Boeren Leidenkaas: comes from Holland. It is a traditional, farmhouse, hard cheese made from cow's milk. Its orangy-red rind is imprinted with the famous crossed-keys of the city of Leyden. The fat content is 40%.
Dutch Mimolette(Commissiekaas):This cheese looks like giant orange with rough, pitted skin. It is creamery, hard cheese made from cow's milk and it is actually a matured Edam colored with carrot juice. After five months the cheese is firm, slightly oily, with a fruity aroma and nutty flavor. When aged the color darkens to deep orange, the texture becomes hard, granular and brittle. It is fruity with a hint of orange zest. This cheese ripens in six to twelve months.
Edam:This is a pressed, semi-hard to hard cheese, made from cow's milk. It comes in a shape of ball covered with distinctive red wax. Edam is produced from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. It is usually consumed young, when the texture is elastic and supple and the flavor is smooth, sweet and nutty. Black-wax coating means that Edam has been matured for at least 17 weeks. The cheese tastes delicious with a glass of Pinot Noir.
Friesekaas:The round-shaped creamery, hard cheese flavored with a combination of cumin and cloves. This cheese is made from cow's milk and has a natural, waxed rind. It ripens in three to twelve months.
Friesian:Spiced cheese from Friesland, a northern province of Holland. It has a hard rind and a firm texture. There are two versions: one with whole cow's milk and the other one with skim milk. This kind of cheese is very similar to Leyden. Also known as Friesian or Frisia. The cheese has a fat content according to the milk from which it is made. Whole-milk version has a fat content of about 40 per cent, while skim-milk version is maximum 20 per cent.
Gouda:Named after the Dutch town of Gouda, just outside Rotterdam. It accounts for more than 60% of the cheese produced in Holland and it has a very long history. Gouda is a traditional, creamery, hard cheese. It is round with very smooth, yellow, waxed rind. The flavor is sweet and fruity. As time passes, the taste intensifies and becomes more complex. Mature Gouda (18 months plus) is coated in black wax which provides a stark contrast to the deep yellow interior. Gouda is considered to be one of the world's great cheeses. It is both a table cheese and a dessert cheese, excellent with fruit and wine. Gouda is now made globally in a style similar to the creation of Edam.
Kernhem:This Dutch cheese is ripened for thirty days in cold, damp rooms. Kernhem is very soft and supple, with a mild taste.
Leerdammer:Boulder-shaped, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. This cheese is one of the best-known brand names for Maasdam.
Leyden:Traditional, farmhouse, hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is a boulder-shaped cheese with brushed, natural rind which is either rubbed with annatto or "painted" with red plastic. The curd is colored with annatto and mixed with cumin seeds before being pressed and washed in brine. The cumin provides an aromatic flavor that contrasts well with the creamy, nutty character of the cheese. The cheese is quite similar to Gouda but is more drier. It is named after the Dutch city of Leiden. Leyden is made by heating milk to 82 - 86 degrees F, then curdling with liquid rennet. The curd is cut into small pieces and heated to 95 - 98 degrees F. The spices are added and then the cheeses are drained of remaining whey then pressed. Leyden is cured in cellars or curing rooms. Sometimes this cheese is called Komijnekaas.
Maasdam:Modern, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is boulder-shaped cheese. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. The cheese was created in the early 1990's as an alternative to more expensive Swiss cheese Emmental. Although there are similarities with Emmental, it is higher in moisture and therefore, more supple. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses, being ready in four to 12 weeks. The flavor is sweet and buttery, with a fruity background, making it ideal for serving as a snack or breakfast cheese. It can also be grilled.
Smoked Gouda:Smoked slowly in ancient, brick ovens over smoldering hickory chip embers, this sausage shaped cheese is perfect for impromptu picnics party platters or midnight snacks. Sensational with beer, this hard cheese has an edible, brown rind and a creamy, yellow interior.
Dutch Mimolette(Commissiekaas):This cheese looks like giant orange with rough, pitted skin. It is creamery, hard cheese made from cow's milk and it is actually a matured Edam colored with carrot juice. After five months the cheese is firm, slightly oily, with a fruity aroma and nutty flavor. When aged the color darkens to deep orange, the texture becomes hard, granular and brittle. It is fruity with a hint of orange zest. This cheese ripens in six to twelve months.
