HSP Huygens 奖学金
请问要申请荷兰的HSP Huygens奖学金需要满足什么要求?我现在在乌克兰学习,希望能够转学到荷兰,最好是能够拿到奖学金,在网上查了一下,发现只有HSP Huygens奖学金比较合适,但是却不知道有什么要求,希望各位学长学姐指点一下,谢谢!~~~
请问步骤应该是怎么样的?是先申请学校还是先考IELTS?而且奖学金通知的时间是什么时候?从乌克兰到那边需不需要学分转换?是否可以不用降级?具体的学校申请步骤是什么样的?谢谢 展开
请问步骤应该是怎么样的?是先申请学校还是先考IELTS?而且奖学金通知的时间是什么时候?从乌克兰到那边需不需要学分转换?是否可以不用降级?具体的学校申请步骤是什么样的?谢谢 展开
以下是HSP的申请条件,其实最重要一条就是成绩要够好,Top 10%,有成绩好说话,没成绩申请不了:
Requirements for eligibility
If you want to take part in the HSP Huygens programme, you must meet the following requirements:
You are an excellent student: you have obtained excellent results in all your previous studies and you are in the top 10% of students in your study or research programme
You must have already attended a programme of education (e.g. high school or above) in your home country
The Dutch study programme should be on the CROHO list.
Your study in the Netherlands should be in the final phase of your bachelor’s studies, or during your master’s studies, and must be used primarily to earn a degree at the Dutch
At the start of the second semester (1 January) in which you study in the Netherlands, you must be no older than 35 years of age.
You are now studying abroad and you want to start studying in the Netherlands in the
second semester (January-February) of the 2007-2008 academic year; or
You are already studying in the Netherlands and you want to continue studying in the
Netherlands in the second semester(January-February) of the 2007-2008 academic year.
Scholarships are only awarded for studies lasting at least 6 months, but no longer than 24 months.
Your studies/research in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of your previous studies in your home country.
You must be proficient in the language of instruction of your chosen study or research
If you are already a graduate, you must have graduated less than two years ago.
是先申请到了学校再申请这个奖学金了,奖学金申请步骤主页上有。申请学校时,你可以先提供雅思,也可以后提供,因为一般大学都是给你一个conditional offer,有条件的预先录取,要你达到上面的条件后才正式收你,如果你申请学校时没雅思,在那offer上就会有写,如果申请时就已经给了而且达标了,那offer上可能就只剩要求你毕业成绩是如何来作为条件。
Requirements for eligibility
If you want to take part in the HSP Huygens programme, you must meet the following requirements:
You are an excellent student: you have obtained excellent results in all your previous studies and you are in the top 10% of students in your study or research programme
You must have already attended a programme of education (e.g. high school or above) in your home country
The Dutch study programme should be on the CROHO list.
Your study in the Netherlands should be in the final phase of your bachelor’s studies, or during your master’s studies, and must be used primarily to earn a degree at the Dutch
At the start of the second semester (1 January) in which you study in the Netherlands, you must be no older than 35 years of age.
You are now studying abroad and you want to start studying in the Netherlands in the
second semester (January-February) of the 2007-2008 academic year; or
You are already studying in the Netherlands and you want to continue studying in the
Netherlands in the second semester(January-February) of the 2007-2008 academic year.
Scholarships are only awarded for studies lasting at least 6 months, but no longer than 24 months.
Your studies/research in the Netherlands must constitute a deepening and broadening of your previous studies in your home country.
You must be proficient in the language of instruction of your chosen study or research
If you are already a graduate, you must have graduated less than two years ago.
是先申请到了学校再申请这个奖学金了,奖学金申请步骤主页上有。申请学校时,你可以先提供雅思,也可以后提供,因为一般大学都是给你一个conditional offer,有条件的预先录取,要你达到上面的条件后才正式收你,如果你申请学校时没雅思,在那offer上就会有写,如果申请时就已经给了而且达标了,那offer上可能就只剩要求你毕业成绩是如何来作为条件。
2024-02-20 广告
2024-02-20 广告