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大家经历过无电的时代吗?相信在座的很多朋友没有经历过。我倒是在无电的时代生活了很多年,那还是我很小的时候,刚上一年级,那时候我们村子还没有通电,每当夜幕降临,却看不到万家... 大家经历过无电的时代吗?相信在座的很多朋友没有经历过。我倒是在无电的时代生活了很多年,那还是我很小的时候,刚上一年级,那时候我们村子还没有通电,每当夜幕降临,却看不到万家灯火的夜景,只有那微亮的光束萦绕在这个寂静的村庄,我趴在蜡烛下面写作业,那如同萤火虫般的亮光暗淡却又弥足珍贵,照亮了那个年代人们的生活。后来党的政策越来越好了,农村实施了“农网改造”后,油灯照明的艰苦岁月已成为尘封的往事,但那时的电能质量很差,一旦停电,有时候可以停上一个星期,我们的生活又被重新拉回了黑暗。岁月如歌,经过几代电力人的不懈努力与艰苦奋斗,电能质量有了翻天覆地的变化。
一个人力量是微不足道的,与其诅咒黑暗不如点支蜡烛。 这,忠诚的电力之子,这,就是供电人铮铮铁骨下的寸寸柔情!是他们舍小家顾大家,为企业的兴旺发达,为国家的繁荣昌盛,为那万家灯火尽阑珊倾尽的一腔热血!
 我来答
2012-08-26 · TA获得超过280个赞
We had no power era?Trust all of many of my friends have never experienced.I am in no electric era lived many years, when I was a little boy, just on the first grade, when our village is no electricity, when night fell, but fail to see the night view of lamps and candles of a myriad families, only the light beam haunt in the quiet village, I lie on the candle following the write operations, like fireflies light dim but precious, illuminates the people's life.Later, the policy of the party is getting better and better, the country implemented "farming net to transform" after the hard years, lamp lighting has become the dust-laden past, but when the power quality is poor, when there is a power failure, sometimes can stop the last week, our life is back to the dark.Like a song, after several generations of power of the unremitting efforts and work hard and perseveringly, electric energy quality is changed turn the world upside down.

We in Shangluo Power Supply Bureau, so an electrician, he is rather Qishui, doing ordinary cannot ordinary things, but so many people to read.He not only perennial trouble in remote mountains, natural condition is difficult, for meter reading, tariff collection, for a mountainous area people repair electrical lines.And a month in a shoulder panniers for frail older people to pick some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other necessities of life.In 15 years, with a sincere heart and strong will, months and years pass by. Deep in the mountains silently interpretation of ordinary life.Cumulative foot more than 8 kilometers, worn sandals without counting, free of charge for mountain masses incidentally supplies to use digital statistics.Let the masses in the mountains a few years like a day feel "ionization without him, life is inseparable from his", he used his tenacity and perseverance for these in the mountains gully villagers lit in good faith with the hope of love, but he is unknown to the public, plain, ordinary, simple and true.Yet it is this simple and good, very naturally to him sincerely produce respect.

A personal strength is not worth mentioning, better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.This, loyal power, this power, is firm and unyielding character of inch tenderness!They are small family homes we lab, for the enterprise's prosperity, for the country's thriving and prosperous, the lamps and candles of a myriad families do you do a cavity blood!

Say in the world the most glory occupation is a teacher, but in my opinion, power staff this occupation more brilliant extremely.Many people do not understand, do not understand the power of people silently behind the arduous sweat.When people rest sleep time, how many people know that we are worrying about something; when people holiday fun entertainment time, how many people know that we are busy doing; when the heavy snow ice disaster crazy overrun, they hide in the warm bed with, and how many people know what we do.

However, it is in the ice snow and rain resistance in the process of creating a power supply, the dedication and strong; they shaped our wills unite like a fortress., solidarity, the spirit of refuse to be cowed or submit.Difficult to stop power supply, the difficulty will only make the network become more and more better, more and more powerful.So, every power supply worker please put your sincere, quality service dedicated to each and every electricity customers, in the days and months multiplying the trivial and commonplace, in every little bit of passion and sincerity, we supply company image display more specific, vivid, let us smile, let we can service the depth of each user.

We had no power era? Trust all of many of my friends have never experienced. I am in no electric era lived many years, when I was a little boy, just on the first grade, when our village is no electricity, when night fell, but fail to see the night view of lamps and candles of a myriad families, only the light beam haunt in the quiet village, I lie on the candle following the write operations, like fireflies light dim but precious, illuminates the people's life. Later, the policy of the party is getting better and better, the country implemented " farming net to transform " after the hard years, lamp lighting has become the dust-laden past, but when the power quality is poor, when there is a power failure, sometimes can stop the last week, our life is back to the dark. Like a song, after several generations of power of the unremitting efforts and work hard and perseveringly, electric energy quality is changed turn the world upside down.
We in Shangluo Power Supply Bureau, so an electrician, he is rather Qishui, doing ordinary cannot ordinary things, but so many people to read. He not only perennial trouble in remote mountains, natural condition is difficult, for meter reading, tariff collection, for a mountainous area people repair electrical lines. And a month in a shoulder panniers for frail older people to pick some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other necessities of life. In 15 years, with a sincere heart and strong will, months and years pass by. Deep in the mountains silently interpretation of ordinary life. Cumulative foot more than 8 kilometers, worn sandals without counting, free of charge for mountain masses incidentally supplies to use digital statistics. Let the masses in the mountains a few years like a day feel " ionization without him, life is inseparable from his ", he used his tenacity and perseverance for these in the mountains gully villagers lit in good faith with the hope of love, but he is unknown to the public, plain, ordinary, simple and true. Yet it is this simple and good, very naturally to him sincerely produce respect.
A personal strength is not worth mentioning, better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. This, loyal power, this power, is firm and unyielding character of inch tenderness! They are small family homes we lab, for the enterprise's prosperity, for the country's thriving and prosperous, the lamps and candles of a myriad families do you do a cavity blood!
Say in the world the most glory occupation is a teacher, but in my opinion, power staff this occupation more brilliant extremely. Many people do not understand, do not understand the power of people silently behind the arduous sweat. When people rest sleep time, how many people know that we are worrying about something; when people holiday fun entertainment time, how many people know that we are busy doing; when the heavy snow ice disaster crazy overrun, they hide in the warm bed with, and how many people know what we do.
However, it is in the ice snow and rain resistance in the process of creating a power supply, the dedication and strong; they shaped our wills unite like a fortress., solidarity, the spirit of refuse to be cowed or submit. Difficult to stop power supply, the difficulty will only make the network become more and more better, more and more powerful. So, every power supply worker please put your sincere, quality service dedicated to each and every electricity customers, in the days and months multiplying the trivial and commonplace, in every little bit of passion and sincerity, we supply company image display more specific, vivid, let us smile, let we can service the depth of each user.
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