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辞藻可以华丽一些我的作文我只能用中文写能力有限啊想找一篇范文背的谢谢高手赐教!中文如下:我对兼职的看法大学生兼职是近年来出现的一种优缺并举的社会现象。首先,对于其优点,从... 辞藻可以华丽一些 我的作文 我只能用中文写 能力有限啊 想找一篇范文 背的 谢谢 高手赐教!中文如下:
在我看来,只要大学生能理解挣钱与学习的关系,可以在业余时间里适当 的做些较为 正规的兼职工作!
 我来答
2008-03-06 · TA获得超过255个赞
My part-time view
Part-time college students is a priority in recent years missing both social phenomenon.
First of all, regarding its merits, from a personal point of view, is a part-time training themselves, pioneering vision, a good opportunity to gain more knowledge, on the other hand, can to some extent alleviate the financial pressure on parents, from a social perspective, as college students and a method of social communication, the part-time university students increased social image!
Secondly, for its shortcomings, from a personal point of view delay learn, and the possibility of contracting the unhealthy practice in society, from a social perspective of the scale of part-time college students is the expansion of certain industries showing a full-time staff positions will not be divisive trends, manufacturers use cheap students workers, reduce business costs, an increase in social partial unemployment, and to some extent caused social crime, such as pyramid schemes and other networks, more familiar with the network spare time in the case of college students is not a small temptation, and a more use of intermediary agencies for fees, training fees against the legitimate rights and interests of college students!
In my opinion, as long as students can understand the relationship between earning money and learning can be appropriate in their spare time, do the more formal part-time work!

参考资料: http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=zh|en

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2008-03-06 · TA获得超过134个赞
I have a part-time view
Part-time college students is a priority in recent years missing both social phenomenon.
First of all, regarding its merits, from a personal point of view, is a part-time training themselves, pioneering vision, a good opportunity to gain more knowledge, on the other hand, can to some extent alleviate the financial pressure on parents, from a social perspective, as college students and a method of social communication, the part-time university students increased social image!
Secondly, for its shortcomings, from a personal point of view delay learn, and the possibility of contracting the unhealthy practice in society, from a social perspective of the scale of part-time college students is the expansion of certain industries showing a full-time staff positions will not be divisive trends, manufacturers use cheap students workers, reduce business costs, an increase in social partial unemployment, and to some extent caused social crime, such as pyramid schemes and other networks, more familiar with the network spare time in the case of college students is not a small temptation, and a more use of intermediary agencies for fees, training fees against the legitimate rights and interests of college students!
In my opinion, as long as students can understand the relationship between earning money and learning can be appropriate in their spare time, do the more formal part-time work!
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2008-03-06 · TA获得超过234个赞
Part-time college students is a priority in recent years missing both social phenomenon.
First of all, regarding its merits, from a personal point of view, is a part-time training themselves, pioneering vision, a good opportunity to gain more knowledge, on the other hand, can to some extent alleviate the financial pressure on parents, from a social perspective, as college students and a method of social communication, the part-time university students increased social image!
Secondly, for its shortcomings, from a personal point of view delay learn, and the possibility of contracting the unhealthy practice in society, from a social perspective of the scale of part-time college students is the expansion of certain industries showing a full-time staff positions will not be divisive trends, manufacturers use cheap students workers, reduce business costs, an increase in social partial unemployment, and to some extent caused social crime, such as pyramid schemes and other networks, more familiar with the network spare time in the case of college students is not a small temptation, and a more use of intermediary agencies for fees, training fees against the legitimate rights and interests of college students!
In my opinion, as long as students can understand the relationship between earning money and learning can be appropriate in their spare time, do the more formal part-time work!
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2008-03-06 · TA获得超过148个赞

As part-time job is concerned, such conception intergrated with college students has driven the public attitudes to stay in two totally different sides.

Taking its advantages presently, viewing from personal circumstances, part-time job appears to be a competitive stage, it widening your horizon, enlarge your cognition, and, to some degree, could be said as economical complementarity for your family. Simultaneously, as kinds of communication between campus and society, it might undoubtfully bring the college student sorts of upgrade in their social impression!

Nevertheless, analysis through aspects of personal and public directions, part-time job might get college students negative effection as well as enlarging employment on students, which may probably lead to the shrinkage of all-time employees or partially increase the unemployed percentage. These are defined as the soil of crimes like direct distribution, especially to students who have sufficient spare time and familiar with networks, direct distribution through internet perhaps to be extremely attractive. All these including intangibly charging requirements from those illegal intermedias or training centres are bringing harm to college students.

As in mind, part-time jobs are accessible when the relations between study and making money are suitablely tackled.
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