英语作文 the career iwant to be

2006-03-11 · TA获得超过4.4万个赞
The story doesn’t begin with “a long, long time ago”.

It was only recently that I realized what my “real” career would be. I have dreamed of becoming a scientist, a teacher, an ice cream vendor, and all sorts of different people when I was a kid. However, I knew these dreams would not become true the day I was determined to become an entrepreneur.

Yes, an entrepreneur, maybe not so big and established, but small and successful. And why I wanted to be an entrepreneur?

I have been holding part-time media jobs since I was in high school in China. This media experience takes me to the world that is called “business”. Being a part-time journalist for the Beijing Youth Daily and the Middle School Times in China and a part-time special New York correspondent for the Global Times (a newspaper in China), I have interviewed some entrepreneurs. Every successful entrepreneur has a million stories to tell. Every story of success demonstrates an entrepreneur’s in-depth knowledge in business, quick response to the ever-changing marketplace, and confidence in his/her own ability to succeed. It was simply fascinating to just hear these stories.

However, besides writing down these entrepreneurs’ successes, I kept asking myself one question: can I become one of them? This one little question has awakened the “business” side of myself.

Running a business is not easy. What’s the first thing? You have to know what you are going to run. Living in New York, I have had quite a few inspirations by observing this world’s financial and business center. I often said to myself, “oh, this thing’s gonna be a hit if I can bring it to the public,” or, “this service’s so cool, and the best part is that no one has even thought about it!” These daydreams were soon hit by the reality: how can I manage to present something to the public?

That was why I chose marketing as my undergraduate major. I believe that marketing, more than accounting and management, is something that you need to be trained with. Accounting folks are almost always good at math, and management people almost always have ambition and leadership in their hearts. As for marketing, you may be creative, but creativity may be largely found only one part of marketing that is called “advertising and promotion”. There are a lot more to learn. As a marketing major, I was exposed to the internationally accepted marketing concepts, such as the four P’s (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), as well as the American way of doing marketing, such as strict rules on bribery when it comes to promotion and other business activities.

However, besides marketing classes, other business classes are just as important as marketing courses. The functional areas of business are integrated. And I know a successful businessperson may be specialized in one of these areas, but he/she will also know about how other areas are functioned. So I took some accounting, finance, and management classes to build myself as a businessperson, but not only a marketer.

My undergraduate marketing classes went so smoothly that I began to think maybe I would become a good entrepreneur after I graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Marketing. Well, I was partially wrong. Right now I am taking the undergraduate capstone class and having a team of three people to run a business in a simulated game. I can read the financial reports, calculate ratios, and utilize the results in the decision-making and management of the business. However, when it comes to more complicated financial problems, I have to look up my big, thick finance book and find the solutions. This makes me think about the real world. In the real, fast-paced business environment, no one will allow you to look up your old college books and find a solution to a serious problem because by the time you finished reading, your whole business might be gone.

Then I put in some serious thoughts into my pursuit of career goal. I don’t want to become just a marketer. I want to become an entrepreneur. And a successful entrepreneur needs to know everything of all the functional areas of business. Of course books and real-life experience may help me to succeed, but I don’t believe these can show me a prosperous business as fast as does learning on campus. Systematical learning in business, especially in finance, will help me make better decisions later in my career. So a Master’s degree in finance area is a must on my way to success.

Now the story of me becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t end here because I know that after getting my Master’s degree in finance area, I will be ready.
2006-03-11 · TA获得超过11.3万个赞
我看你的作文用这个题目不错.My Ideal
My Ideal

An ideal is an important coordinate for a" person to realize his or her value of life. Almost everyone has a beautiful ideal.

During my childhood, I found in movies the PLA men were always so brave and elevated that I even wanted to be a general like Li Zhen, who was the first woman general in China. But my short-sighted eyes broke my dream. Then, I wanted to be a per-son who could influence the evolution of the world like Madame Curie, Indira Gandi and so on. Unfortunately I am still a small potato by now. I have to think of other ways to be successful— another ideal. Now, I have decided to be a teacher. As I can't be famous myself, I will help others be; I will give others abilities to propel the society forward.

Many people think that to be a teacher means only devoting. Teachers are always linked to the candle, which will keep burning until the end of the life leaving only tears. I think this figure of speech is too sad and dreary. In my opinion, if you are a teacher, you will have an immortal soul because when your students listen to your lectures, they will be impressed with the feature of your personality and mentality of your mind gradually. If one of your students once turns somebody and does an earth-shaking feat, you are safe to say it's your success as a teacher.

Sokrates said, "The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal." To realize my ideal, I should make a good plan. First, the most important thing for me to do today is to study as hard as I can so that I can get much knowledge. If I want to help my stu-dents to be intellectual, I myself must be wise and learned. Sec-ond, I need to go to a good normal university where I can be taught how to teach and I can gain the knowledge of psychology. As a teacher, I will be patient, kind-hearted and lively. I will love them as my brothers and sisters, give them not only love but also respect. I won't spoon-feed students. Instead, I will give them a strong desire to learn and the ability of analyzing. Besides, I will help them build self-confidence and form indomitable will, which will help them face difficulties and setbacks in the future.

If I can get the fortunate opportunity to be a teacher, I am sure that you will see my students become famous very soon. At that time, I will be happier than when I myself become famous because I agree that to give is better than to receive.

I do believe that a teacher is the brightest job under the sun.
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