent. The introduction of the communicative approach is rich in China's foreign language teaching theory and practice, changed people for the teaching of foreign language view, deepening the understanding of the foreign language teaching. For communicative language testing, in recent years our country testing boundary also made some beneficial exploration, development some to communication test theory as the guide of the test, such as the national public English grade exam (PETS) and the university English four, six levels of oral test (CET - SET), etc. However, communication test theory and practice remains to be further perfect, especially communicative test life topic, the evaluation standard of the scientific nature and effectiveness of problem has not been very good solve. China's vast foreign language workers should be involved in foreign language test method of reform, from the reality of China's foreign language test, reference and develop their communicative test theory, find a suitable for China's national conditions of communicative language testing mode O
1. Modify syllabus, explicitly pointed out that implementing the necessity and urgency of communicative test.
2. Communication test implementation need to satisfy certain conditions, all levels of education departments should organize special team communication test paper design, sampling test and analysis.
3. Training qualified examiners, the examiner must be measured language ability to have the same view on the score standard have understandings, and to score standard master always consistent.
The introduction of the communicative approach is rich in China's foreign language teaching theory and practice, changed people for the teaching of foreign language view, deepening the understanding of the foreign language teaching.
For communicative language testing, in recent years our country testing boundary also made some beneficial exploration, development some to communication test theory as the guide of the test, such as the national public English grade exam (PETS) and the university English four, six levels of oral test (CET - SET), etc.
However, communication test theory and practice remains to be further perfect, especially communicative test life topic, the evaluation standard of the scientific nature and effectiveness of problem has not been very good solve.
China's vast foreign language workers should be involved in foreign language test method of reform, from the reality of China's foreign language test, reference and develop their communicative test theory, find a suitable for China's national conditions of communicative language testing mode.
2. Communication test implementation need to satisfy certain conditions, all levels of education departments should organize special team communication test paper design, sampling test and analysis.
3. Training qualified examiners, the examiner must be measured language ability to have the same view on the score standard have understandings, and to score standard master always consistent.
The introduction of the communicative approach is rich in China's foreign language teaching theory and practice, changed people for the teaching of foreign language view, deepening the understanding of the foreign language teaching.
For communicative language testing, in recent years our country testing boundary also made some beneficial exploration, development some to communication test theory as the guide of the test, such as the national public English grade exam (PETS) and the university English four, six levels of oral test (CET - SET), etc.
However, communication test theory and practice remains to be further perfect, especially communicative test life topic, the evaluation standard of the scientific nature and effectiveness of problem has not been very good solve.
China's vast foreign language workers should be involved in foreign language test method of reform, from the reality of China's foreign language test, reference and develop their communicative test theory, find a suitable for China's national conditions of communicative language testing mode.