Edam:This is a pressed, semi-hard to hard cheese, made from cow's milk. It comes in a shape of ball covered with distinctive red wax. Edam is produced from skimmed or semi-skimmed milk. It is usually consumed young, when the texture is elastic and supple and the flavor is smooth, sweet and nutty. Black-wax coating means that Edam has been matured for at least 17 weeks. The cheese tastes delicious with a glass of Pinot Noir.
Friesekaas:The round-shaped creamery, hard cheese flavored with a combination of cumin and cloves. This cheese is made from cow's milk and has a natural, waxed rind. It ripens in three to twelve months.
Friesian:Spiced cheese from Friesland, a northern province of Holland. It has a hard rind and a firm texture. There are two versions: one with whole cow's milk and the other one with skim milk. This kind of cheese is very similar to Leyden. Also known as Friesian or Frisia. The cheese has a fat content according to the milk from which it is made. Whole-milk version has a fat content of about 40 per cent, while skim-milk version is maximum 20 per cent.
Gouda:Named after the Dutch town of Gouda, just outside Rotterdam. It accounts for more than 60% of the cheese produced in Holland and it has a very long history. Gouda is a traditional, creamery, hard cheese. It is round with very smooth, yellow, waxed rind. The flavor is sweet and fruity. As time passes, the taste intensifies and becomes more complex. Mature Gouda (18 months plus) is coated in black wax which provides a stark contrast to the deep yellow interior. Gouda is considered to be one of the world's great cheeses. It is both a table cheese and a dessert cheese, excellent with fruit and wine. Gouda is now made globally in a style similar to the creation of Edam.
Kernhem:This Dutch cheese is ripened for thirty days in cold, damp rooms. Kernhem is very soft and supple, with a mild taste.
Leerdammer:Boulder-shaped, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. This cheese is one of the best-known brand names for Maasdam.
Leyden:Traditional, farmhouse, hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is a boulder-shaped cheese with brushed, natural rind which is either rubbed with annatto or "painted" with red plastic. The curd is colored with annatto and mixed with cumin seeds before being pressed and washed in brine. The cumin provides an aromatic flavor that contrasts well with the creamy, nutty character of the cheese. The cheese is quite similar to Gouda but is more drier. It is named after the Dutch city of Leiden. Leyden is made by heating milk to 82 - 86 degrees F, then curdling with liquid rennet. The curd is cut into small pieces and heated to 95 - 98 degrees F. The spices are added and then the cheeses are drained of remaining whey then pressed. Leyden is cured in cellars or curing rooms. Sometimes this cheese is called Komijnekaas.
Maasdam:Modern, creamery, semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It is boulder-shaped cheese. The smooth, natural rind is polished and may be waxed. The cheese was created in the early 1990's as an alternative to more expensive Swiss cheese Emmental. Although there are similarities with Emmental, it is higher in moisture and therefore, more supple. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses, being ready in four to 12 weeks. The flavor is sweet and buttery, with a fruity background, making it ideal for serving as a snack or breakfast cheese. It can also be grilled.
Smoked Gouda:Smoked slowly in ancient, brick ovens over smoldering hickory chip embers, this sausage shaped cheese is perfect for impromptu picnics party platters or midnight snacks. Sensational with beer, this hard cheese has an edible, brown rind and a creamy, yellow interior.
荷兰奶酪最具代表性、最有名的,就是如同车轮般大小的黄波奶酪(Gouda),黄波奶酪占荷兰总奶酪产量的50% 以上,它外表特征就像个黄色的大车轮,表面覆有一层标明口味的薄蜡,乳味比较浓重也最受欢迎。红波奶酪(EDAM)是世界上唯一保持完美球形的奶酪,是荷兰各类奶酪中第二重要的产品,占荷兰奶酪总产量的27%。黄波奶酪与红波奶酪均属原味奶酪,其营养和口味均属上乘。Gouda与EDAM取自于荷兰两个城市的名字,可见黄波与红波在荷兰的重要性
荷兰奶酪最具代表性、最有名的,就是如同车轮般大小的黄波奶酪(Gouda),黄波奶酪占荷兰总奶酪产量的50% 以上,它外表特征就像个黄色的大车轮,表面覆有一层标明口味的薄蜡,乳味比较浓重也最受欢迎。红波奶酪(EDAM)是世界上唯一保持完美球形的奶酪,是荷兰各类奶酪中第二重要的产品,占荷兰奶酪总产量的27%。黄波奶酪与红波奶酪均属原味奶酪,其营养和口味均属上乘。Gouda与EDAM取自于荷兰两个城市的名字,可见黄波与红波在荷兰的重要性