
战争,于我们似乎是很遥远很陌生了。然而,研究海明威及其作品,使我们的目光不得不聚焦于这两个字眼。作为“迷惘的一代”文学的命名者和代表作家,海明威指出战争摧毁了人的幸福,记... 战争,于我们似乎是很遥远很陌生了。然而,研究海明威及其作品,使我们的目光不得不聚焦于这两个字眼。作为“迷惘的一代”文学的命名者和代表作家,海明威指出战争摧毁了人的幸福,记录下了这一代人的无奈、悲观和绝望;同时,海明威还用手中之笔,勾勒出了一幅波澜壮阔的同仇敌忾地抗击法西斯匪帮的历史画面,奏出了一支人类兄弟情谊的赞歌。不可否认,海明威的作品时至今日仍有着超时代的价值,可以说,海明威是20世纪描写战争最出色的作家之一。

2008-02-29 · 超过16用户采纳过TA的回答
War, it seems that we are very unfamiliar with the very remote. However, the study Hemingway and his works, so that our eyes have to focus on these two words. As a "lost generation" Literature and the naming of representatives of writers, Ernest Hemingway noted that the war destroyed the happiness of the people, a record of this generation's frustration, pessimism and despair at the same time, also by the hands of Hemingway's pen draws a magnificent fascist enemy in the fight against gangs pictures of the past to play a one paean to the brotherhood of mankind. It is undeniable that Hemingway's works are now in the era of super value, it can be said, Hemingway's war of the 20th century describes one of the most outstanding authors.
The indictment of war, Hemingway did not stop in the war-weariness of the description, but to the sharp strokes, becoming even more deeply exposed the war on psychological and spiritual destruction
GE flexor Lourdes • Stein told Hemingway said: "You are the Lost Generation." This is not a war about the war novels, is the loss of one of the novels, a man's desires, a person's love and life loss. In the pessimistic figures, doubt, desperation. They volunteer to join the military, in war, they are the physical and mental trauma suffered irreversible. They suspect everything, all disgusted, scorned rhetoric, offensive sense, traditional values almost negate everything that life darkness everywhere filled with injustice and violence

World War I was a product of imperialist system. Imperialist countries on the territory split from the world, creating a divide colonies and spheres of influence frenzy. Hemingway's youngest war it is impossible to see the real, he was surrounded in the war on the lap attracted by dazzling ring. Like "A Farewell to Arms" like Henry, he infatuated with the war than anyone else: like the myth of the same people fascinated, exciting, people can not breathe, but it is a shortcut to getting rich or soaring……
"A Farewell to Arms" is an autobiographical novel of a strong color, through words, it is conceivable that at this time of Hemingway, "is a pressing need to observe the war, the war experience, and the closer the better from the war." He, as the American Red Cross field ambulance unit of a fourth team member, happily Ben on the battlefield. In the Second World War, he recalled: "I took part in the last war marvellous until particularly foolish, I remember that at that time I thought that we主队, Austrians are客队it." 1, however, the war has also brought him what? 1918 , August 18, Hemingway's home to the letter, he said: "I…… injured in the acetabulum 270 artillery shells, and how the pain was not only my legs feel like wearing rubber boots filled with water. Irrigation water is. two knee very uncomfortable. machine-gun bullets, as in many frozen snowball smashed in my legs. "physical trauma, he added the problems were: insomnia. Perhaps that is injured at the shining in the dark, shiny later attributed to the shock caused by the darkness, so that Hemingway's in the dark sleepless. In a letter to a friend, he said: "I feel that my soul and what other left my body, from his pocket like a corner out of a silk handkerchief in general. Four Piaoqu it, and then come back, and return to the in vivo , I was no longer the dead. "
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